So is wine the new "grown" man drink???

Aug 16, 2005
So me and a couple of my co workers hit up a happy hour spot after a long days work. We sit down start orderin the finger foods and drinks just mingleing witheach other. So the bartender is bringin out a mixture of drinks including wine. So im thinkin its for the ladies we are with but its for some of the men too.My male co workers tell me wine is the new "grown" man drink. They like to settle down after work with a good glass of wine it helps them relax andmellow out. What do you guys think is wine the new "grown" man drink??
Wine has always mellowed people out, nothing girly about it, people just have preferences.

I think the whole "male ___ or female __" , well the little things are
New? Not at all. I've always seen wine as a sophisticated drink that has always been for or preferred by adults.
If anything, it is actually catching on with the younger crowd.
All my friends and colleagues are into wine and we try to go to vineyards once in a while just to test out wines.
A good way to get drunk for free without that hangover feeling the next day.
I would say drink what you like, but as far as it being the new "grown" man drink, I wouldn't say it is. My taste buds are def not ready forwine, I cant stand it. But I couldn't stand beer a few years ago also, so i dont know...
Coming from one of the few "grown men" on this site I can tell you that they are wrong. Wine is not the new grown man drink. Firstly, there'snothing new about men drinking wine. Second, it certainly isn't the new thing to drink wine at social events. I don't know any guys who order wine whenwe are out. Wine is for dinner and household events, not happy hour...unless you are a girl.
It's been the "grown man" drink. As RFX pointed out, if anything it's become more of a younger drink, but certainly not a new trend.

Generally you'll find less men drinking wine at a bar than you would women, but certainly for dinner or other occasions like that it's very common.
Wine has the best buzz. Funny this was made because I was thinking about making a wine thread. What's good for starters. Sweet but not too sweet. Me and mygirl started drinking moscato but now we off that because it taste too sweet to us. What's another good wine to transition too?
Originally Posted by Big J 33

It's been the "grown man" drink. As RFX pointed out, if anything it's become more of a younger drink, but certainly not a new trend.

Generally you'll find less men drinking wine at a bar than you would women, but certainly for dinner or other occasions like that it's very common.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Coming from one of the few "grown men" on this site I can tell you that they are wrong. Wine is not the new grown man drink. Firstly, there's nothing new about men drinking wine. Second, it certainly isn't the new thing to drink wine at social events. I don't know any guys who order wine when we are out. Wine is for dinner and household events, not happy hour...unless you are a girl.

As another of the few "grown men" on this site, I completely disagree

I drink wine on the regular. On average a bottle or two a week. Typically I just buy some 2 buck chuck (Charles Shaw) by the case for my daily wine withdinner, but I also have some $100+ bottles in my wine fridge that I got stored for special occassions. Now this admittedly is bordering on the fem-side, but Ialso belong to two wine clubs at two different wineries where I get quarterly shipments. As far as drinking wine while out, sometimes I will switch it up andgo to the wine bar instead of the local sports bar for happy hour and just order by the bottle or carafe. Usually when we hit the wine bar or hell... any bar,its a fair mix of guys and girls, so its not like I'm da gays and just kickin it wit broads.

RFX45 - I don't know what you are talkin bout man. No hangover? As a regular boozer and wine drinker, I'd say that wine gives me the worsthangovers of any booze (cept when I start with beer, then transition to liquor, then transition to
then finish with wine or more beer). Being in CA I have easy access to somegood wineries and try to make it up to Napa/Sonoma or the Central Coast (Santa Barbara, Los Olivos, Paso Robles) atleast once or twice a year. Everytime I gowinetasting I get hammered (what can I say, I love free/cheap booze) but damn do I pay for it in the morning.
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