So I got bit by a spider a few days ago...

Don't be a fool, op. Tweet the pictures to kanye asap and tell him you demand the red Octobers. Say that that's a burn just to show that you mean business, and if he doesn't reply, you're going to continue to randomly harm yourself. You are the fortunate one.
Go to the doc b. When my moms was visiting she got bit on the leg. I was like lets go to the er, they just went ahead and drained it. She froze and couldn't respond for a good minute, I mean calling to her and she couldn't respond. Ended up in the er anyways. I think it was a brown recluse.
Okay, that's enough clicking spoilers for a little while. :x :x :x

But OP should really see a doctor.
lmao this is hilarious. I'll wait for the thread where OP comes and tells everybody how they should go to the doctor after his smart-dumb *** gets his leg amputated. Go on ahead steve jobs, I'll laugh when you come and cry to us how your skepticism in medicine could have prevented an amputation.

Man, go get that **** checked before your leg rots off.
def get it checked out

trust me as much as you think the doctor is a quack or the meds will harm you they really do know what they are doing and if your in pain dont be stubborn go asap

youll thank me later word to drake
Op is there any pain or itching associated with it? is there any swelling? how sure are you it was a spider bite?
Northern black widows live in RI.
IF u google image " northern black widow bite" the first pic looks like yours.
If u got bit by a female its gonna look like this in a few days


:smh: man i was hoping black widows weren't about that northeast life.
I'd go to the Doc's but they'll just want to cover their *** and give me some biotics/shot that isnt good/healthy to my body. Probably worse for me than the spider bite :lol:

i commend you on standing up for your beliefs. lose your leg before getting any kind of treatment from corrupt doctors.
I mean... even if you let your leg fall off your going to still have to see a doctor to get it stitched up....

... Unless you know a really good seamstress.
Slide me your shoe collection famb.

whats he gon wear on the other foot bro....

Im a punk, any signs of anything and im in the ER getting checked, working in a hospital ive seen too many people die because they decide to be stubborn and hold out till is too late for the doctors to be able to do anything.
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