So I deleted my Facebook today

the nomad

Jul 21, 2012
My reason? It was starting to chip away at my self-esteem, I just sucked at it. Never got likes, never got comments. I'm told my statuses were always brash and too truthful for the Facebook environment. 

I was literally miserable because of it, watching people get "likes on top of likes" for the dumbest **** like "YOLO", "N's be like" B's be like" memes.

It's like stupidity in a blender puked out by the users and drank over and over and over. Almost another universe.

I'm not jealous or anything just frustrated with my generation's platforms of communication.

It bugged me how Facebook is rigged to mitigate real life interactions opting to not have a like button.

What else did you expect?

Imagine yourself as Huey and everyone else is doomed. You and your right circle will be saved :lol:

That's what I do :frown:

But I deleted mine 2-3 years ago man, I was tired of wasting my time.
Cant take FB serious bro..most people including myself get on there either to look at pics of friends/females or to obtain the lulz
Deleted mine 2 years ago...
ive only kept my facebook for communicating w/ class mates/student groups and things like that

nobody really posts on it anymore, like I can log in once a week and not miss anything

it's just a lesser degree of giving someone your #, not for expressing yourself.

the only thing I've done is delete a kid I used to work with that would constantly complain about life and post suicide threats..... EVERY NIGHT :rolleyes
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^^ same here man. I hate what fb has turned into but I use it for my fraternity page to check up on events, meetings stuff like that and to email class mates to meet up if I don't have their number.

I used to just click it without wanting to just cause it was in my favorites on the tab in Chrome. After I took it off there, I stopped going on it since it was sort of a habit. Now it just sits there for people to contact me or me contact them. Don't worry about likes man, now everyone is an attention *****.
Go outside.
 Should I often check my Facebook Katana app when I do? What year do you live in?  You're missing the point, I' am "outside" DAILY. If anything I'm barely at home "Mr Cool". I meet people and they say "Facebook Me". 

Anyway Facebook just isn't my scene it's like narcism university 
I barely get on mine. ig>


I made an Instagram for the XX8 days contest, and I've been using it here and there now that the contest is over. It doesn't really appeal to me a bunch of people posting dumb memes and pictures of their food.
man you cant be letting FB get to you..

its not that serious.. :smh:

so true, but in todays society some people feel like social networking is everything. its sad but because of these social media and networking sites, its easy for people to become what they are not and its people like OP who take it serious and loose self esteem over it.
From what I personally seen and witnessed most people use these sites to basicly humble brag about mostly everything, and it makes legit sincere people like OP feel like maybe they dont or havent accomplished much.... Thats just how I see it.
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I haven't deleted it yet because I want to pull my videos and photos from it but I haven't logged into it in about 2 weeks.

No humble brag but I was pretty fb "popular" lots of likes and the weirdest **** ever people would tell me outside of fb how much they liked my fb.

I have a lot more free time on my hands but I kind of want to eliminate 75% of social media from my life. Instead it seems I'm just using more Niketalk and twitter. But I'm going to cut this down as well by next week.

gotta read more and become more productive. I'm liking the free time.

I think everyone should kill their fb honestly.
welcome to the club

i deleted my FB because it was cheating. It made visits with people I haven't physically seen in months less enjoyable because i knew everything they'd been doin on FB. Then i was keepin in touch with ppl that never really acknowledged me in real life except for being near me during school. Then it felt like i was doin stuff in life just to post it on FB to see if other ppl liked it, not good
Some people really take social media way too seriously.

I never had a FB but I have IG and Twitter.
NO IG, Twitter of FB for me..... dont have time for none of that.

NT is all I need.

So no time to interact with people you actually know? :lol:

I don't know why you guys take it so serious. Why would you delete your FB over some likes? Or delete it over other people getting "undeserved" likes? It's a real easy way to communicate with people and somewhat stay in touch. It has plenty of uses - it's not just a popularity contest :nerd:
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