should I ask again or give up?

Dec 5, 2010
aight NT, I have a dilemma right now. 
This girl in my French class and I have partnered up for in-class practice conversations. We were pretty cool and talked about our weekends and how our classes are going. I always participate in speaking in class to get proactive class participation points, and I've said comments in class that have made her laugh and smile. So after about a week or two of sitting and talking next to each other in class, I decide to just go for it and ask her out. I decided to ask her out after class one-on-one in the hallway to see if she wanted to get coffee some time soon. I asked her where she was headed, and then after that, asked her if she wanted to get coffee sometime. She said "I don't know" with a sort of awkward laugh and the 
 kind of face. I was a bit hurt but I played it off like, "Alright, see ya then!" as I headed into the bathroom. Immediately I thought I failed because I slipped up on the delivery sounding hella anxious or something. 

Since that time I asked her out she still gives me side-convo and I'm not sure if she's just talking to be not awkward, or if she really didn't know if she liked me then and is subtly giving me a second opportunity to ask her out. She still sits next to me and we still are speaking partners. 

NT, is it worth trying?


-Asked a girl out after class, I personally felt my message wasn't confident enough, likewise I get shy "IDK" as a response

-she still talks to me in class, I'm not sure if we're both set on being just classmates

-Do I take a L or should I try asking her out again?

Here's her FB pro pic. Not FB friends btw.

Spoiler [+]

always appreciate the knowledge NT
if you are thinking about it...don't. sorry plehboi try another chick.

oh i forgot dear diary.
Ask her out again.
You don't want that "I should of" mentality later on.
Keep is posted.
She looks pretty. Do it.

If you don't, next thing you know the semester/quarter is over and you probably wont have a chance.
I haven't asked a chick out more than once in forever.

If she was feeling you, she would've said yes when you asked the FIRST time. You keep asking & you'll seem desperate.

Consider it her loss.
You have nothing to lose, go for it. But this time dont ask her, tell her (i.e. "aye lets get something to eat/drink"). And most importantly, dont sound thirsty. 
Originally Posted by StonedFace

I'm not in any position to be giving advice


Do you have any tests/midterms in french coming up?  Ask her to study with you, if so.  Figure out what you can say to get her number.  Actually, you should walk out of class and act like you didn't understand something and ask her if she did, then ask her if she has any time to go over whatever you don't understand.  Get her number, tell her to meetup with you around campus or something, then go eat lunch/dinner after...
i couldn't, if shes not into me immediately.. i move on to another.

.. I can't sit around nd waste time, she either wants it or not. lol
did you ask her if you could hit it? 

we need the old "can I hit it loser..." thread
Would i try again? No? Would i have her try? Yes.
Pay her no mind a keep it moving, she will try to get attention from you. Let her work for it a little and when the chess pieces are in your hand call "check" (Check-mate once you digg into her pants :tongue:)
Start off with .. So I know I asked you before and I don't want to seem pushy but I think your really cool blah blah blah...
Originally Posted by Dragon

don't  stop until she threaten to call the cops


you missed your opportunity to convince her the first time so just move on or you will probably freak her out. you should of hit her off like the begining of that one tupac song "Get Away" lol

but like dude said give her the cold shoulder. if she really is into you she would come around after that.
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