So I was Reading The Book Of Luke... Vol. Jesus Christ Is Amazing.



Dude, go to bed.  
Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

i dont pray =/

no worries, i'll pray for you tonight/this morning
Can you tell him I want some homemade waffles and pancakes for breakfast?  With some bacon too?  I ain't never had that in my life. 
 Tell him to make it for everybody in the world, with seconds and thirds, and I'll be forever in his debt.
Thanks a lot.  crossing my fingers.
Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

i dont pray =/

no worries, i'll pray for you tonight/this morning
Can you tell him I want some homemade waffles and pancakes for breakfast?  With some bacon too?  I ain't never had that in my life. 
 Tell him to make it for everybody in the world, with seconds and thirds, and I'll be forever in his debt.
Thanks a lot.  crossing my fingers.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

i dont pray =/

no worries, i'll pray for you tonight/this morning
Can you tell him I want some homemade waffles and pancakes for breakfast?  With some bacon too?  I ain't never had that in my life. 
 Tell him to make it for everybody in the world, with seconds and thirds, and I'll be forever in his debt.
Thanks a lot.  crossing my fingers.

I knew what this thread would become from page one. But this is really unnecessary. Let these people be. What does behaving this way do for you?
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

i dont pray =/

no worries, i'll pray for you tonight/this morning
Can you tell him I want some homemade waffles and pancakes for breakfast?  With some bacon too?  I ain't never had that in my life. 
 Tell him to make it for everybody in the world, with seconds and thirds, and I'll be forever in his debt.
Thanks a lot.  crossing my fingers.

I knew what this thread would become from page one. But this is really unnecessary. Let these people be. What does behaving this way do for you?
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

i dont pray =/

no worries, i'll pray for you tonight/this morning
Can you tell him I want some homemade waffles and pancakes for breakfast?  With some bacon too?  I ain't never had that in my life. 
 Tell him to make it for everybody in the world, with seconds and thirds, and I'll be forever in his debt.
Thanks a lot.  crossing my fingers.
& a hot tub!...but no seriously.  i dont pray. but ppl tell me that it makes em feel better?
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

i dont pray =/

no worries, i'll pray for you tonight/this morning
Can you tell him I want some homemade waffles and pancakes for breakfast?  With some bacon too?  I ain't never had that in my life. 
 Tell him to make it for everybody in the world, with seconds and thirds, and I'll be forever in his debt.
Thanks a lot.  crossing my fingers.
& a hot tub!...but no seriously.  i dont pray. but ppl tell me that it makes em feel better?
Originally Posted by drsfinest72

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

i dont pray =/

no worries, i'll pray for you tonight/this morning
Can you tell him I want some homemade waffles and pancakes for breakfast?  With some bacon too?  I ain't never had that in my life. 
 Tell him to make it for everybody in the world, with seconds and thirds, and I'll be forever in his debt.
Thanks a lot.  crossing my fingers.
& a hot tub!...but no seriously.  i dont pray. but ppl tell me that it makes em feel better?

 not how it works bro. You don't pray for tangible things. For instance, when I pray, I pray for guidance and direction in whatever situation I am currently dealing with. A lot of people feel better when they pray because they're able to release anxiety through prayer due to the faith that they have in knowing that god will see them through it.   
Originally Posted by drsfinest72

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

i dont pray =/

no worries, i'll pray for you tonight/this morning
Can you tell him I want some homemade waffles and pancakes for breakfast?  With some bacon too?  I ain't never had that in my life. 
 Tell him to make it for everybody in the world, with seconds and thirds, and I'll be forever in his debt.
Thanks a lot.  crossing my fingers.
& a hot tub!...but no seriously.  i dont pray. but ppl tell me that it makes em feel better?

 not how it works bro. You don't pray for tangible things. For instance, when I pray, I pray for guidance and direction in whatever situation I am currently dealing with. A lot of people feel better when they pray because they're able to release anxiety through prayer due to the faith that they have in knowing that god will see them through it.   
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

i dont pray =/

no worries, i'll pray for you tonight/this morning
Can you tell him I want some homemade waffles and pancakes for breakfast?  With some bacon too?  I ain't never had that in my life. 
 Tell him to make it for everybody in the world, with seconds and thirds, and I'll be forever in his debt.
Thanks a lot.  crossing my fingers.

