So Tiger Woods is in more trouble...and this time, it's from members of the Black community...lulz

Dec 3, 2007
My apologies if this is LATE...but found this interesting and mildly amusing...

By JESSE WASHINGTON, AP National Writer Jesse Washington, Ap National Writer - Sun Dec 6, 9:01 am ET

Amid all the headlines generated by Tiger Woods' troubles - the puzzling car accident, the suggestions of marital turmoil and multiple mistresses - little attention has been given to the race of the women linked with the world's greatest golfer. Except in the black community.

When three white women were said to be romantically involved with Woods in addition to his blonde, Swedish wife, blogs, airwaves and barbershops started humming, and Woods' already tenuous standing among many blacks took a beating.

On the nationally syndicated Tom Joyner radio show, Woods was the butt of jokes all week.

"Thankfully, Tiger, you didn't marry a black woman. Because if a sister caught you running around with a bunch of white hoochie-mamas," one parody suggests in song, she would have castrated him.

"The Grinch's Theme Song" didn't stop there: "The question everyone in America wants to ask you is, how many white women does one brother waaant?"

As one blogger, Robert Paul Reyes, wrote: "If Tiger Woods had cheated on his gorgeous white wife with black women, the golfing great's accident would have been barely a blip in the blogosphere."

The darts reflect blacks' resistance to interracial romance. They also are a reflection of discomfort with a man who has smashed barriers in one of America's whitest sports and assumed the mantle of the world's most famous athlete, once worn by Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan.

But Woods has declined to identify himself as black, and famously chose the term "Cablinasian" (Caucasian, black, Indian and Asian) to describe the racial mixture he inherited from his African-American father and Thai mother.

This vexed some blacks, but it hasn't stopped them from claiming Woods as one of their own. Or from disapproving of his marriage to Elin Nordegren, despite blacks' historical fight against white racist opponents of mixed marriage.

On the one hand, Ebonie Johnson Cooper doesn't care that Tiger Woods' wife and alleged mistresses are white because Woods is "quote-unquote not really black."

"But at the same time we still see him as a black man with a white woman, and it makes a difference," said Johnson Cooper, a 26-year-old African-American from New York City. "There's just this preservation thing we have among one another. We like to see each other with each other."

Black women have long felt slighted by the tendency of famous black men to pair with white women, and many have a list of current transgressors at the ready.

"We've discussed this for years among black women," said Denene Millner, author of several books on black relationships. "Why is it when they get to this level ... they tend to go directly for the nearest blonde?"

This tendency may be more prominent due to a relative lack of interracial marriages among average blacks. Although a recent Pew poll showed that 94 percent of blacks say it's all right for blacks and whites to date, a study published this year in Sociological Quarterly showed that blacks are less likely to actually date outside their race than are other groups.

"There is a call for loyalty that is stronger in some ways than in other racial communities," said the author of the study, George Yancey, a sociology professor at the University of North Texas and author of the book "Just Don't Marry One."

The color of one's companion has long been a major measure of "blackness" - which is a big reason why the biracial Barack Obama was able to fend off early questions about his black authenticity.

"Had Barack had a white wife, I would have thought twice about voting for him," Johnson Cooper said.

So do Woods' women say something about the intensely private golfer's views on race?

"I would like to say no, but I think it garners a bit of a yes," Johnson Cooper said.

Carmen Van Kerckhove, founder of the race-meets-pop-culture blog Racialicious, said there have been frequent discussions on her site about the fine line between preference and fetish.

"Is there any difference between a white guy with a thing for blondes, and a non-white guy with a thing for blondes?" asked Van Kerckhove, who has a Chinese mother, a Belgian father and a husband born in America to parents from Benin.

She claims that Asians don't fully embrace Woods, either.

"There are two layers of suspicion toward him," Van Kerkhove said. "One toward the apparent pattern in the race of his partners, and the second in the way he sees himself. ... People have been giving him the side-eye for a while."

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]There's nothing wrong with wanting a mate who shares your culture, as long as it's for the right reasons[/color], the comedienne Sheryl Underwood said after unleashing a withering Woods monologue on Tom Joyner's radio show.

"Would we question when a Jewish person wants to marry other Jewish people?" she said in an interview. "It's not racist. It's not bigotry. It's cultural pride."

"The issue comes in when you choose something white because you think it's better," Underwood said. "And then you never date a black woman or a woman of color or you never sample the greatness of the international buffet of human beings. If you never do that, we got a problem."

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Cliff Notes:[/color]

Certain members of the A.A (black) community are pissed of at Tiger because of his apparent preference for white women--as evidenced by his wife and morenotably, the three women he had affairs with.

