Ive been on the opposite side. Poorly lit homes and #s not visible at night. I call "hey which one is 252? I cant see the #s from the street."

"252 is the one that says 252"

Oh ya? Say less. Ill go sit back in my car til timer ends, cancel the delivery and bounce.

Or ones that dont provide a buzzer for a highrise and dont answer the call or msgs asking for the buzzer. Treat it like baseball, 3 chances and you out. Ill call/text a total of 3 times. No reply im gone, with your food. Time is $.
I live in silly, repetitive duplexes and theres no number out front and they put the mailboxes in a group of 6 after 3 units so its no help either. I usually meet them outside. Amazon, ups, usps, fedex, etc dont give a **** though they just drop it at the wrong one and run and all of us except my next door neighbors to the left will usually see the address and go walk it to the right place without opening it
See thats appreciated. I always call when its confusing. Im not wasting time walking around some random complex/building or wasting time back and forth text. This is where i am, either meet me or direct me from here.

Ive had people question me and act like im an idiot for not knowing my way around their complex. Dog i dont live here, never been here before. Ive encountered some very stupid and entitled people,. Even with picking people up, but the beauty of that is they fix up real quick when i pull up. Whatever attitude they had over the phone/text they left on the curb when they get in the car. Ive told people i owe you absolutely nothing, you wanna cop an attitude, cool continue with it on the corner while you wait for the next uber.
Saw a tik tok that people are “tip baiting” delivery drivers.

You put a big tip to entice the driver to do well and then once delivered you reduce to tiny or nothing.. lol apparently it’s to help the customers in the event of a bad service.

That’s pretty foul imo. But there’s been videos of Uber eats and door dash drivers openly saying that if they don’t get what they deem an acceptable tip, they won’t take the order and your stuff will sit at the restaurant for hours and that they’re independent contractors who don’t have to take orders if they aren’t satisfied with the tip amount. I’ve seen pics and videos of multiple uber eats and door dash orders piled up with a caption saying that’s what happens when you don’t tip as well.

Personally, I agree, drivers are well within reason to decline anything they feel isn’t worth their while as time is money. But them posting those videos taking about this is what happens when you don’t tip didn’t do them any favors. That’s one of those things better to be kept to themselves.

As it just opened the door for people to exploit that tip baiting loophole in order for them to ensure they get their stuff.

All the more reason why I rather just go get my food myself though. They charge way too much in fees and tipping on top of that (which I don’t mind paying for the convenience), I rather just go myself since I have plenty of places close by me. Also if the restaurant messes up the order, it’s much easier for me to fix.
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Facts. I only DoorDash if I am not able to drive that night. That’s also the only time I’m willing to pay those fees lol when I been drinking or smoking
I went to a bar last night. $28 tab, $12 tip.

I plan on returning soon, just to get out the house more.
Ya that was a wild comparison...
Y’all talking about grocery delivery or people who make the carts / bags for you at the grocery store and put them in your car?

I wasn’t aware we were discussing grocery home delivery. Around my parts we only have the eCart services that they put it all in bags for you, you pay and they bring it to your car when you pull up.

Sound a little closer of a comparison now?

My question still stands- where is the line? Is it all service work? Or are we able to find the line?
The logic behind who should and shouldn't get tipped also makes no damn sense at all.

If you are tipping your barber, I'm not sure why you wouldn't also tip roofers, mailman, plumbers or anyone else that is providing services to you.

Help me understand.
Ive been on the opposite side. Poorly lit homes and #s not visible at night. I call "hey which one is 252? I cant see the #s from the street."

"252 is the one that says 252"

Oh ya? Say less. Ill go sit back in my car til timer ends, cancel the delivery and bounce.

Or ones that dont provide a buzzer for a highrise and dont answer the call or msgs asking for the buzzer. Treat it like baseball, 3 chances and you out. Ill call/text a total of 3 times. No reply im gone, with your food. Time is $.
One good thing that came out of the pandemic is contact free deliveries. I just call/text and drop it off, no waiting around anymore
Y’all talking about grocery delivery or people who make the carts / bags for you at the grocery store and put them in your car?

I wasn’t aware we were discussing grocery home delivery. Around my parts we only have the eCart services that they put it all in bags for you, you pay and they bring it to your car when you pull up.

Sound a little closer of a comparison now?

My question still stands- where is the line? Is it all service work? Or are we able to find the line?
I dont know what eCart services are. He mentioned instacart which is people doing the actual grocery shopping and then delivering it to peoples homes for them. I would tip, provided the service was good (items arent damaged etc). Using these services people are paying for the convenience of not having to actually go to the restaurant/grocery store for whatever reason (busy/sick/lazy). If people feel its too expensive, just dont use it 🤷‍♂️ just my opinion.
One good thing that came out of the pandemic is contact free deliveries. I just call/text and drop it off, no waiting around anymore
Ya thats clutch, but it depends on the address. A lot of newer condos you need to be buzzed in to gain access to the elevator, once the person buzzes you then the elevator will give access to whatever floor theyre on. The security/concierge also wont let you just go in without buzzing either so it becomes annoying when people dont answer.
I dont know what eCart services are. He mentioned instacart which is people doing the actual grocery shopping and then delivering it to peoples homes for them. I would tip, provided the service was good (items arent damaged etc). Using these services people are paying for the convenience of not having to actually go to the restaurant/grocery store for whatever reason (busy/sick/lazy). If people feel its too expensive, just dont use it 🤷‍♂️ just my opinion.
Yeah had no idea about that delivery service lmao

Delivery would fall under the same as like pizza delivery drivers.. I’d likely tip.
Could've just done a 3 second Google search
Or I could just surf NT in my downtime and not take much on here too serious. assuming Instacart is the same as what I know as eCart isn’t too much of a stretch, nor do I care to research something I never use for the sake of making a post in a tipping thread.
Or I could just surf NT in my downtime and not take much on here too serious. assuming Instacart is the same as what I know as eCart isn’t too much of a stretch, nor do I care to research something I never use for the sake of making a post in a tipping thread.
Took you longer to type this out than Google instacart like you should've done the first time 🤷🏾‍♂️
Took you longer to type this out than Google instacart like you should've done the first time 🤷🏾‍♂️
Took you longer to trip off how I move than it would have if you had just kept it pushin instead of tryin me today for no damb reason :stoneface:

Over a google search

For a tipping thread

Regarding a service I have never used and likely never will.

We done yet?
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