I knew what this thread would become from page one. But this is really unnecessary. Let these people be. What does behaving this way do for you?

Hopefully, I'll get a good breakfast, which is like the most important meal of the day, or so I've heard.  And maybe solve war and world hunger if God feels like it...

Pretty much, it just shows how futile his prayers are.   I hope I will be proven wrong though.
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

i dont pray =/

no worries, i'll pray for you tonight/this morning
Can you tell him I want some homemade waffles and pancakes for breakfast?  With some bacon too?  I ain't never had that in my life. 
 Tell him to make it for everybody in the world, with seconds and thirds, and I'll be forever in his debt.
Thanks a lot.  crossing my fingers.

I knew what this thread would become from page one. But this is really unnecessary. Let these people be. What does behaving this way do for you?

Hopefully, I'll get a good breakfast, which is like the most important meal of the day, or so I've heard.  And maybe solve war and world hunger if God feels like it...

Pretty much, it just shows how futile his prayers are.   I hope I will be proven wrong though.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

i dont pray =/

no worries, i'll pray for you tonight/this morning
Can you tell him I want some homemade waffles and pancakes for breakfast?  With some bacon too?  I ain't never had that in my life. 
 Tell him to make it for everybody in the world, with seconds and thirds, and I'll be forever in his debt.
Thanks a lot.  crossing my fingers.

I knew what this thread would become from page one. But this is really unnecessary. Let these people be. What does behaving this way do for you?

Hopefully, I'll get a good breakfast, which is like the most important meal of the day, or so I've heard.  And maybe solve war and world hunger if God feels like it...

Pretty much, it just shows how futile his prayers are.   I hope I will be proven wrong though.

Hope is pretty irrational. How long have you subscribed to nontheism?
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

i dont pray =/

no worries, i'll pray for you tonight/this morning
Can you tell him I want some homemade waffles and pancakes for breakfast?  With some bacon too?  I ain't never had that in my life. 
 Tell him to make it for everybody in the world, with seconds and thirds, and I'll be forever in his debt.
Thanks a lot.  crossing my fingers.

I knew what this thread would become from page one. But this is really unnecessary. Let these people be. What does behaving this way do for you?

Hopefully, I'll get a good breakfast, which is like the most important meal of the day, or so I've heard.  And maybe solve war and world hunger if God feels like it...

Pretty much, it just shows how futile his prayers are.   I hope I will be proven wrong though.

Hope is pretty irrational. How long have you subscribed to nontheism?
Let me ask you this, do you think it's right for some EU nations to ban burqas?  Does the gratuitous Muslim-bashing that's become so popular since 9/11 bother you at all?  

Is it free game to oppress people on the basis of religion simply because they have the option to change religions?  That's the sort of logic that permits Inquisitions, is it not?  "Believe what I believe or suffer."

Has religion been used to justify some of history's worst atrocities?  Of course, but nihilism has certainly lent itself to a great many crimes in its own right.  It's wrong to punish all Muslims for the actions of an extremist minority, don't you think?  

Look at someone like Dr. King, whose faith inspired tremendous good.  Why call him ignorant?  

I would say that the goal of our posts is not to convert, but to mainly encourage "in the closet" atheists to "come out."  It's worked to perfection so far.  I've seen countless of new names in almost every thread about religion.

You can do that without trolling.  A crazed Kobe Bryant troll could cause a Lakers mutual cheerleading fan club to turn out in droves, but so could a single Lakers season thread - and that would be constructive rather than destructive.  
We've had religious debates in the past without issue, but the way it's being handled right now by a handful of people has gotten out of hand and it's become gratuitously mean-spirited. 

