nawghtyhare nawghtyhare

I actually mess wit you because you always stand behind your point, but there is such a thing called the restaurant industry that includes investors as well

You downplaying that along with not tipping makes sense tho

And you never answered my question
see but this the part ur forgetting
i dont give 2 ****s though
if they do something to my food
they do
if they dont
they dont
Well it’s good you acknowledge that it’s a realistic possibility. Whether you tip or not is your prerogative. Do you tip at the casino to dealers? Drink people?
i hate how everyone on the internet
be tryna act like they do the morally right thing
like bruh ive seen u say some racist *** **** on nt( not u ny mavurs ny mavurs speaking generally)
and stand by it
but u saying
u believe in tipping because u want to help out the waiters
who dont get a fair wage
some of yall be ******* lying yall asses off
Would you tell your server beforehand that you’re not tipping?
if it came up in normal convo
or do u expect me as he seating me to my table
"yo bruh i dont tip"
thats cool if u expect me to say that
but as ur seating folks in ur section
do u tell them
"if u dont tip im gonna treat u differently
than the customers that do"
The cheap folk always in search of an angle. :rofl: son said blackmail. We need a pyp thread. Some of yall been hiding behind that screen name for too long. Yall saying anything now.

read my post before that...i tip every time & generously too

also lol at your ad hominem argument
if it came up in normal convo
or do u expect me as he seating me to my table
"yo bruh i dont tip"
thats cool if u expect me to say that
but as ur seating folks in ur section
do u tell them
"if u dont tip im gonna treat u differently
than the customers that do"

Nope but what I won’t do is take that EXTRA step to make sure your dining experience goes well

I’m not saying I’m gonna give you bad service but trust me I won’t waste the extra energy on you

Again, I don’t hate people who don’t tip, idk your finances, but don’t expect to go to the same place and people won’t notice
i hate how everyone on the internet
be tryna act like they do the morally right thing
like bruh ive seen u say some racist *** **** on nt( not u ny mavurs ny mavurs speaking generally)
and stand by it
but u saying
u believe in tipping because u want to help out the waiters
who dont get a fair wage
some of yall be ****ing lying yall asses off
Tipping, to me has zero to do with the waiter, fam. You go to a restaurant for the experience within the establishment...otherwise, you’re going to just doggy bag your **** and go home. You ever ordered a refill and got that **** in 5 seconds? Son got a tie on and has to fake smile and be nice to a bunch of people who may not even deserve sincerity. Give son 20 dollars, lord.
Alp what casino you play at? I’m waiting for the day I see you lurking around the floor. :lol:
You acting like you won’t be constantly getting up to check to see if your food ready. The wait staff aint psychic. You getting up multiple times. You might as well stand up until your food ready :rofl:
No. I won't.

Do you think the wait staff is constantly getting up checking on orders? They put the food on the pass with the ticket # and usual say something. If the place is automated everything is done through the computer.

The place is either giving me a # or taking my name for when my food is ready.

:lol: @ getting up more than once for food. You talking like these ppl are blind.

.........................or just tip %20 and converse with your date while seated instead of looking goofy looking at tickets you can’t read because the Mexicans in the back write in Spanish :smh
If your Spanish is poor just say so.

:lol: Where are you even dining at coming up with all these obstacles?

You literally trying to make getting your own damn food more complicated than it is.
if it came up in normal convo

Nope but at my place we’ll go around describing the family that didn’t tip so in the future we can focus on other tables instead

Simple and very effective

Matter fact this one time a family that I recognized who doesn’t tip came in and satin my section when I had like 8 other tables

Gave them poor service so I can secure great tips from my other guests and the mother had the nerve to say “oh we didn’t think you’d ever get back to us”

In my head I’m like yea ***** I know :lol:

To be honest with you, I don’t blame you in that situation. You got other tables who are more of a priority over a prior guest who you know doesn’t tip.

it doesn’t mean refuse to serve them, spit in their food (unacceptable in any situation), or be rude or anything like this. But I totally understand making them the lowest priority of the tables you’re juggling.
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