SNOWFALL THREAD. (tv series)

Jordan and Skully a bit different.

What the hell is up with Skully, did he have a come to Jesus moment or something? Him telling Khadija to get that hate out of her heart was strange as hell. Why hasn't he been riding with/for his girl. They killed his daughter and he's walking around like "hey, charge it to the game". Seems strange as hell for him to go from the psycho, paranoid killer he was to whatever that dude is now.
Going out on a limb and predicting that Skully isn’t going to retaliate for Khadija, he was low key warning her to stop pursuing Leon...I really like his character but if he’s gonna be on his “born again“ steez there’s really no need for him to be on the show anymore.
The only reason why he is still on the show is because Khadijah's death will get him back on that murder **** which will lead to his death.
The death of his daughter is what softened Skully because he thought it was karma for crucufying ole boy.

It was definitely foreshadowing when Khadija asked him if he would have done anything if it was her that died. Skully is about to spazz now
Hopefully it wraps up nicely with Teddy aiming to kill Alton, Franklin tries to stop him, Skully goes after Franklin, Franklin stops Teddy, Skully kills Alton going for Franklin, and Teddy or Franklin kills Skully.

Set up for next season os the CIA sends a new plug to the hood to link up with someone else to be the cashflow for the war.
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