Shooting Reported at Las Vegas Casino Hotel

3 dead bodies within the first thirty seconds of the actual video? Close up of their faces with eyes open and nothing inside them. Come on now YouTube. Video needs to be deleted ASAP.
I'm surprised no alarms went off when the gunman broke his hotel windows with a sledgehammer. You would think the hotel would implement an alarm system, should any such action take place. It would let the location of the suspect become known quicker.
The real video that those close ups came from is much worse than the video posted in here. The cameraman legit seems like he is walking around pretending to help people just so he can film them up close. It's disturbing.
i hope the victims families sue the **** out of the people who are out there video recording the deceased

that one video they keep showing man... the one person recording everything while the guy is shooting people... that person needs to go **** themselves who does that? people are so obsessed with social media fame they are willing to risk their life video recording ****?
someone on 4chan posted not to go to crowded places in vegas or Henderson 2 weeks ago. he said theyre trying to push an agenda to make hotels require metal detectors and any future public spaces to have metal detectors so the company can make $
someone on 4chan posted not to go to crowded places in vegas or Henderson 2 weeks ago. he said theyre trying to push an agenda to make hotels require metal detectors and any future public spaces to have metal detectors so the company can make $

Won't happen. Especially in Vegas. Way too many people are coming and going, they don't wanna stand in line like that. Where does it end ?
someone on 4chan posted not to go to crowded places in vegas or Henderson 2 weeks ago. he said theyre trying to push an agenda to make hotels require metal detectors and any future public spaces to have metal detectors so the company can make $
Yeah that won't ever happen. These hotel properties are huge. With hundreds and thousands of people going in and out at multiple entrances 24 hours a day. Whose going to man all those metal detectors? Unnecessary labor and won't solve anything.
But why do you or anyone for that matter need to do this? Why do you feel the need to go to a shooting range and let off "1000 rounds a day easy?" Need to blow off steam? Go on a damn run, go lift weights, go play grand theft auto...
Are you serious?

It is a hobby just like playing video games or surfing or shooting dice ... I like to keep my skills sharp and learn my guns a bit more ... Practice my shot and hang out with my family ... We throw clays and hold little competitions and have been for 30+ years ...

Your stance is asinine in my opinion ... This is a case where the argument of drunk driving does fit ... Why do we serve alcohol at places people have to drive to knowing damn well they will have to drive home impaired? Why cant you just drink at home? Literally every bar in America should be shut down using your logic given the people killed by drunk driving each year ...

This is where society starts to lose each other ... You're telling me, a law abiding citizen, that I should do something else with my time ... Not only is that ignorant, it is a slippery slope that most big government proponents seem to forget ... What is Trump decides GTA and Porn are the cause of people going crazy and decides to tell you to do something else with your time? There have already been articles written to support this theory ...

I understand this is a board of the younger generation but people need to think about what they are saying ...
someone on 4chan posted not to go to crowded places in vegas or Henderson 2 weeks ago. he said theyre trying to push an agenda to make hotels require metal detectors and any future public spaces to have metal detectors so the company can make $

man been in a rat hole on reddit about this. Seeing pics of the shooters head post gun shot...that vid of the dude trying to check if people were alive after the shooting

heart wrenching
But why do you or anyone for that matter need to do this? Why do you feel the need to go to a shooting range and let off "1000 rounds a day easy?" Need to blow off steam? Go on a damn run, go lift weights, go play grand theft auto...

Not understanding why you are questioning someone's choice of blowing off steam. Especially if nobody else is being hurt or bothered
Nothing was going to prevent this situation. This cat had either a couple of million or a few million. He wasn't a felon. Never had a history of a mental disorder in any way. Plus he was an older white man. Theres no way he couldve been profiled in any type of way. This is why so many news outlets and people are trying to figure out what his motive. This scares the majority of civilians in the U.S. Because nobody is safe if an old rich white man with no criminal history can flip his switch so easily.

Gun Laws will never change. If it does,it doesn't really matter at this point. Theres 300 million guns legal/illegal in circulation right now. From what ive seen growing up and being around people that are into guns. Its waaaaaaaaaaaay to late to try to change gun laws. They would have to search everybody's home/business to see what types of guns people have. If there registered or illegal. Since we all know thats not going to ever happen. Yall can stop crying about the gun laws need to be changed.

