FreshMoney15 wrote:
This is some !%*%+##+!!!!
I was at the mall the other day and walked into coach...
there was a security guard at the door, i walked in and began to look around...
$#%$$%+!$@@* kept within feet of me and kept his eyes on me like i was megan foxx in a 2 piece...
he was obviously trying to play it cool like i didnt know what he was doing...
i knew exactly what he was doing the entire time...
so i walk out the door of the store and its like he walked me to it..
he stayed at the door...
i stayed watchin him from outside the store where he didnt see me...
i seen a bunch of ppl walk in n out...
dude did not follow a single other person inside and kept within feet of them..
i wanted to go over there and do something ( i dont even know what i was so pissed that i didnt know what i would do).
My friends told me to just chill and dont worry about it or i would so something i would regret.
Damn i had a pretty dope line up there huh
Word. That #$^^ was hot fire.
My guy in the western jacket held it down.
In reponse to alot of replies of course the out shinning topic in this documentary is
that people aren't willing to take action towards situations not concerning them unless
it becomes evident by the public to do so, hence the line following the lady at the end.
As for the "black card" guy.
It seems like to me he just wanted to fit in with everybody.
Consoling the clerk in the store..but then going on the agree with the interviewer.
I know I'm not talking to myself. NT is not some exclusive club somewhere isolated. We ARE those people out there.
and we have got to do better.
Side Note: Woman in the red could have def gotten the business.