So I deleted my Facebook today

i only use FB when my phone's off.... Doesn't really serve a purpose for me. Deleted IG off my phone the other day because my feed was basically full of thirst traps and tweetgrams.

It dawned on me I needed to leave these things alone when I'm out having a good time with friends and think "I need to post something about this so everyone knows i'm having a good time" and in the process miss out on something... likes, friends, unfollows and whatnot never really bothered me my problem is i get too "connected" i guess
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Social media is like most things in America. It started out as a useful tool, but like anything else, stupid people (which is most) screw it up and pervert it's original intenet. Such as life....I barely go on FB, twitter, and I post on IG at random times. I d g a f about your day :lol:
Facebook just really isn't that serious. You shouldn't have to feel like your making a life changing to be or not to be decision when contemplating on deleting your fb. If it has some shred of usefulness to you that you feel you'll need the next day then fine keep it, if not then bye bye facebook. Simple as that.
That's the point I'm trying to make, lames band together in dramatic numbers to discount your success and make sure you lose in a sense.

I remember one time being over a friends house and they told me someone was talking bad about me for no reason.

So as a test we posted an "accomplishment" and more than 5 mins later the friend gets a message "you seen that? lol? I'm not liking it just because it's him". Then 2 more messages, of the same level of hate.

It's disgusting that you're so miserable you want people to feel like you inside because they refuse to suck at life and lose. Is that a reason to hate someone?

:smh: Did you actually hangout with that person at one point in time, why they feel like that towards you?
why do people always feel the need to announce they deleted their facebook as if anyone cares or its some huge accomplishment to not have it? :lol:

these threads always pop up...

if you're done just be done and keep it need for the announcement
Because they deleted their facebook. They have no more status updates. NT General is the next best option.
What is the point if you keep coming back?

No back and forth at all...when I do some **** like deleting an account I'm gone for good. 
I never understood how ****** got addicted to facebook. Only time I actually go on there is if I get a notification about me being tagged in a photo, uploading peoples photos, or get a friend request or a message. I've turned off all my notifications about groups and events. Can't just be browsing facebook.

Because they deleted their facebook. They have no more status updates. NT General is the next best option.

dudes that delete facebook accounts are the same dudes that delete a chicks number when she doesnt wanna **** you anymore

dudes that delete facebook accounts are the same dudes that delete a chicks number when she doesnt wanna **** you anymore

If a girl doesn't respond to my message within 3hrs i assume she is currently getting dug out and proceed to jettison the digits.

oh and i'm facebook if that matters :smokin
lol thats a sad story and all but dude.. its virtual.. you can't let it dictate your emotions...
the fact that you did all that just because no one liked your **** and then had to vent on NT tells me youre not in the right state of mind overall.
fix whatever probs you got going on with yourself and then the petty stuff will seem exactly to be exactly what it is, meaningless.
lol thats a sad story and all but dude.. its virtual.. you can't let it dictate your emotions...
the fact that you did all that just because no one liked your **** and then had to vent on NT tells me youre not in the right state of mind overall.
fix whatever probs you got going on with yourself and then the petty stuff will seem exactly to be exactly what it is, meaningless.
And then he says, "I am not jealous or anything." Come on Nomad, be real with us. :lol:
i made mine in april 2011, after everyone was bugging me to get on it..

i never write anything about my life that is actually meaningful, i either troll people's statuses to rustle their jim jims or like a chicks picture, then next thing i know all of my pictures get liked..

i dont even have my relationship status changed, i havent even posted a picture of my dog, or the fact that i have one..

i never put that i was a drug addict and got clean, never put down how awful my life was going at one point and that i put my shotgun in my mouth one night.

some aspects of your private life should remain private, i could give a care if anyone likes my status or w/e..

i had actually been contemplating deleting it, but i moved alot when i was younger and just recently got in touch with alot of those people,one of em was my first g/f in elementary.

she ended up falling in love with me all the while i had a girl, i led her on pretty bad, along with like almost 10 girls that i know since i been on it 

i just wanted to see if i still had my awesome charm..

i dont understand how some people can let this get the best of em, to the point they hate themselves and are ashamed of who they are,

im not a rich stud but i do well because i uffin love myself and im not ashamed of who i am or what i've done.

the only reason i havent let any of these people on FB into my life is because frankly they dont DESERVE to see who i really am..
i made mine in april 2011, after everyone was bugging me to get on it..

i never write anything about my life that is actually meaningful, i either troll people's statuses to rustle their jim jims or like a chicks picture, then next thing i know all of my pictures get liked..

i dont even have my relationship status changed, i havent even posted a picture of my dog, or the fact that i have one..

i never put that i was a drug addict and got clean, never put down how awful my life was going at one point and that i put my shotgun in my mouth one night.

some aspects of your private life should remain private, i could give a care if anyone likes my status or w/e..

i had actually been contemplating deleting it, but i moved alot when i was younger and just recently got in touch with alot of those people,one of em was my first g/f in elementary.

she ended up falling in love with me all the while i had a girl, i led her on pretty bad, along with like almost 10 girls that i know since i been on it 

i just wanted to see if i still had my awesome charm..

i dont understand how some people can let this get the best of em, to the point they hate themselves and are ashamed of who they are,

im not a rich stud but i do well because i uffin love myself and im not ashamed of who i am or what i've done.

the only reason i havent let any of these people on FB into my life is because frankly they dont DESERVE to see who i really am..

the only personal info on there is my name, schools I went to...

when I do post, its something funny, trolling somebody's status, or just randon ****.

************* be havin all they personal **** on the internets, that aint my style
there's nothing wrong with facebook (or any other social network du jour like instagram or twitter). it's just an extension of the real world.

all the issues you may have in the real world are going to just be reflected back at you in the online world.
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I deleted my Facebook account 5 months ago.

It was one of the best things I did.

So much time saved during the day from my natural curiosity

All the time wasted on other ppl's superficial lives, I used to better mine.

And just a couple days ago, i logged back on, and to my expectation, everything is still the same.

Kids still worry about the most irrelevant subjects. People boasting through pictures. Dumb, "profound" statuses....nothing changed.

The saddest thing tho, is people who hit me up after awhile, beginning with "Dude are you still alive?".

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