Should ALL Drugs Be Fully Legalized? vol. Watch the clip - Meth, Heroine, Crack

i'm not for legalization, but for decriminalization.

as much as i don't trust the government, i'd rather have the government in control of the distribution of durg to existing users than to have them usetax money to try and squeeze off the supply and imprison drug users. much of the crime related to drugs is related to the price of drugs. since drugs are sorisky to traffic, the supply is constrained and the price skyrockets. so assuming similar laws for alcohol are passed for the safety of non users, i can'tsee the current system as anything but a failure.
Originally Posted by tony AYOOO

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Couldn't care less about anything else, just legalize marijuana.
Hell no.

If I had my way, alcohol would be illegal. Why? Because the # of people who [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]abuse[/color] alcohol and other "substances" are always proportionally greater(significantly) than those who don't/exercise discretion. One doesn't need to use alcohol and/or drugs to enjoy life--FACT.

i'm on the fence about legalization and decriminalization. i don't smoke nor have i ever tried any drugs but support the movement tolegalize/decriminalize. What you do or consume is not any of my business. The issue becomes if legalized how does the current market react? I'd be morewilling to say that because of the years and years of secrecy and cautious dealing that no effect would be realized (at least immediately). I'd probablysupport the legalization of weed and depending on the reaction move on to some of the harder drugs.

the war on drugs is a fraud.
wouldn't the crime rate be lower if drugs are legalized? since possession/drug usage would not be counted as crimes anymore
Oh hell no. I have seen first hand what Meth can do to someone. No way no how do I want to deal with Meth heads on the regular.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Oh hell no. I have seen first hand what Meth can do to someone. No way no how do I want to deal with Meth heads on the regular.

I know, plus think of all the houses that would be blown up.
Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

wouldn't the crime rate be lower if drugs are legalized? since possession/drug usage would not be counted as crimes anymore

"Crime" has been a social problem long before drugs and alcohol, and their subsequent regulations, came into the picture. The relation between crimeand drugs are largely independent of each other. What I mean by this is, if you take drugs out of the equation, you would still have a crime problem. Thatsaid, I don't mean to imply that the two aren't related in certain instances.

But even so, using your logic, consider the very real problem you create when you do in fact legalize drugs--ABUSE. I don't know about you, but the idea ofliving in a society where individuals abuse and are consequently hooked on very (legal) destructive chemicals, physiologically and mentally speaking, aintsomething I'm too cool with.

no. Downside is bigger than the upside... But the "War on Drugs" is terrible.

All I can say about.. is legalization is marijuana. Legalize that to certain extents, you can't have 214lbs in your trunk like Nate Newton but if you havea small amount for personal use it should be let go.. And have the same regulations as alcohol.

Everything else is a touchy subject..
Originally Posted by King Beef

I'll smoke bud everyday when it's illegal. How would things change when it's legal?

Imagine getting the best bud for a great price every time. No more messing around with inconsistent or shady dealers... just go down to your gasstation/dispensary/grow your own. More people would grow on their own and weed's price would drop like a rock. It would be a dream come true.
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by JPioneer

Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by JPioneer


You can legalize drug usage but not selling.

Selling results to a lot of young people trying the drugs and getting addicted. I'm talking about 14-17 year olds who might think they are ready to make the decision but are not.
Where are the parents at with their wisdom?
The wisdom is in their parents heads and not in the kids heads. Or do you claim that all 14-17 year olds always make the same decisions their parents would make? That's what I meant with the "who might think they are ready to make the decision but are not" part.
I'd hope a kid who's about to do Crack would at least take a second to think about it. But maybe I'm crazy...
They might think about it for a second but the problem is they are still so young all of them wont be able to really think it in depth. Andthat's the rebel age so
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by seniosoul

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

at least not without other laws to curb the natural byproduct of harm done to other people by those under the influence
look man...this country is on some iRobot type business.

I don't care if you smoke Meth until yo eyes balls pop out...I don't care if the next person does cocaine till the point they Od and kill over, dead as a door knob.

like I said this country is on some iRobot type business

it would be good for a law to prevent children from doing drugs...but adults should be able to make their own decisions
ok...but no where do address my point

Dirty . . . I assume (correct me if I'm wrong) that you are referring to the side effects such as violent crimes and theft - let's just call the"externalities":

1. If drugs were legalized., the users would not have to resort to criminal acts to procure their drug of choice. Removing the legal obstacles also removes therisk premium that factors into the high cost. This in turn makes drugs cheap and plentiful for those who opt to consume them.

