Silver to $250 an oz...

Where do you guys keep your silver/gold? I dont like the idea of keeping it in the house. Any institution that will keep it safe?
Where do you guys keep your silver/gold? I dont like the idea of keeping it in the house. Any institution that will keep it safe?
Originally Posted by moneymike88

Quick question. If/when the dollar collapses what are you going to redeem when you turn in the silver?

The commodities will become the means of exchange.

Where do you guys keep your silver/gold? I dont like the idea of keeping it in the house. Any institution that will keep it safe?

Biometric safe.
Originally Posted by moneymike88

Quick question. If/when the dollar collapses what are you going to redeem when you turn in the silver?

The commodities will become the means of exchange.

Where do you guys keep your silver/gold? I dont like the idea of keeping it in the house. Any institution that will keep it safe?

Biometric safe.
So you guys just buy bullions/coins from websites like and they deliver it to you house?
So you guys just buy bullions/coins from websites like and they deliver it to you house?
So what if I have a block of Silver and I want to buy Madden 2035. How will change be issued to me once I pay using it?
So what if I have a block of Silver and I want to buy Madden 2035. How will change be issued to me once I pay using it?
Originally Posted by devildog1776

Cars aren't assets... They're liabilities.

Houses are somewhat liabilities as well.

The point in stacking precious metals is to preserve purchasing power and free yourself from the clutches of the bankers who control the value of our money. Silver and gold has been money for the past 6000 yrs. Only until 1970 something have we completely hone entirely fiat.

The prices of the metals are influenced on the value of the dollars strength. We are sitting on the brink of economic collapse. More wars and less industry. Moredollars will be printedto keep the circus going and that printing will reflect on prices for years to come. It's a sure thing.

I understand all that and historically metals have been a safe haven but it is clearly all speculation and manipulation at this point.  Metals are not gonna save you from this economic collapse.  The problem I have is everyone talks about investing in metals but no one has an exit strategy.  You are not gonna be using silver as currency in an economic meltdown, logistically it would be too hard to get everyone to agree universally on accepting it with out government approval, let alone agree on pricing of goods in terms of silver and it's risk.    And if by chance silver did become a sort of peoples currency, the govt would have no problem making it illegal as they did with gold in the 40's.   No currency will ever be based on metals again.  There is not enough gold and/or silver in existence, above ground or below, to account for the amount of wealth the world thinks it has.  Historically metal as a currency has not worked and has been exploited and basically ruined as a feasible form of circulated currency. 
Unless you have perfect timing on this pending economic collapse and can exchange your metals for "real" assets at the peak then I imagine you will be sitting on your investment for quite some time.  You gonna sell it for worthless dollars?  What are you gonna do with euro and yuan here in the US?   If you have an exit strategy on this investment I am all ears, I can definitely see the prices rising higher on metals from here especially when the equities markets start falling this summer, but mostly I just hear herd mentality, people saying just buy it cause it's going up, whats the exit strategy?
Originally Posted by devildog1776

Cars aren't assets... They're liabilities.

Houses are somewhat liabilities as well.

The point in stacking precious metals is to preserve purchasing power and free yourself from the clutches of the bankers who control the value of our money. Silver and gold has been money for the past 6000 yrs. Only until 1970 something have we completely hone entirely fiat.

The prices of the metals are influenced on the value of the dollars strength. We are sitting on the brink of economic collapse. More wars and less industry. Moredollars will be printedto keep the circus going and that printing will reflect on prices for years to come. It's a sure thing.

I understand all that and historically metals have been a safe haven but it is clearly all speculation and manipulation at this point.  Metals are not gonna save you from this economic collapse.  The problem I have is everyone talks about investing in metals but no one has an exit strategy.  You are not gonna be using silver as currency in an economic meltdown, logistically it would be too hard to get everyone to agree universally on accepting it with out government approval, let alone agree on pricing of goods in terms of silver and it's risk.    And if by chance silver did become a sort of peoples currency, the govt would have no problem making it illegal as they did with gold in the 40's.   No currency will ever be based on metals again.  There is not enough gold and/or silver in existence, above ground or below, to account for the amount of wealth the world thinks it has.  Historically metal as a currency has not worked and has been exploited and basically ruined as a feasible form of circulated currency. 
Unless you have perfect timing on this pending economic collapse and can exchange your metals for "real" assets at the peak then I imagine you will be sitting on your investment for quite some time.  You gonna sell it for worthless dollars?  What are you gonna do with euro and yuan here in the US?   If you have an exit strategy on this investment I am all ears, I can definitely see the prices rising higher on metals from here especially when the equities markets start falling this summer, but mostly I just hear herd mentality, people saying just buy it cause it's going up, whats the exit strategy?
Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

Originally Posted by devildog1776

Cars aren't assets... They're liabilities.

Houses are somewhat liabilities as well.

The point in stacking precious metals is to preserve purchasing power and free yourself from the clutches of the bankers who control the value of our money. Silver and gold has been money for the past 6000 yrs. Only until 1970 something have we completely hone entirely fiat.

The prices of the metals are influenced on the value of the dollars strength. We are sitting on the brink of economic collapse. More wars and less industry. Moredollars will be printedto keep the circus going and that printing will reflect on prices for years to come. It's a sure thing.

