Smoking the green... Am i the only one??

must be laced lmfaooo
im 20
right now and saul good over here cuh.

but seriously, idk this has never happened to me before.
I've only been smoking since like May... 23 years old, but right now I still enjoy the hell out of it everytime
. The only thing is sometimes I get real tired.

I get stupid when I smoke
and I love every minute of it.
I've only been smoking since like May... 23 years old, but right now I still enjoy the hell out of it everytime
. The only thing is sometimes I get real tired.

I get stupid when I smoke
and I love every minute of it.

I feel you I am 15 right now i Started like In March I was 14 so Ill say I started smoking when I was 14...and its been everyday since .. I look at everybody at a different way now , I am just like everything you explained.. I dont even get high like I use to anymore before it was all fun with the homies but now its like weve all turned to fiends we've all stopped kicking it cause some try taking advantage some go to cocky , some turned into a stright grimey person .

Even Ive changed " I now get extremely self-conscious when i smoke weed. It's like a nightmare each time. The people around me start to look and act reallly dumb, .it's like my whole view point changes towards everyone around me. I start to over analyze everything that is said, and anything i do And i get self conscious about how i look, how i'm acting, what i'm wearing, etc. That's not enjoyable at all "

Thats is exactly how I am , ive finally found someone like me , Ive felt like Im different than anybody , I would look at things differently .. I would try to explain things to some of the people I get high with but they would just not understand me , the only people that would were the homies but things have changed ever since , cause we all tried it the same day and are still doing it now but things have changed with the worse of me ... just recently I got caught with a home made pen cap pipe and then just yesterday I got caught with a gram on me in school by some search dogs, man my style in dressing has even changed man , all I want to dress like is like a thug all black ,with my beanie . Just like how my homies are , even my dad has realized Ive been changing , he tells me that he sees me getting worse and worse , he rarely lets me out now . every time I try to go out to smoke my dad always asks me why and I get really angry out of nowehre! I always demand money like atleast 20dollars , and my dad always gets made at me .. everytime I try to go out and I get a No I easily get angry and start to lose my mind! My dad tells me Im addicted , but Id rather not think that . Sometimes I think what would had happened if I have never started smoking weed... and now I realize why some people say its bad , but to me i dont really care I like it cause I may sound dumb right now it actuallly made me a bit smarter , now smart but actually more wiser , before I was just really dumb with friends I , i look at myself back then I say man I was such an idiot. 

Real Eyes , Realize , Real Lies.

I want to stop but I made a commitment to myself once when I was high , SMOKE WEED ALL DAY EVERYDAY , just like any other smoker...
But i guess not since things have changed but I get it , Im just to young right now .. I will stop , but once Im done with school and get better..

I can add so much more but Id rather keep it to myself , cause I believe in something that I keep to myself ..
Some times I think or maybe from the point i started smoking to now has just been a trip ?

I think Ill stop now..
I edited some parts but you might get confused but i dont wanna look over it again since ive been writing thos for 20 minutes 

I feel you I am 15 right now i Started like In March I was 14 so Ill say I started smoking when I was 14...and its been everyday since .. I look at everybody at a different way now , I am just like everything you explained.. I dont even get high like I use to anymore before it was all fun with the homies but now its like weve all turned to fiends we've all stopped kicking it cause some try taking advantage some go to cocky , some turned into a stright grimey person .

Even Ive changed " I now get extremely self-conscious when i smoke weed. It's like a nightmare each time. The people around me start to look and act reallly dumb, .it's like my whole view point changes towards everyone around me. I start to over analyze everything that is said, and anything i do And i get self conscious about how i look, how i'm acting, what i'm wearing, etc. That's not enjoyable at all "

Thats is exactly how I am , ive finally found someone like me , Ive felt like Im different than anybody , I would look at things differently .. I would try to explain things to some of the people I get high with but they would just not understand me , the only people that would were the homies but things have changed ever since , cause we all tried it the same day and are still doing it now but things have changed with the worse of me ... just recently I got caught with a home made pen cap pipe and then just yesterday I got caught with a gram on me in school by some search dogs, man my style in dressing has even changed man , all I want to dress like is like a thug all black ,with my beanie . Just like how my homies are , even my dad has realized Ive been changing , he tells me that he sees me getting worse and worse , he rarely lets me out now . every time I try to go out to smoke my dad always asks me why and I get really angry out of nowehre! I always demand money like atleast 20dollars , and my dad always gets made at me .. everytime I try to go out and I get a No I easily get angry and start to lose my mind! My dad tells me Im addicted , but Id rather not think that . Sometimes I think what would had happened if I have never started smoking weed... and now I realize why some people say its bad , but to me i dont really care I like it cause I may sound dumb right now it actuallly made me a bit smarter , now smart but actually more wiser , before I was just really dumb with friends I , i look at myself back then I say man I was such an idiot. 

Real Eyes , Realize , Real Lies.

I want to stop but I made a commitment to myself once when I was high , SMOKE WEED ALL DAY EVERYDAY , just like any other smoker...
But i guess not since things have changed but I get it , Im just to young right now .. I will stop , but once Im done with school and get better..

I can add so much more but Id rather keep it to myself , cause I believe in something that I keep to myself ..
Some times I think or maybe from the point i started smoking to now has just been a trip ?

