So I deleted my Facebook today

so true, but in todays society some people feel like social networking is everything. its sad but because of these social media and networking sites, its easy for people to become what they are not and its people like OP who take it serious and loose self esteem over it.
From what I personally seen and witnessed most people use these sites to basicly humble brag about mostly everything, and it makes legit sincere people like OP feel like maybe they dont or havent accomplished much.... Thats just how I see it.
Exactly I posted this story in the "Wallet" thread the other day. How I was out on business yet another party and this young girl whom I was just being polite to snubbed me. Then we come out of the back office and someone is taking pictures she jumps all on my back kissing me and posing for pics.

What I didn't add was later that night I asked why and she said "your Facebook page didn't look real, no likes and no pictures" So this weekend I posted a few of my "accomplishments" STILL no likes then someone posts a "****** Be Like" meme of Scar from Lion King and it said "****** Be LIke, I'm happy for you Bro".

It was in response to my pics because of the comments that were left "He doing big though" blah blah.

It just feels like a place for lames to feel empowered and in control. It's too the point your real life is determined by "likes" and "retweets" it's just digusting.
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I deleted my facebook awhile ago too.

There's just some people that shouldnt come across your everyday life. Facebook makes it REAL easy for them to do so.

I weighed the Good and the Bad from facebook and the BAD out weighed the good by FAR.

People you should NEVER have met or people you should forget about. That's all facebook provides.

Don't get me wrong it has its good usefulness. But it aint eem worth it.
i didn't believe your initial post till you started elaborating, ......but dude.......there is a world where people actually don't care about will get there too, you're just withdrawing......
Welcome to the new generation 
I delete my fb like once a month. Fb is honestly what you make it. I've linked up with so much family, people who I've lived in the same city with my whole life and never knew we were related. As well as out of state relatives. That's the main reason I go back every time I deactivate. On the other hand it's nosey lifeless people who use it for drama, lurking and attention seeking. Sometimes it gets a little overwhelming with all the ignorant ppl, that's when I just take a break.
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Good for you. I never had one and never will, it's just so lame to me.

I would say that depends on how you use it,

If you use it to hook up with old friends that you don't have their #s or something like that it's pretty awesome. If you use it for dumb things like friending people you see everyday it gets dumb.

I used it to friend people I saw everyday. Shame on me. :lol:
NO IG, Twitter of FB for me..... dont have time for none of that.

NT is all I need.

So no time to interact with people you actually know? :lol:

I don't know why you guys take it so serious. Why would you delete your FB over some likes? Or delete it over other people getting "undeserved" likes? It's a real easy way to communicate with people and somewhat stay in touch. It has plenty of uses - it's not just a popularity contest :nerd:

You seriously think you need social media sites to interact?

I interact with the people I know in person.....
Social networking is becoming nothing but a popularity contest for kids and a big billboard for companies/advertisers.

Honestly, I would have kept Facebook and deleted Twitter.

The only thing Twitter is good for is to let out your steam during sports. I only tweet when a game is on.

Instagram got wack, and Google+ would be dope if people actually used it. But then again, if people actually used it, it would be just like everything else..
Because getting rid of your Facebook is an accomplishment. Its useful for keeping in contact with my friends from college. Your circle sucks if yours is flooded with crap.
I have a FB but I hate it. It seems like the only people left on it are the extremely lame ones
Another is instance is this rich girl I know whom we we're brought together by mutual associates however whenever I comment on her AMAZING life which includes red carpet events, exotic traveling or exclusive places around NYC she gives me the silent treatment. Like "likes" everyone comment but mines, ignores me then when I don't post on her page anymore she starts the comments back up. No only that when ever I'm doing bad and post a melt down status or admitting defeat and I give up she "likes" the statuses.

