It's underhand tactic to look like they're doing something good & make the customer feel like they have more power than they do. Whether the customer compiles outta guilt or not they are still being burdened by a task the company should doing. Fake nice at its finest.
Davey Magoo Davey Magoo


more gainfully employed workers using lack or unsatisfactory tips as excuses for not doing their jobs. Get them all the way together sis.

that’s not how doordash works. drivers don’t have to take those orders since they’re not employees. drivers keeps lists of who tips and who doesn’t. blame doordash for not paying enough for orders to be delivered

more gainfully employed workers using lack or unsatisfactory tips as excuses for not doing their jobs. Get them all the way together sis.

Fast food orders are the worst. Cancel that **** right away.

more gainfully employed workers using lack or unsatisfactory tips as excuses for not doing their jobs. Get them all the way together sis.

This makes no sense. Why do McDonald's workers care who tips on delivery orders? They don't work for doordash or ubereats. They see no parts of the tip.
They just put them to the side cuz no ones picking them up.
Oh then that's the deal with most McDonald's. Go at the right time of day and I see a dozen of bags altogether there for wild long.

Any time some of my orders take long before it says somebody is picking it up I usually chalk it up to the distance.

I never tip and don't recall the closer orders taking long to get picked up.
Oh then that's the deal with most McDonald's. Go at the right time of day and I see a dozen of bags altogether there for wild long.

Any time some of my orders take long before it says somebody is picking it up I usually chalk it up to the distance.

I never tip and don't recall the closer orders taking long to get picked up.
Not sure if you were referring to ordering specifically from McDonald's or in general but I still tip. I will admit that I'm not familiar with the pay structure, though. Same with Uber in general so I just usually go with the 20% and call it a day. It's when I'm ordering something more expensive and the driver isn't doing anything different that I'll go lower.

Same goes for Amazon Fresh. For example, last time I went to visit my mom I bad for the dude when he to deliver 9 cases of water so I added extra.

I think there is a balance between what you're ordering, where you're ordering from, what the drop-off is like, etc.
The doordash lady who bought my girls African food the other day CLEARLY ate out of it. Bag was open, rice and meat dish was all in shambles with large gaps/holes where the meat was. She always orders uber eats, grubhub, doordash, etc but its clear they have no standards on cleanliness of the person, their vehicle, their overall hygiene or anything. I usually meet them outside because my neighborhood is a bunch of repetitive duplexes with no numbers painted and be like I wouldn't eat anything from this person. But yesterday's was clearly obvious, untied the knot in the bag, stuck her hooves in the dish and picked out the meat.
Did you request a refund?

Don't really use the third party delivery services much, but worst I got was someone putting the tray of food on the pavement. This is way before contactless delivery was a thing(which I think is stupid personally).
Man, eating out of the customers container is WILD. I honestly never gave it a thought because I didn’t think folks would stoop that low. Is being accused of this enough for them to get kicked off the app as a delivery person? I would hope…
I didn't. I was big on agenda but low on time and commitment I admit.

But how bout this for audacity? I'm not just gon sneak a little peice out maybe they won't notice. I'm a eat ALL the meat out and not just bite 1 plantain, I'm a take a bite out of at least 2 separate ones and replant the half eaten pieces back into the rice. Mama Z's service is sketchy at times but she wouldn't give you no meat. She would absolutely sub thr meat out without telling you though but also what does a woman who did what I described, in Oklahoma, and again some if these drivers be steps away from homeless literally living in their cars and delivering to keep them slightly above water financially and she seemed to fit the bill, look like in your head? With all due respect of course, these companies got to do better with paying and the economy sucks but fam. And from what I can tell nothing happens to them. Guess you can't see how much of a crate of open space there is from the top and the foods just been sitting there so it looks struggle anyways but you don't see no goat or Curry chicken in there is the point


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