Some people are trying to get others upset and make them feel stupid - and I don't think there's any need to HURT other people just to make yourself feel better.

Likewise, when a religion teaches that every same notion, it should to be ostracized.  Why do we tolerate hateful religions here on NikeTalk? 

There are a lot of  Muslims who advocate on behalf of women's rights.  There are a lot of Christians who fight for LGBT rights.  I think they're great allies and it's far better to focus on our commonalities than to use religion as a wedge to divide and conquer (a strategy that ultimately serves the majority and the status quo.)
We ban people from our community if they disrespect others on the basis of sexuality - not because they're affiliated with a broad category of spiritual thought that has been used by others to justify heterosexist oppression.  You're stereotyping.

It's not that atheism is the one truth.  It's that other religions have not presented sufficient evidence for their extraordinary claims.  When someone has the audacity to dismiss evolution, they had better understand it.  When I see someone ask why are there still monkeys(as if any answer was going to change their mind),  I have to laugh.

You just have different criteria regarding the evidence required to believe in divinity.  It's innocent until proven guilty vs. guilty until proven innocent.  
In this regard, you're not willing to believe in a god (or gods) until you're confronted with sufficient evidence in their existence.  A theist, on the other hand, will believe until someone can conclusively DISPROVE the existence of a divine creator.  That's cultural, much like various justice systems are cultural.  

There are plenty of theories that we're all willing to believe until they can be definitively falsified.  They make intuitive sense, they fit the data, and they suit our needs.  That's how some people feel about God.  

Personally, I think that shouldn't affect me or the way I live my life - and that's why many people support religious freedom to begin with.  

When someone has the audacity to dismiss evolution, they had better understand it.  When I see someone ask why are there still monkeys(as if any answer was going to change their mind),  I have to laugh.

That's ironic, because I think most people in general really don't understand how evolution works.  Adaptation has to be one of the most misunderstood concepts in history and the phrase "survival of the fittest" wasn't even in the original version of Origin of the Species.  (It's actually Herbert Spencer's tautological misinterpretation of natural selection, which characterizes Social Darwinism.)  

It's important to remember that science has been used to justify racism for centuries now.  Many of the statistical techniques still in use today were devised by eugenicists to further their agenda.  That's a really interesting subject in its own right and a whole other conversation.  

So, suffice it to say, it's kind of funny that some of the people ridiculing others for their ignorance are themselves just trotting out explanations that they haven't critically explored and have taken at face value simply because they represent the prevailing view.  Anyone can run google search and 'explain' to Bill O'Reilly why the tide comes in every day - that doesn't demonstrate any greater mastery or comprehension than the person who thoughtlessly recites a Bible verse.  

The geocentric universe was a widely accepted scientific theory.  If someone pointed up to the sky and declared, "The sun rises and sets because Helios drives his chariot across the heavens each day," you could've easily said, "You're a moron.  Everyone knows that the sun APPEARS to rise and set because it moves around the earth.  It doesn't "disappear," it simply moves behind us - and it's not a chariot, it's a huge celestial object.  Everyone knows that.  We've proven it through years of observation and modeling."  

It's sophomoric.  That, more than anything, is what seems to be giving atheists a bad name these days.  It's embarrassing to be associated with people like that, just like many of my Christian friends are mortified by the venison-scented ignorance that so routinely billows from Sarah Palin's gaping maw. 

(It's a mistake to assume that religions are completely static (as has so frequently been pointed out, even the religious texts themselves have undergone revision.  Relgion and science both respond to and reflect sociocultural context and many religious adherents don't consider their faith and science to be mutually exclusive.)

