My beef with the concept of tipping is that it can come off as disingenuous, and you’ll get some waiters who will judge you the second you walk in a restaurant off what they think you’re going to tip or not tip. The person coming in eating solo isn’t as much a priority as the family of 4 coming in who may tip more etc. If they think you won’t tip well, sometimes it’ll show in the service. The restaurant industry has had a bad reputation of labeling various groups as either good or poor tippers just off how they look.

I tip based off the service I receive. I really don’t care much for the concept of tipping, but I’m not going to take that grievance out on the person serving me.
I also wouldn’t vilify someone like Master Zik Master Zik or nawghtyhare nawghtyhare either because I totally get their stance and reasoning on this topic as well.

Id rather just pay more for a set price on the food and the waiters get a better wage. But I’m sure most waiters prefer the current setup because for every occasional non tipper they get, most are tipping strictly off social norms even in cases where they didn’t get top notch service.
fam, the comp is for everybody. Common practice for most bars. You’re not that special (goal is to make you feel special, though.)
Never said I was.
Say a bartender at a place I frequent has 2 comps that night and served like 100 people. If I sit down at the bar, order a drink, and they go "I got it". I'm saying I can appreciate that. They didn't have to do that just like I don't have to tip. I completely understand the goal could be just to make me "feel special" so that I keep coming back but I would have anyway, so still works out.
Id rather just pay more for a set price on the food and the waiters get a better wage. But I’m sure most waiters prefer the current setup because for every occasional non tipper they get, most are tipping strictly off social norms even in cases where they didn’t get top notch service.

big fact...majority of waiters/waitresses choose this occupation due to the potential higher upside in pay compared to other available options

i'm a tipper if it matters
I tip based off the service I receive. I really don’t care much
Id rather just pay more for a set price on the food and the waiters get a better wage. But I’m sure most waiters prefer the current setup because for every occasional non tipper they get, most are tipping strictly off social norms even in cases where they didn’t get top notch service.


and wouldn’t you want some control of that service variable? who cares what the waiter/waitress thinks of you. We’re only tipping them based on their service, not character/intelligence. If they want a good tip, they should provide that service accordingly.

isnt paying more for the food the same ****? :rofl: they’re just going to collect their tip from the premium price you’re paying for the food, silly.....and on top of that, you’re relinquishing the power you had.Theres no incentive for good service thus you will lose a great dining experience from the jump....

If you would rather pay more for the food, then its fair to also be obligated to pick up your own plate.

Restaurants should impose a rule for the Nawtyhares and Ziks of the world who refuse to tip to be obligated to pick their own plates up. The rest of us seated are going to point and laugh at yall cheapos ruining your own dining experience because you don’t want to throw in an extra 20 for service you will soon learn you took for granted. Tell me im wrong

And hare, your hairline being “crisp” is definitely ducktales. Cmon son, we Vets. I saw right through that lie asap. Talkin about he don’t tip his barber. I KNOW you keep a fitted on deck...let me guess, you gotta back up fitted in the glove compartment? Going through all that stress because an extra 5-10 bucks is just too broke *** n :rofl: :rofl::rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl::rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl::rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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Man tipping my barber is the one situation I don’t agree with

like I just paid you for the service you provide and now I gotta tip on top of that. Doesn’t make sense

I still do it tho :smh:

I work for tips so I try to tip generously. But I also see the other side and realize that most workers don’t care if you don’t tip because 97/100 people will

if a worker ever says something to a customer about a tip then they’re a psycho :lol: yea talk **** to your co workers that’s fine but not to the customer
Restaurants should impose a rule for the Nawtyhares and Ziks of the world who refuse to tip to be obligated to pick their own plates up.
I'd be perfectly fine with this too. Wont take nothing but 20 seconds to grab my order.

:lol: @ a bunch of suckas laughing at me cuz they like to pay other ppl's wages while I don't have to and simply have to get my food instead.

I wish that was a rule.
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and wouldn’t you want some control of that service variable? who cares what the waiter/waitress thinks of you. We’re only tipping them based on their service, not character/intelligence. If they want a good tip, they should provide that service accordingly.

isnt paying more for the food the same ****? :rofl: they’re just going to collect their tip from the premium price you’re paying for the food, silly.....and on top of that, you’re relinquishing the power you had.Theres no incentive for good service thus you will lose a great dining experience from the jump....

If you would rather pay more for the food, then its fair to also be obligated to pick up your own plate.

Restaurants should impose a rule for the Nawtyhares and Ziks of the world who refuse to tip to be obligated to pick their own plates up. The rest of us seated are going to point and laugh at yall cheapos ruining your own dining experience because you don’t want to throw in an extra 20 for service you will soon learn you took for granted. Tell me im wrong

And hare, your hairline being “crisp” is definitely ducktales. Cmon son, we Vets. I saw right through that lie asap. Talkin about he don’t tip his barber. I KNOW you keep a fitted on deck...let me guess, you gotta back up fitted in the glove compartment? Going through all that stress because an extra 5-10 bucks is just too broke *** n :rofl: :rofl::rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl::rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl::rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
good to have you back :rofl:

the visual of a dude walking to the back to pick up the plates for his family is wild :rofl:
Whether y’all like it or not if you frequent places and do not tip you’re rolling the dice on them rubbing their nutsack or spitting on your food. A few bucks for piece of mind is worth it to me. If I felt I don’t wanna tip I won’t and probably not return to said establishment
I’ve been in the restaurant industry for a while and if you don’t tip then it’s cool, somebody else will and we move on. I don’t know everyone’s finance situation so there’s that.