I think Ill stop now..
I edited some parts but you might get confused but i dont wanna look over it again since ive been writing thos for 20 minutes 
The only reason I don't smoke everyday is I don't have the supply
Only smoke with my friends who smoke.

I've smoked a few times by myself though and just don't enjoy it as much as doing it with other people.
The only reason I don't smoke everyday is I don't have the supply
Only smoke with my friends who smoke.

I've smoked a few times by myself though and just don't enjoy it as much as doing it with other people.
It has nothing to do with tolerance, potency (strain is a whole different thing, that definitely has an effect imo), or "growing out of it." Anybody giving you a definitive answer probably doesn't know what they're talking about.

I've talked about this with a lot of seasoned smokers (I'm talking dudes twice our age) and it's a very common problem that nobody truly understands. Many different theories behind it, the one I believe in most has to do with natural psychological changes your brain undergoes as you start to reach adulthood.

I'm in the exact same bout as you, I started smoking when I was about 13. Smoked everyday for a little over a year starting my Sr. year of high school.

Around that time is when it happened to me. Starting getting very self-conscious in public and around people I wasn't very familiar with. For me it wasn't the people around me who began to look and act really dumb, it was ME. I also became very anti-social which was odd because when sober or drunk I'm a very social dude.

God the over analyzing was the worse. I'd be sitting there trying to enjoy what ever it was I was me and my boys were doing and I would catch myself subconsciously analyzing something I did hours ago like "was that really what I sounded like at the time? Is that really how I act?"

I would literally over analyze every single thing I did around other people. No matter what the reality was, in my mind whatever I said or did seemed soooooooooo stupid in hindsight. I couldn't really pay attention to anything in social settings because I was always in my own head.

It really is a complex psychological issue with no prescribed method for dealing with it. Obviously everybody is different so what worked for me my not necessarily work for you.

It's also important not to chase that high and continue to put yourself in that uncomfortable situation because I firmly believe those psychological and anxietal issues can carry over to your sober state of mind.

Once it really became to uncomfortable to deal with, I began to drastically decline on smoking in social settings and even with other people (friends included) to an extent. Started to spend a lot more time smoking by myself which seemed to work wonders for me.

When I did smoke with others I tried to consistently remind myself to just let it go and do me. It might so funny but literally taking as second and taking a deep breath helped. Pacing yourself and taking moderate to conserved hits definitely helps as well.

It can/does get better, I still try to refrain from smoking in public but if I'm at a party and I'm already drunk I can take a hit or two and not have any problems.

Mods are probably going to come in and lock this but if you have a question or something feel free to PM me.
It has nothing to do with tolerance, potency (strain is a whole different thing, that definitely has an effect imo), or "growing out of it." Anybody giving you a definitive answer probably doesn't know what they're talking about.

I've talked about this with a lot of seasoned smokers (I'm talking dudes twice our age) and it's a very common problem that nobody truly understands. Many different theories behind it, the one I believe in most has to do with natural psychological changes your brain undergoes as you start to reach adulthood.

I'm in the exact same bout as you, I started smoking when I was about 13. Smoked everyday for a little over a year starting my Sr. year of high school.

Around that time is when it happened to me. Starting getting very self-conscious in public and around people I wasn't very familiar with. For me it wasn't the people around me who began to look and act really dumb, it was ME. I also became very anti-social which was odd because when sober or drunk I'm a very social dude.

God the over analyzing was the worse. I'd be sitting there trying to enjoy what ever it was I was me and my boys were doing and I would catch myself subconsciously analyzing something I did hours ago like "was that really what I sounded like at the time? Is that really how I act?"

I would literally over analyze every single thing I did around other people. No matter what the reality was, in my mind whatever I said or did seemed soooooooooo stupid in hindsight. I couldn't really pay attention to anything in social settings because I was always in my own head.

It really is a complex psychological issue with no prescribed method for dealing with it. Obviously everybody is different so what worked for me my not necessarily work for you.

It's also important not to chase that high and continue to put yourself in that uncomfortable situation because I firmly believe those psychological and anxietal issues can carry over to your sober state of mind.

Once it really became to uncomfortable to deal with, I began to drastically decline on smoking in social settings and even with other people (friends included) to an extent. Started to spend a lot more time smoking by myself which seemed to work wonders for me.

When I did smoke with others I tried to consistently remind myself to just let it go and do me. It might so funny but literally taking as second and taking a deep breath helped. Pacing yourself and taking moderate to conserved hits definitely helps as well.

It can/does get better, I still try to refrain from smoking in public but if I'm at a party and I'm already drunk I can take a hit or two and not have any problems.

Mods are probably going to come in and lock this but if you have a question or something feel free to PM me.
WHO WANTS TO SEE PICS OF MY HARVEST!?! is it kuu DIRTY? I can post pics of my cannabis card too.  
WHO WANTS TO SEE PICS OF MY HARVEST!?! is it kuu DIRTY? I can post pics of my cannabis card too.  
I dont want my post to go to waste, I spent my time in that post someone qoute and give me feedback me plz
I dont want my post to go to waste, I spent my time in that post someone qoute and give me feedback me plz
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