Anybody right now can buy parts to build an AR-15 that will never be traced. Since its to late to regulate the circulation of guns in U.S. This is going to be more of a problem in my opinion. Im more suprised that it doesn't happen more often. Its funny how now its suppose to be this big unity fest after this tragic situation. I do sympathize with those whove lost there lives. But what about the civilians who lose there lives on a daily basis by the hands of power hungry policemen because they moved the wrong way. A country that is racially divided cant be unified when its tragedy on one side of the coin. But then theres no care or sympathy for the tragedies on the opposing side. It doesn't work like that.

You think the US is the first country that has had to deal with mass shootings? It isn't, it just refuses to take the steps necessary to reduce the number of those incidents because of pure, unadulterated selfishness.

There's only one solution to all of this, and it isn't arming more folks. It isn't sweeping this tragedy under the rug, and it isn't offering thoughts and prayers until the next mass shooting happens.

Disarmament (preferably through buy back programs) + tighter restrictions on the kind of firearms that can be sold to the public (because the NRA and its gun making backers are just as responsible for the deterioration of the gun issue)

The thing is, pro-gun folks don't have the humility to recognize that the legal leg they stand on (the 2A) might be outdated (the Constitution is not a religious text and the founding fathers weren't gods). They don't have the courage to recognize that all that training might be moot when **** hits the fan (who among you in this thread would've drawn their gun out and risk being confused as the shooter by the police?). And so, we will keep dancing around the issue until one of ours gets taken from us too soon by a mad individual.
Increasing gun laws just makes it more difficult for law abiding citizens to get their own protection. Criminals will still get hold of guns illegally..:::::
So anything that can be bought illegally should just be made legal then?

If that's the case, then why not legalize murder and rape? If a murderer wants to kill or a rapist wants to rape, they'll just do it illegally, so what's the point of making it illegal in the first place?
So anything that can be bought illegally should just be made legal then?

If that's the case, then why not legalize murder and rape? If a murderer wants to kill or a rapist wants to rape, they'll just do it illegally, so what's the point of making it illegal in the first place?

That is a wild analogy man :lol:

I mean I get your point but yea, wild analogy.
Increasing gun laws just makes it more difficult for law abiding citizens to get their own protection. Criminals will still get hold of guns illegally..:::::

The shooter stockpiled those guns legally though. He was a responsible gun owner until he wasn't.

man been in a rat hole on reddit about this. Seeing pics of the shooters head post gun shot...that vid of the dude trying to check if people were alive after the shooting

heart wrenching

The wild thing is schools in the hoods have had all of these security precautions since the 1990s (maybe even earlier), maybe the rest of the word needs them.

Yall suburban dudes, do yall have metal detectors in schools?
So, for you, it's just a forgone conclusion that we'll have one of these events every few months?

You truly believe that "do nothing" is going to yield a better result than "do something"?
I don't think anyone believes THAT.

But I think there are some that believe no matter what you do, the same thing will happen.

I don't think those two statements are the same.
So anything that can be bought illegally should just be made legal then?

If that's the case, then why not legalize murder and rape? If a murderer wants to kill or a rapist wants to rape, they'll just do it illegally, so what's the point of making it illegal in the first place?
Your analogies are so extreme it's not even funny.
So anything that can be bought illegally should just be made legal then?

If that's the case, then why not legalize murder and rape? If a murderer wants to kill or a rapist wants to rape, they'll just do it illegally, so what's the point of making it illegal in the first place?
Your analogies are so extreme it's not even funny.
I don't think anyone believes THAT.

But I think there are some that believe no matter what you do, the same thing will happen.

I don't think those two statements are the same.

The objective of having some control on guns is not to eliminate gun violence (that's impossible); it is to reduce the frequency of those events.

We define mass shootings as "shootings with more than 4 people hit" and we're already at more than one mass shooting/day for the year. Without even taking into account shootings where 1,2, or 3 people are victims, that's already too much.
So anything that can be bought illegally should just be made legal then?

If that's the case, then why not legalize murder and rape? If a murderer wants to kill or a rapist wants to rape, they'll just do it illegally, so what's the point of making it illegal in the first place?
Your analogies are so extreme it's not even funny.
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