But if you dont tip and expect good service next time you come in then I don’t know what rock fell on your will not get good service and we will waste our energy on families that do tip, simple
Id rather just pay more for a set price on the food and the waiters get a better wage. But I’m sure most waiters prefer the current setup because for every occasional non tipper they get, most are tipping strictly off social norms even in cases where they didn’t get top notch service.

But why should I get the same wage as another server who isn’t good?
My beef with the concept of tipping is that it can come off as disingenuous, and you’ll get some waiters who will judge you the second you walk in a restaurant off what they think you’re going to tip or not tip. The person coming in eating solo isn’t as much a priority as the family of 4 coming in who may tip more etc. If they think you won’t tip well, sometimes it’ll show in the service. The restaurant industry has had a bad reputation of labeling various groups as either good or poor tippers just off how they look.

I tip based off the service I receive. I really don’t care much for the concept of tipping, but I’m not going to take that grievance out on the person serving me.
I also wouldn’t vilify someone like Master Zik Master Zik or nawghtyhare nawghtyhare either because I totally get their stance and reasoning on this topic as well.

Id rather just pay more for a set price on the food and the waiters get a better wage. But I’m sure most waiters prefer the current setup because for every occasional non tipper they get, most are tipping strictly off social norms even in cases where they didn’t get top notch service.

But why should the good servers get paid the same amount as the bad ones?
Whether y’all like it or not if you frequent places and do not tip you’re rolling the dice on them rubbing their nutsack or spitting on your food. A few bucks for piece of mind is worth it to me. If I felt I don’t wanna tip I won’t and probably not return to said establishment

But why should the good servers get paid the same amount as the bad ones?

They shouldn’t. I don’t disagree with your perspective. I’m sure most servers would prefer things remain as is with tips given that the non tipper/poor tipper is generally the exception rather than the norm.

But for me as a customer. I’m speaking strictly for me here. I’d prefer just a set price for my food I’m drinks if it meant tipping was done with. Again though. I get why those who work at restaurants would beg to differ though.

As for the crappy employees. I would assume they wouldn’t last long in that line of work either way. Waiting/serving isn’t for everyone. Especially if you work at a high volume place in a heavily populated area. You gotta juggle multiple tables while being attentive, and making sure not to mess things up or forget something, all while stuff like the cook potentially messing up is out of your control.
But why should I get the same wage as another server who isn’t good?
But why should the good servers get paid the same amount as the bad ones?
That's everybody's job though. Sometimes you're paid the same or worse than someone else who isn't as good as you. That's not a reason to argue against being paid a living wage. Imagine saying "I don't want my employer to properly compensate me for my labor because I don't want someone else to also be well compensated for their labor."
I’m not gonna sugarcoat it that’s the reality. It’s not right but it is what it is. If you wanna live in lala land and not tip and chill there every day there’s a good chance they are violating your food, especially if you’re rude on top. I always order soda with no ice and if I’m alone and they bring ice, I keep my mouth shut unless I have a good rapport with the person or the vibe is good. If the person looks like they having a bad day no ******* way am I correcting them lol
Yea but the, "Rub my nuts on your steak" only applies to those spots your frequent.

That would affect me because I am not a regular at any one spot.

By time I didn't tip (I do though), food would have already been crushed.
I remember when I was young and didn't tip the waitress at Friday's.

She ran in front of the door to block the exit and started yelling at me in front of my date . After she ice grilled me and stopped talking , I gave her a wrinkled up 4 dollars . She gave me a dirty look and went about her business.
Yea but the, "Rub my nuts on your steak" only applies to those spots your frequent.

That would affect me because I am not a regular at any one spot.

By time I didn't tip (I do though), food would have already been crushed.
If someone having a bad day and you ask em something in a weird way, even if you don’t perceive it as such, they might do something to your food. It’s a risk even if you aren’t a “regular”
If someone having a bad day and you ask em something in a weird way, even if you don’t perceive it as such, they might do something to your food. It’s a risk even if you aren’t a “regular”
yeah but its a job
just cause u aint get a tip
u gonna do something to someones food???
why aint u doing anything to the employer
who aint giving u a fair wage
Zik be at dinner with his wife and toddler talkin about “yeah I’m gonna need that check split three ways”. :lol:

Let’s also not forget you the same dude that complain to Uber eats etc every third delivery for a comp. :lol:
yeah but its a job
just cause u aint get a tip
u gonna do something to someones food???
why aint u doing anything to the employer
who aint giving u a fair wage
I wouldn’t.
Im speaking in general. The logic is somewhat flawed but you’re not gonna change their thought process.
If someone having a bad day and you ask em something in a weird way, even if you don’t perceive it as such, they might do something to your food. It’s a risk even if you aren’t a “regular”
Well that has NOTHING to do with my tips though. :lol:
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