It's hurtful, I have feelings too ya know? It's hard always projecting impervious feelings and stoic dispositions. Facebook just makes me feel like a loser.
I won't even get started on race issues, lord forbid I "like" a pic of a white girl in a bikini and people act like I'm undressing her with my eyes, mean while "Mike, Chad or Levi" are free to make tasteless comments and gets lol's and "likes". It's like a billboard that says "go away black guy" or "who invited the black guy? eff it lets be polite and tight with it until he leaves" 

there are people you just dont want to be friends with.. and you dont want to unfriend them because it makes you look like a diva. and then newsfeed shoves updates to your face.
start over and keep the friends list low
i just keep my fb to make myself feel better about my life and what im doing with it. whether theyre my "friends" or not, for the most part, they post nothing but meaningless bs that people dont really care about. 

it does provide the lulz though which is why i keep it 
i dont even post things on facebook anymore. i just use it to get sneaker info and laughs same goes for twitter and i never even made an instagram
Another is instance is this rich girl I know whom we we're brought together by mutual associates however whenever I comment on her AMAZING life which includes red carpet events, exotic traveling or exclusive places around NYC she gives me the silent treatment. Like "likes" everyone comment but mines, ignores me then when I don't post on her page anymore she starts the comments back up. No only that when ever I'm doing bad and post a melt down status or admitting defeat and I give up she "likes" the statuses.

It's hurtful, I have feelings too ya know? It's hard always projecting impervious feelings and stoic dispositions. Facebook just makes me feel like a loser.

I won't even get started on race issues, lord forbid I "like" a pic of a white girl in a bikini and people act like I'm undressing her with my eyes, mean while "Mike, Chad or Levi" are free to make tasteless comments and gets lol's and "likes". It's like a billboard that says "go away black guy" or "who invited the black guy? eff it lets be polite and tight with it until he leaves" :smh:


those are probably people she is really close with my dude. you sound a little too self conscious. I know a lot of girls like that. They feed off of the attention but don't acknowledge it. But as soon as the attention disappears they always want to pop up outta no where. From what i can tell you're trying too hard to interact with people that aren't your REAL friends. Like my close group of friends maybe between 2-7 people I can have the longest convos, comments with. others are just once in a blue moon. I would respect you deleting fb but it seems you're deleting it because you find it "too hard" which sounds a bit ridiculous :rolleyes
If you replace your facebook friends with groups or events you are interested in, your newsfeed will be a lot more interesting and informing.
I deleted mine awhile back. I couldn't be bothered. It's awful. It's a vapid wasteland of look-at-me-ness.

I don't care what you are drinking. I don't care about the thing your kid did that you think is incredible despite every other kid doing the same thing at some point. I don't care about the dead person you are missing today. "Look at me grieving publicly. Please LIKE my grief" I don't care about your political leanings. I don't care that what your god has done for you today. I don't care what you hope your god does for you tomorrow. I don't care how fast your kid is growing up. You know why? All kids grow up and you know this because you are hoping to garner a LIKE out of your supposed astonishment. I don't care about your 'hilarious' e-card that either hints at a) your promiscuity or b) your love for alcohol or c) both.
Facebook is what you make it

Been on it for 8 years now. I guess it depends who are your facebook friends and what you use facebook for. *shrug*
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I deleted mine about this same time last year and have not looked back. I'm 18 and everyone I know has Facebook, instagrams and twitters but it ain't nothing to me nahh mean! Maybe ill activate my fb when I'm much older or create whatever social network will be cool then so I can keep in touch with people but for now, ill avoid the "N's be like...."
those are probably people she is really close with my dude. you sound a little too self conscious. I know a lot of girls like that. They feed off of the attention but don't acknowledge it. But as soon as the attention disappears they always want to pop up outta no where. From what i can tell you're trying too hard to interact with people that aren't your REAL friends. Like my close group of friends maybe between 2-7 people I can have the longest convos, comments with. others are just once in a blue moon. I would respect you deleting fb but it seems you're deleting it because you find it "too hard" which sounds a bit ridiculous
Okay here's an example, I know I said I deleted my Facebook but a few minutes ago a client called and said he can't find me on Facebook (it was about money). However the girl from the other night wants to hangout and "other things"  and he'd like to use that opportunity to talk business. 

However a real stand up guy was on his friends list, so I was surprised that he knew the guy, maybe I'm reading into things too much and maybe I'm am self conscious but it seems like he just wants me to play wing man and nothing else. Also he dismissed the stand up guy like I'm talking about "Bro'man" from the 5th Floor, this guy is a REAL power player, I felt he deserved more respect than that.

But I'm surrounded by the fakeness and sometimes it gets too thick to maintain my composure.
not on fb or other social media things. quick question:

when somebody dies in real life, what happens to their facebook and other accounts? are they left active as ghostly reminders of what once was, or is there a way for somebody else to shut your page/feed down after you die?
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