so is The Hangover and Superbad the most overrated comedies ever?

superbad is def not overrated. i still watch it every couple months and its still

it came out during my senior year of high school so i could relate to it.
and the high school scenes/characters/etc were so on point

"look we all know home ec is a joke, no offense, everyone just takes this class to get an easy A"

its the subtle things too
like how in HS when you talk about someoneyou say their whole name
"So I gotta sit here and eat my dessert alone like I'm +%%!#$% steven glansberg?"

edit, hangover on the other hand
i was very disappointed. it was stillfunny but i dont think its on the same level.
I just finished watching The Hangover. To me, it started off slow, but got progressively funnier as the movie went on. You would think the movie is about 4guys but really it was only 3. But I think it was a good idea that they didnt show any scenes of what happened to Doug. It's really what made the movie,among other things. Alan was definitely the funniest. Not to spoil the movie any longer, but the wedding reception was a nice surprise
. Wished I had seenthis in the theater though.

With the way the movie ended, I think I got a pretty good idea what the sequel will be about (not the whole idea, but somewhat). I just hope they use the sameactors/actresses. Cant wait.

To answer the OP, both movies arent overrated at all. They're both funny in their own way.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

superbad is the funniest movie I have ever seen in my life, point black period

and trust me , I gave thought about that for 3 years now, its the GOAT
I agree with your assessment of Superbad. IMHO, Superbad and Borat are 2 of the funniest movies I've seen in my life. Hangover is one of themost overrated.
the hangover was wayyyyyyy to over hyped for me

people had me thinking i was gonna be laughing through out the whole movie

still funny but not as funny as people made it out to be.

superbad tho
superbad was HILARIOUS, definitely not overrated. hangover was ehh...expected more. role models was hilarious as well(probably because they had a similar castto superbad)

superbad > role models > hangover
Tropic Thunder > Superbad > Hangover (they were all good though)

Pineapple Express is easily the most overrated out of all the flicks mentioned in here. If you need to be high to enjoy it then that pretty much says itwon't be funny a second time.
in terms of recent comedies.

role models > the hangover > superbad > pineapple express
Superbad is sooo
i've watched it so many times and it is stillfunny. not many movies are like that anymore.

Hangover was pretty funny too

Role Models was
Originally Posted by Unphased4

Superbad got stale half way through the movie. Hang over is a classic.

I can't watch past the first part anymore

the cops ruined teh whole movie
I am glad someone else has said it. I went to see "The Hangover" because everyone said how funny the movie was and I disappointed.

Hangover was not as funny as I thought it was going to be. Matter fact I only laughed maybe twice @ the guy in the trunk and at the tazer incedent. Everythingelse about that movie has been done before.
superbad is awesome
it really appeals to todays younger gerneration. 17-22 year olds sister and all her friends hate the movie and dont find it funny at all...theylike 29-31
tha hangover was great too

blood brothers

day day in the trunk!

step brothers was hoorible fro me. it was soooo hpyed, and me being a huge fan of Anchorman and Rocky Bobby i thought this movie was gonna have me laughing theWHOOLLLLE time...first half was good..then it god soooo dumb
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