So some kid pissed on my foot in the bathroom stall

just the amount of detail that was put into this makes it funny
It seemed more like a book entry then a regular NT post.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by MECKS

What in the world


i like the story.


i think the story oof the guy getting seduced by a yoga trainer and seeing crash bandacoot after taking shrooms on a plane > this


you dont remember that thread? for the life of me i cannot find it.

it was hilarious. dude said he caught a charge because he attacked the passanger next to him on the plane. he then posted on NT and said he had a felony fordisrupting the flight.
i cant remember who posted it neither but it was hilarious

the title of the thread was something like "do not trust yoga instructors" Lol.

the story was impeccable
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Alright so I just got back from the Woodbridge Mall and watching Youth in revolt afterwards(good movie) but this happened earlier today, Im at the mall wandering right not really buying anything just floating around checking girls out and pretending I bagged one of them and wore her out in the backseat of my car, or at least hold her hand, but whatever
Walking with the swift charm of an angel while being approached by a modeling agency near the food court and they want to sign me, for once in my life a contract was offered to me but I declined to look like a badass, you gotta crack an egg to make an omelette.........patiently standing in line, waiting for my dotted icecream that Im sure will taste like the same @$%# it did last week, but Im buying it again, and I mean who stands in line doing nothing anyways? its the age of social interaction duh! quickly with the thumb of a sprinter Im flicking through messages that have been opened, last received 12/25/09-mom, so wrong but so right
So yea how I ended up on the public bathroom, stupid icecream almost rock bottomed my throat, since when was ice cream refreshing? think about it, it never was, all those hot summer days the icecream truck pulled up, icecream itself its all a myhtical illusion, ponzi scheme at best, you buy the icecream, your throat gets lex luthored, and you buy a soda, and thats what I did I purchased a soda, a fountain soda, where somewhere somehow employees muster up the courage to fill my cup with half ice, when you have spare time do an experemint, weight it,drain the fluid, let the ice melt, weigh it again, measure the denisty and calculate the percentage of water you did not order that was dropped into your drink, take that percentage and situate it with the drink cost, and find out just about how much profit these gremlins are making, thats all it is nowadays, a full blown scam, people picking off eatchother because they have a advantage on what their selling, ever wonder why you're paying 4.25 for a small sized coke at the theater? why you ask? because we know you wont grow the balls to enter the gas station 50 yards outside and buy the same amount for 75 cents, thats why..

anyway in a nutshell thats how my urine compiled and forced me to the restroom, I go in with my cousin (forgot to introduce him to you), his name is Trey, Trey Slash, or Trey Pipe Slash for short, he's a bit of a trouble maker, but you knew that. We enter the restroom and I make a b-line to the stalls, as always,I cant urinate in built in wall thingies, I cant let it go, it just doesnt flow, nothing about insecurities or anything, its more of a neurological substance misbalance if I may, like Vinny and Pauly D beating up the beat, it just brainwaves seems to get cut off with the rest of my body, the signal never reaches, my cousin on the other hand doesnt really have a problem he just did a bid he would piss in the sink if he I enter the stall, with care, never touch the handle , kick it and slide right in there, push the coat hanger behind the door shut it

whatever Im in there doing my thing thizzle, slow drip drops, drop after drip........kind of sad really because by the sound you would think a child was urinating, if there was a way I can make my urination process more masculine, the sound of a running fountain ready to explode, thats what I need, just a ROOOOOAARRRRRR, like if it were almost yelling, I want screeching with the will of kurt cobain, like if cloverfeild was happening in my stall, but instead it "drip drip" and the occasional "drop"
.............but its a restroom full of men anyways, if I were leaving an impression on someone, I would regret Im finishing up it happens, "SPLAT", it happened to fast, I felt it so fast, my bred XIV were sprayed upon, it took me a few seconds to process what had just happened, even though Ive been in the stall for 20 seconds Im trying vision was it really a spray from the stall next door or did I just baptize myself? the spray was followed by a moan, then I knew someone was next door, I didnt say anything, I was slightly traumitized as I belted up and my cousin called me. I got out and said dude, I think I just got sprayed by the man next door, we see four feet under the big sized stall, thats when we knew this was all a joke, I just wanted to confront the guys maturely but my cousin wanted to slash their necks, he kept banging on the stall and threatning them to open or he would jump over, Im trying to control him but he's too wild, he even drew his pocket knife and waived it over the stall, this was going to far, some poor kids were going to get murdered over a little urine, but whatever Ill watch..... suddenly the stall creep open, and a grown man voice says "we come in peace" as he pushes his child in a wheelchair out of the handicapped stall. It was awful, I felt awful, really really bad , if given the chance more urine can be sprayed upon me anytime anywhere, it was cousin still wanted to fight though

in short I ended up hanging out with the kid, I felt like I owed him something, we strolled all over the mall, I got him a DSi, few games, we bought icecream, then soda.... got him a yankee cap and everything, it was all really worth it......for once I wasnt really stressed about my clothes, glancing at females, imitating the perception of a badass, I was content, I was happy and worry-free, I was opened to a world of so much more, and I made a new friend


son waisted madd peoples time with all that nonsense
Pretty well written, but mad ducktales. If you looked under the stall and saw four feet you woulda saw the wheels on the wheel chair.

Try again Crank.
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