Shopping while black Vol. Multi-tasking??

Originally Posted by StylishStef89

Originally Posted by 10eazye

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Originally Posted by 10eazye

Originally Posted by FiveStarFob

Originally Posted by 10eazye

This dramatization is garbage. Black girls DO NOT act like that. Any other black girl would've tore that clerk up/cussed em out.

i see you didnt learn much from the video...

Quit being smug. Dude's on NT talking about learning... What's in this vid that's SIGNIFICANT of learning? Racism has existed since the beginning of time and it will till the end of time. If I was in that situation I wouldn't have done @#+. I would act like nothing's happening and be on my way and not give a flip. On the other hand if they were attacking the (insert race) person because they were a (insert race) I would throws bows/help that (insert race) out no questions asked. But if it's childish prejudice like this I won't give two ***$%. If you're in that situation you leave the damn store and not add fuel to the fire.
I somewhat conclude that your blinkered view on proceeding tends to suggest that you do your race a disservice (I'm guessing your black from your sig). A sit down, shut up, step and fetchit mentality wouldnt have get black people ANYWHERE in the 50's & 60's or any decade for that matter, thus your flawed reasoning and generalisations sets us back even further than that. If somethings wrong you call it out and address it as a social issue and malaise (as opposed to 'pussying out' like you would).

Its IS educational because they are a lot of people out there that dispute that racism even exists or is a dying notion, and in addition what's racism to one person is comedy or a 'get over it' type situations to another. So to summise, yes we did learn something today although I digress sir, you most definately DID NOT.

Lastly, lol @ your 'black girls' comment - do you propose we class them all as the same ghetto hoodrats that NT would have you believe? Is your name next to 'idiot' in the dictionary

My generalizations were a joke I didn't mean em so lighten up. I'm setting black people back? I've never said the word !!@$ in a sentence more than once. I don't tell people their hairline is messed up and they should off themselves. I don't tell people that they have fake jays and they should off themselves. Get off your high horse. You have to be mentally blind to have actually "learned" something from this video that you already could have by walking into a reg. store. Nobody is created equally therefore no one will be treated equally. The most I would do in that situation would stone face the clerk. But to go out of my way to say this %$# is wrong and you should stop it is just too much. Because 1.The person doing committing the racism/prejudice would've to be pretty @%@+@*$ ignorant to do something like that. 2.If I did intervene what makes you think a person that ignorant would be realize how ignorant they are? 3. Ignorant people like the example in the video don't make realizations of themselves and figure out that they're a !%!* stain to society and that they should change there ways. Also SMH for you personal attacks what're a six grader?
I don't give a @#$% how much money someone's family has, who their parents are or any of that +* the end of the day EVERYONE IS CREATED EQUALLY. NO AMOUNT OF COLOR OR MONEY CAN CHANGE THAT.

No hate or anything against what you believe in but in my opinion people aren't created "equally". Some people are planned and some people aremistakes/accidents where's the equality in that? No one's treated equally. A prime of example of that is laws around the world. I can goanywhere(U.S/Europe) and expect to have a good amount of rights that benefit me, but a gay person...
Side note in Nigeria you get the death penalty if you are gay or if you do gay acts.
Originally Posted by oidreez

Originally Posted by 10eazye

Originally Posted by FiveStarFob

Originally Posted by 10eazye

This dramatization is garbage. Black girls DO NOT act like that. Any other black girl would've tore that clerk up/cussed em out.

i see you didnt learn much from the video...

Quit being smug. Dude's on NT talking about learning... What's in this vid that's SIGNIFICANT of learning? Racism has existed since the beginning of time and it will till the end of time. If I was in that situation I wouldn't have done @#+. I would act like nothing's happening and be on my way and not give a flip. On the other hand if they were attacking the (insert race) person because they were a (insert race) I would throws bows/help that (insert race) out no questions asked. But if it's childish prejudice like this I won't give two ***$%. If you're in that situation you leave the damn store and not add fuel to the fire.

i can't agree with this %*#+ at all. The point of the video is that it shouldn't matter what race the victim is and that people should have spoke up instead of just watching.

Well yeah I totally see your point and I kind of agree with you. But lemme ask you a question. If you saw a gay getting gay bashed etc what would you do? likeI said in my previous reply I would throw bows for someone if that type of !%@ what happening to them no questions asked.
Originally Posted by retr0sxual

Originally Posted by 10eazye

Originally Posted by retr0sxual

Originally Posted by THE FAME

If you were in such a situation what would you have done?
Without a doubt in my mind, I would've called the employee out.

That video made me mad.

Sidenote: I hate when people question my motives when I defend a minority victim of racism. "You're not _____, so why do you even care?"

I TOTALLY agree with your side note. But you calling out the employee would only make the employee's assumptions valid.
How so?

I'm assuming you're black or mexican if not then my bad. The employee would think you're a crazy N word or a loco ******. Then when they see youact out malicious you would just be another example of why that person is prejudice against said race.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by 10eazye

This dramatization is garbage. Black girls DO NOT act like that. Any other black girl would've tore that clerk up/cussed em out.


Please G.T.F.O my thread....
and take your lazer 5's with you.

Dude acting like he "owns" a Thread...when the only thinghe can do is post and change the topic title. SMH But nice try OP.
Originally Posted by Ouch my feet

As a retail employee who works with high-end merchandise, I can tell you we profile everyone, regardless of race. It's part of being a human being and having experience dealing thousands of shoppers over the years. And 95% of the time our assumption is dead-on. The problem is different races develop unique shopping patterns that we identify (I'd go more in depth, but I'm sure NT's PC Police would report it). We'll greet every customer and offer help, but beyond that it's on the shopper to actually show an interest in being helped.

You are the problem with retail.

90% of the time it's the most bummy lookin people who bust out the amex black cards, and not even look at tags.
If you really did high end retail work you'd know this.

And as far as the profiling goes, black people love to spend money regardless if they can afford it or not. You'd do better to act the same with everybodyat your job.
Originally Posted by 10eazye

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by 10eazye

This dramatization is garbage. Black girls DO NOT act like that. Any other black girl would've tore that clerk up/cussed em out.


Please G.T.F.O my thread....
and take your lazer 5's with you.

Dude acting like he "owns" a Thread...when the only thing he can do is post and change the topic title. SMH But nice try OP.


shut up
Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

Originally Posted by Ouch my feet

As a retail employee who works with high-end merchandise, I can tell you we profile everyone, regardless of race. It's part of being a human being and having experience dealing thousands of shoppers over the years. And 95% of the time our assumption is dead-on. The problem is different races develop unique shopping patterns that we identify (I'd go more in depth, but I'm sure NT's PC Police would report it). We'll greet every customer and offer help, but beyond that it's on the shopper to actually show an interest in being helped.

You are the problem with retail.
90% of the time it's the most bummy lookin people who bust out the amex black cards, and not even look at tags.
If you really did high end retail work you'd know this.

And as far as the profiling goes, black people love to spend money regardless if they can afford it or not. You'd do better to act the same with everybody at your job.
Seriously fam.
Stop trolling.
Post your thoughts and let that be your part.
Tired of scrolling down and seeing a page full of 10eazye replies.
The majority of people would not stick up for strangers. The experiment should have been done differently.
90% of the time it's the most bummy lookin people who bust out the amex black cards, and not even look at tags.
If you really did high end retail work you'd know this.

And as far as the profiling goes, black people love to spend money regardless if they can afford it or not. You'd do better to act the same with everybody at your job.
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