If someone were to visit us from the future or aliens were to appear tomorrow, they'd probably find us preposterously ignorant.  When we imagine it, we generally don't think of Kyle Reese and his pals coming back from the future just to laugh at our pitiful technology and tell us that we're all idiots.  We'd like to think they've 'evolved' beyond that.  

Our current beliefs could make us all appear foolish one day and, moreover, we don't ourselves understand everything we believe.  We take aspects of science on faith, too. 

So, it's kind of funny that you're saying, "if God were truly enlightened he wouldn't be so petty as to damn us for not believing in him," because, it seems to me, if you were so enlightened you wouldn't be so petty as to denigrate others for not believing what you believe.  

We all have to live together.  Stop poisoning the well. 
Let me ask you this, do you think it's right for some EU nations to ban burqas?  Does the gratuitous Muslim-bashing that's become so popular since 9/11 bother you at all?  

Is it free game to oppress people on the basis of religion simply because they have the option to change religions?  That's the sort of logic that permits Inquisitions, is it not?  "Believe what I believe or suffer."

Has religion been used to justify some of history's worst atrocities?  Of course, but nihilism has certainly lent itself to a great many crimes in its own right.  It's wrong to punish all Muslims for the actions of an extremist minority, don't you think?  

Look at someone like Dr. King, whose faith inspired tremendous good.  Why call him ignorant?  

I would say that the goal of our posts is not to convert, but to mainly encourage "in the closet" atheists to "come out."  It's worked to perfection so far.  I've seen countless of new names in almost every thread about religion.

You can do that without trolling.  A crazed Kobe Bryant troll could cause a Lakers mutual cheerleading fan club to turn out in droves, but so could a single Lakers season thread - and that would be constructive rather than destructive.  
We've had religious debates in the past without issue, but the way it's being handled right now by a handful of people has gotten out of hand and it's become gratuitously mean-spirited. 

Some people are trying to get others upset and make them feel stupid - and I don't think there's any need to HURT other people just to make yourself feel better.

Likewise, when a religion teaches that every same notion, it should to be ostracized.  Why do we tolerate hateful religions here on NikeTalk? 

There are a lot of  Muslims who advocate on behalf of women's rights.  There are a lot of Christians who fight for LGBT rights.  I think they're great allies and it's far better to focus on our commonalities than to use religion as a wedge to divide and conquer (a strategy that ultimately serves the majority and the status quo.)
We ban people from our community if they disrespect others on the basis of sexuality - not because they're affiliated with a broad category of spiritual thought that has been used by others to justify heterosexist oppression.  You're stereotyping.

It's not that atheism is the one truth.  It's that other religions have not presented sufficient evidence for their extraordinary claims.  When someone has the audacity to dismiss evolution, they had better understand it.  When I see someone ask why are there still monkeys(as if any answer was going to change their mind),  I have to laugh.

You just have different criteria regarding the evidence required to believe in divinity.  It's innocent until proven guilty vs. guilty until proven innocent.  
In this regard, you're not willing to believe in a god (or gods) until you're confronted with sufficient evidence in their existence.  A theist, on the other hand, will believe until someone can conclusively DISPROVE the existence of a divine creator.  That's cultural, much like various justice systems are cultural.  

There are plenty of theories that we're all willing to believe until they can be definitively falsified.  They make intuitive sense, they fit the data, and they suit our needs.  That's how some people feel about God.  

Personally, I think that shouldn't affect me or the way I live my life - and that's why many people support religious freedom to begin with.  

When someone has the audacity to dismiss evolution, they had better understand it.  When I see someone ask why are there still monkeys(as if any answer was going to change their mind),  I have to laugh.

That's ironic, because I think most people in general really don't understand how evolution works.  Adaptation has to be one of the most misunderstood concepts in history and the phrase "survival of the fittest" wasn't even in the original version of Origin of the Species.  (It's actually Herbert Spencer's tautological misinterpretation of natural selection, which characterizes Social Darwinism.)  