2. I dont have official numbers, but I am willing to bet dollars to dimes that the externalities of alcohol use - whether it is domestic violence, DUI's,firearms accidents . . is far greater than the externalities resulting from recreational drug use.

3. Further, we already have laws in place against these externalities- the Common Law of the U.S. bans the use of force or coercion against other people andtheir property, regardless of whether the perpetrator is under the influence or not

As long as people have not harmed others or others' property, they have the right to do with themselves and their property what they will. When the harmoccurs, society should punish the perpetrator - not because s/he was on drugs at the time they committed the aggression, but because they committed theaggression.

That's my two cents - adjusted for GWB's and BHO's inflation
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

I honestly don't see how people can truly believe the crime rate would go DOWN. Legalizing drugs means more people would use them, more people using them means more addicts, more addicts means more people willing to do anything for a fix (i.e. killing, thieving, prostitution, etc). How can one not realize that? We'd be endangering society as a whole just to benefit economically. Are we really in such a dire state that we need to subject ourselves to more drug addicts that don't possess logic and reasoning? The same addicts we see strung out on the street today would be multiplied by a great number with the legalization of ALL drugs. Now if it were just marijuana being legalized that's a different story.

How many crime related instances are there with alcohol compared to Cocaine, Weed, Meth, or whatever? No where near as much. Endangering society? You areassuming that more people will use it if it was legal, which is not nessecerily true. Look at the education on drugs and what it can do to people. People knowthat drugs are bad for you and can numerous adverse effects long term. Look at cigarettes for second, there is a decrease in cigarette users since educationand warnings come out that it can be harmful to their health.

Like I said before, it wont benefit the economy that much at all. With it regulated it will be overly taxed, it will end up being more expensive than buying iton the street now.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious DUI checkpoints.
being able to jail and book ppl under the influence for DUI
being able to seize cars (eg NYC) for ppl driving under the influence.
being able to sentence those with multiple DUIs with harsher penalties
being able to revoke the driving privileges of people with multiple DUIs

so yeah..... those things.
dont see what this has to do with legalizing drugs

dui's are already illegal regardless of the legality of the substance involved....sounds like your problem is with lax dui laws, not drug legalization.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious DUI checkpoints.
being able to jail and book ppl under the influence for DUI
being able to seize cars (eg NYC) for ppl driving under the influence.
being able to sentence those with multiple DUIs with harsher penalties
being able to revoke the driving privileges of people with multiple DUIs

so yeah..... those things.
dont see what this has to do with legalizing drugs

dui's are already illegal regardless of the legality of the substance involved....sounds like your problem is with lax dui laws, not drug legalization.

legalizing weed is already on da books in cali for a vote on February.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Milton Friedman responded to the question, "what is a downside to legalization of drugs?" by saying there would be additional drug addicts. He also said there wouldn't be a need to sympathize with those additional addicts because they chose that path. I don't think it's about people having sympathy for the additional drug addicts after the legalization, I think it's about people's safety. We all know the extents that addicts will go to acquire their drug of choice. Essentially, the crime rate would sky-rocket.
The fact that drugs are illegal makes them so costly. Right now, cheap to grow and process plants have to go through a black market and areusually produced and sold through cartels, which are able to enforce high prices through violence. If cocaine and heroin production were in the same legalcategory as tobacco growing and cigarette making, the price would be very low and it would be like cigarettes or coffee, cheap and available to those whochoose to consume them.
Even though weed is practically legal in Cali most of the weed is still coming from criminal organizations most mexican cartels. And yes maybe weed should belegal but all other drugs are big mistake. I think people dont realize that its a mind altering substance. Imagine the problems we have with just alcohol nothat times all the other drugs cocaine, heroin, crack, meth. At the end my opinion is just an opinion. But no matter how you look at it giving people moreaccess to drugs is not a great idea. I know people who got hooked on meth and never came back. My friend had a mild heart attack and still cant stop using that#%$!.
All drugs should be legalized. Listen to my plan, not only legalize them, but make them free ( at least drugs like Meth and Crack, less addictive drugs likeMarijuana should be taxed). So, you make them free, but how do you get the money? You simply take the money that is used to fight drug use, to produce it. Now,before you can obtain access to a "meth card" you must go through a course that teaches you everything that it does to your body. This will have noeffect on current addicts but will certainly curb the amount of new users. Since it is free there will be no reason for the addicts to steal or commit othertypes of crime to support their habit, crime rates would plummet. Obviously there would be age restrictions but it would IMO with increased funding toeducation and prevention drastically cut down on the amount of new users as well as the crime rate. What is wrong with this?
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