Shopping while black Vol. Multi-tasking??

Jun 26, 2009
Social Experiment That Shows Discrimination Still Exists In America

People trying to play if off like they don't notice the @#$%.

Word NT, Discrimination of any sort is just plain stupid, happens more than often though.

If you were in such a situation what would you have done?

didnt seem to so much expose racism, just shows that a majority of people wont speak out if they witness it.

They should have just given a hidden camera to the black lady and had her go in the boutiques and shown how she was treated.

im half black if it matters lol
If I ever see this happen for someone and they dont properly defend theirselves (verbally), I would step in 100% and would make sure that employee would getfired.

That is totally unnacceptable.
I wish I was in a stiuation like that ill let them get all the attention and ill steal *$% while they stereotyping another negro
Ayo, real talk.

I got teary eyed watching this. Just makes a dude sad. If wifey every came home and said some !@%% like this happened to here. I'd show them "ourtype".
Originally Posted by cartune

I wish I was in a stiuation like that ill let them get all the attention and ill steal $@@ while they stereotyping another negro
cosign reminds me of that chappelle skit

isnt it illegal for that security guard to frisk ol girl?
SWB, DWB, at the end of the day, it happens and ppl don't say anything. I've been in those type of situations before where I was the victim. I walkinto the store w/ a group of white ppl and I'm the only one they offer to "assist". They feel stupid w/ I drop guap no damn delay
Originally Posted by doosta45

Originally Posted by cartune

I wish I was in a stiuation like that ill let them get all the attention and ill steal $@@ while they stereotyping another negro
cosign reminds me of that chappelle skit

isnt it illegal for that security guard to frisk ol girl?
they have to ask. It's also illegal for them to detain you.

Didn't watch the video, but I think it's hilarious when you find those people whos job it is to follow you around and they think you don't noticewhat they're doing. Like really ma'ma, you really have to unfold and refold the shirts right next to where ever I am? Every time? What coincidence!
see, the same %^$# would prolly happen to me, so I'd prolly get accused of stealing junk if I intervened.
thats why I shop with white chicks, makes me see less suspicious.
Whether it happens of not, the paranoia of knowing people maybe paying extra attention to you shopping because you're black is
Interesting experiment though it seems a bit forced. I think the ill treatment a lot of people receive in stores and the like tends to be more subtle (thoughjust as humiliating). It's tough to say what anyone would do witnessing that kind of situation because a lot of the time it's less trouble to getinvolved and also because people generally tend to mind their business. Can't really knock those people, but the dude who did comment with the black cardremark was way off for his type of thinking. That kind of stuff don't surprise me.
Originally Posted by Bowzer Blitz

For some odd reason I found this whole piece comical.
The guy who said the black card thing was comically racist. He couldn't think of something clever to say, so he threw that out there. Blackpeople and their black cards.
"If you wanna shop in harlem, then shop in harlem"

Woman: "I am the only black person in here"

Clerk: "Correct"

Woman: "And Im the only one being searched?"

Clerk: "Exactly"


Originally Posted by THE FAME

"If you wanna shop in harlem, then shop in harlem"

Woman: "I am the only black person in here"

Clerk: "Correct"

Woman: "And Im the only one being searched?"

Clerk: "Exactly"


clerk got straight to the point.
Damn, that's shady. I know I be getting looks when I sometimes walk into RL or Bloomingdale,.
I watched the first 43 seconds and stopped...

This is real???

The hell? *Goes back to finish watching*

Truly sad...
This has less to do with race, and more about a deeply ingrained indifference towards other people's problems. The "It's not my problem"attitude that has saturated our society, and is the main cause of most of our societies problems.
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