It's important to remember that science has been used to justify racism for centuries now.  Many of the statistical techniques still in use today were devised by eugenicists to further their agenda.  That's a really interesting subject in its own right and a whole other conversation.  

So, suffice it to say, it's kind of funny that some of the people ridiculing others for their ignorance are themselves just trotting out explanations that they haven't critically explored and have taken at face value simply because they represent the prevailing view.  Anyone can run google search and 'explain' to Bill O'Reilly why the tide comes in every day - that doesn't demonstrate any greater mastery or comprehension than the person who thoughtlessly recites a Bible verse.  

The geocentric universe was a widely accepted scientific theory.  If someone pointed up to the sky and declared, "The sun rises and sets because Helios drives his chariot across the heavens each day," you could've easily said, "You're a moron.  Everyone knows that the sun APPEARS to rise and set because it moves around the earth.  It doesn't "disappear," it simply moves behind us - and it's not a chariot, it's a huge celestial object.  Everyone knows that.  We've proven it through years of observation and modeling."  

It's sophomoric.  That, more than anything, is what seems to be giving atheists a bad name these days.  It's embarrassing to be associated with people like that, just like many of my Christian friends are mortified by the venison-scented ignorance that so routinely billows from Sarah Palin's gaping maw. 

(It's a mistake to assume that religions are completely static (as has so frequently been pointed out, even the religious texts themselves have undergone revision.  Relgion and science both respond to and reflect sociocultural context and many religious adherents don't consider their faith and science to be mutually exclusive.)

If someone were to visit us from the future or aliens were to appear tomorrow, they'd probably find us preposterously ignorant.  When we imagine it, we generally don't think of Kyle Reese and his pals coming back from the future just to laugh at our pitiful technology and tell us that we're all idiots.  We'd like to think they've 'evolved' beyond that.  

Our current beliefs could make us all appear foolish one day and, moreover, we don't ourselves understand everything we believe.  We take aspects of science on faith, too. 

So, it's kind of funny that you're saying, "if God were truly enlightened he wouldn't be so petty as to damn us for not believing in him," because, it seems to me, if you were so enlightened you wouldn't be so petty as to denigrate others for not believing what you believe.  

We all have to live together.  Stop poisoning the well. 
Meth your essays are always appreciated. Any recommendations for books on racism in science? Always had a slight interest, never read much beyond some articles and short writings on Nazi scientists.

Also as soon as I saw this I immediately thought of NT.

Meth your essays are always appreciated. Any recommendations for books on racism in science? Always had a slight interest, never read much beyond some articles and short writings on Nazi scientists.

Also as soon as I saw this I immediately thought of NT.

Sure. I'm about to board a plane and probably won't be back online until tonight at the earliest, so you should probably drop me a PM with the recommendation request to remind me, but just a couple good titles to start with: A short history of racism by frederickson and The mismeasure of man by stephen jay gould.
Sure. I'm about to board a plane and probably won't be back online until tonight at the earliest, so you should probably drop me a PM with the recommendation request to remind me, but just a couple good titles to start with: A short history of racism by frederickson and The mismeasure of man by stephen jay gould.
Meth, what's your take on religion affecting the legislation in this country? I personally think it's important to be vocally against religion because I don't believe there is such a thing as a "personal belief". I think the argument that one's beliefs don't affect anyone but themselves is a myth. One's beliefs shape the way one thinks and votes and we can easily see the affect it's taken in our own country. Due to the socially conservative right, we've had major opposition to abortion, stem-cell research, and same sex marriage among other issues.
Meth, what's your take on religion affecting the legislation in this country? I personally think it's important to be vocally against religion because I don't believe there is such a thing as a "personal belief". I think the argument that one's beliefs don't affect anyone but themselves is a myth. One's beliefs shape the way one thinks and votes and we can easily see the affect it's taken in our own country. Due to the socially conservative right, we've had major opposition to abortion, stem-cell research, and same sex marriage among other issues.
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