(IMO) The article implies that, this type of disapproval ultimately stems from the Black community's (but most notably, Black womens) unwillingness toembrace mixed race relationships, where one of the participants is black. This is, ironically, "despite blacks' historical fight against white racistopponents of mixed marriage".


I've always had mixed feelings about this "issue".

Why--because I'm all for being with the one you genuinely love, irrespective of racial identity. That said, I do--however--have a problem with those people(regardless of race) who seem to always find "attractive-negating" FAULTS within members of the opposite sex of their own race.

I have an issue with those people who REFUSE to see the beauty that is very much characteristic of their own race and instead, choose to glamorize andapotheosize those characteristics that are very much associated with certain racial populations. Ohh and relegating the "issue" to a matter of"preference" (
) is evidence of a weak mind and anunwillingness to find/search for the reasons behind why you think [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"members of this gender of this race"[/color] are better than [color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]"members of this gender from this other race"[/color]...of course, this isall imo...

As for Tiger, I can't "hate-on-him" because I don't know the guy well enough to say that he actively favors white women over Black, Asian, orHispanic women. I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt and just say that he is merely a product of those communities he has been brought in.

They just jealous

what if white dudes wanted a black chick...... they would say "yeah" if dude had bank

but they are wayy too picky so idk if what I said might be true
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

They just jealous

what if white dudes wanted a black chick...... they would say "yeah" if dude had bank

but they are wayy too picky so idk if what I said might be true

Maybe. But I mean, it has been said that Black women are very much against interracial dating (
) so even if you had a Black woman who was doing well for herself, do you thinkshe'd still mess with a white dude?


This guy Johnson Cooper is the reason for the electoral college. Him, and about half the other voters out there who vote for ridiculous reasons.
Funny I was just talking to someone the other day about how black women are so reluctant to date outside their race.
Originally Posted by I D0NT PASS

Funny I was just talking to someone the other day about how black women are so reluctant to date outside their race.
Not in NYC....They love da White

And Tiger likes white woman, he grew up in a majority white community, why is that surprising.

His sexual prefrences really have nothing do with anybody. If he likes white woman more power to him.
If you can't summarize in 6 words or's not post worthy.
Damn their overdoing this tiger wood thing...okay he cheated. Oh well. We make mistakes.

But, if he choose to cheat on 3 white women that's his choice. Maybe black women don't find him interesting.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by I D0NT PASS

Funny I was just talking to someone the other day about how black women are so reluctant to date outside their race.
Not in NYC....They love da White

And Tiger likes white woman, he grew up in a majority white community, why is that surprising.

His sexual prefrences really have nothing do with anybody. If he likes white woman more power to him.

if i get my hand on a bad snow bunny i'd be a happy man
Originally Posted by StonedFace

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by Lrrr

your cliff notes need cliff notes

My cliff notes span two sentences...


Looks like 6 paragraphs to me

My Cliff Notes start at: "Certain members of the A.A..." and conclude with "...white racist opponents of mixed marriage." So tell me again, how that looks or gets to anything near six paragraphs...

If you lack the attention span needed to read through two-three sentences, then your input in this thread is NOT needed, as input of such sorts would bestemming from the head of someone on the Pre-K level.

If I see a black woman with someone that's not black, it's cool with me. I never understood why they have a problem with black men dating outside theirrace. I remember when I was seeing this latin chick, these black girls came up to me and said I need to start dating my kind right there in front of her. Ialso recall, this girl confessing she had a crush on me, and when I told her who I was dating, she then proceeded to tell me she can't stand guys like mewho overlook black girls for other chicks. If anything it's more jealousy than anything.
Why can't more black females be like De Niro's wife and become attracted to another race?

I'm tired of getting the stone face from black girls because I date a different race.
And my aunt told me that if her son, my cousin, ever wanted to marry a girl of a different race, she wouldn't even go to the wedding.
That's just straight up cold-blooded though. I guess that stuck with him cause all he dates are black girls.
Originally Posted by Gello 201


This guy Johnson Cooper is the reason for the electoral college. Him, and about half the other voters out there who vote for ridiculous reasons.

Yea, that @%+# was stupid.

Who cares about any of this. Some people need to worry more about their own lives and less about other people.
I hope I never meet people like that in my life. I've only seen people on here complain about crap like this.
"Had Barack had a white wife, I would have thought twice about voting for him," Johnson Cooper said.
The black community needs to branch out and stop trying to stick to this idea that its taboo for blacks to date outside their race..
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