I understand all that and historically metals have been a safe haven but it is clearly all speculation and manipulation at this point.  Metals are not gonna save you from this economic collapse.  The problem I have is everyone talks about investing in metals but no one has an exit strategy.  You are not gonna be using silver as currency in an economic meltdown, logistically it would be too hard to get everyone to agree universally on accepting it with out government approval, let alone agree on pricing of goods in terms of silver and it's risk.    And if by chance silver did become a sort of peoples currency, the govt would have no problem making it illegal as they did with gold in the 40's.   No currency will ever be based on metals again.  There is not enough gold and/or silver in existence, above ground or below, to account for the amount of wealth the world thinks it has.  Historically metal as a currency has not worked and has been exploited and basically ruined as a feasible form of circulated currency. 
Unless you have perfect timing on this pending economic collapse and can exchange your metals for "real" assets at the peak then I imagine you will be sitting on your investment for quite some time.  You gonna sell it for worthless dollars?  What are you gonna do with euro and yuan here in the US?   If you have an exit strategy on this investment I am all ears, I can definitely see the prices rising higher on metals from here especially when the equities markets start falling this summer, but mostly I just hear herd mentality, people saying just buy it cause it's going up, whats the exit strategy?
speculation isnt a bad thing.... it means some people are aware of whats down the road....  iam not selling my silver right now... i just bought 25 oz 2 weeks ago at 37 and i bout another 25 oz today at 40... by the time i got home its damn near 41... 

you got investors and day traders , the ones who are investing for a ten yr run aren't worried about the little dips in the road... it might go back to 32 or even 27 an oz but that wont last long because we are in a bull market and the only way the bull goes in the long term is up... the dollar is in a downward spiral , and most wont know what happened til they're assed out...

hopefully one day my stash can be traded for something like real estate or some other investment that's cool for me...

MY EXIT STRATEGY IS A LONG WAY FROM NOW....  when gas is 8-9 dollars a gallon and food is more precious than material items then i'll be cashing out while the rest are trying to get in.... WE ARE THE MINORITY AS OF TODAY...

 im a buyer for the next couple yrs......

when people start selling fake silver chains on the side of their jackets then I'm out...
Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

Originally Posted by devildog1776

Cars aren't assets... They're liabilities.

Houses are somewhat liabilities as well.

The point in stacking precious metals is to preserve purchasing power and free yourself from the clutches of the bankers who control the value of our money. Silver and gold has been money for the past 6000 yrs. Only until 1970 something have we completely hone entirely fiat.

The prices of the metals are influenced on the value of the dollars strength. We are sitting on the brink of economic collapse. More wars and less industry. Moredollars will be printedto keep the circus going and that printing will reflect on prices for years to come. It's a sure thing.

I understand all that and historically metals have been a safe haven but it is clearly all speculation and manipulation at this point.  Metals are not gonna save you from this economic collapse.  The problem I have is everyone talks about investing in metals but no one has an exit strategy.  You are not gonna be using silver as currency in an economic meltdown, logistically it would be too hard to get everyone to agree universally on accepting it with out government approval, let alone agree on pricing of goods in terms of silver and it's risk.    And if by chance silver did become a sort of peoples currency, the govt would have no problem making it illegal as they did with gold in the 40's.   No currency will ever be based on metals again.  There is not enough gold and/or silver in existence, above ground or below, to account for the amount of wealth the world thinks it has.  Historically metal as a currency has not worked and has been exploited and basically ruined as a feasible form of circulated currency. 
Unless you have perfect timing on this pending economic collapse and can exchange your metals for "real" assets at the peak then I imagine you will be sitting on your investment for quite some time.  You gonna sell it for worthless dollars?  What are you gonna do with euro and yuan here in the US?   If you have an exit strategy on this investment I am all ears, I can definitely see the prices rising higher on metals from here especially when the equities markets start falling this summer, but mostly I just hear herd mentality, people saying just buy it cause it's going up, whats the exit strategy?
speculation isnt a bad thing.... it means some people are aware of whats down the road....  iam not selling my silver right now... i just bought 25 oz 2 weeks ago at 37 and i bout another 25 oz today at 40... by the time i got home its damn near 41... 

you got investors and day traders , the ones who are investing for a ten yr run aren't worried about the little dips in the road... it might go back to 32 or even 27 an oz but that wont last long because we are in a bull market and the only way the bull goes in the long term is up... the dollar is in a downward spiral , and most wont know what happened til they're assed out...

hopefully one day my stash can be traded for something like real estate or some other investment that's cool for me...

MY EXIT STRATEGY IS A LONG WAY FROM NOW....  when gas is 8-9 dollars a gallon and food is more precious than material items then i'll be cashing out while the rest are trying to get in.... WE ARE THE MINORITY AS OF TODAY...

 im a buyer for the next couple yrs......

when people start selling fake silver chains on the side of their jackets then I'm out...
I picked up another 1000oz this week from a guy in need and got it at 39, because I had the cash and he needed it, turned around and sold it at spot at 40.15. Made over 1K in about 2 hours. Anyone that plans to hold for the long haul doesn't understand the markets, the precious metals will drop when the government decides it's time to drop them. It may be one of the most controlled markets in the world. The government can ruin any of the big holders with the click of a mouse. And to many I'm a big holder with nearly 500K between gold and silver, and i feel like a small time guy. I have been holding and trading for the last 10 years, and have made enough to pay off my house my cars, and live pretty comfortably. And have still maintained a constant stash that is equal to many retirees entire nest egg, and I'm doing it in my late 20's. Being smart in any market will make you wealthy. I'm slowly moving to all rental properties, bringing in positive cash on a monthly basis is doing great for me
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