Shooting Reported at Las Vegas Casino Hotel

But they dropped video of him from 2011? Didn’t these type of hotels drop video of that NFL player dragging his girl out of the elevator and JayZ getting in a scuffle with Solange I don’t know why it’s bugging me that they won’t release any video of him yet.

The Jay Z video was a security guard who sold it to TMZ. That video wasn't suppose to come out. He ended getting sued by his employer after being terminated I assume.
You know how many lawsuits this hotel is facing for negligence alone? Them releasing video that aids in proving their negligence is probably not going to happen willingly.
It's easy to get caught up in the conspiracy, I mean the Ray Rice video didn't come out until at least 6 months after the incident.
MGM released video of Tupac walking out before he got shot and that was in 96! I really don’t believe all the conspiracy stuff but I need video of this guy in the casino
Folks on the internet talking about multiple shooters and shots fired from all direction
Honestly the more they lag the more of a conspiracy it becomes.. people will be coming out trying to make a name for themselves of this tragedy and say a lot of nonsense and try to connect dots to stir the pot
Put the tin foil hats down
Dude had money to play with, probably was ******* some new “mail bride” on the low or had a buddy he was meeting with before hand
There wasn’t two shooters
Every theory has been debunked no matter how much you wish it wasn’t
Go outside and stop being bored.
Put the tin foil hats down
Dude had money to play with, probably was ****ing some new “mail bride” on the low or had a buddy he was meeting with before hand
There wasn’t two shooters
Every theory has been debunked no matter how much you wish it wasn’t
Go outside and stop being bored.

The damn sherrif himself stated he believed the shooter had an accomplice.
Guy's you have to understand they wont release footage until they're sure there wasn't someone else with him. It is an ongoing investigation. I dont think we would have even gotten the room photos if someone didn't leak them.
Not the best angle but he moving in the opposite direction of the crowd and crouches while raising both hands in a weird motion. Also the light is coming from his direction at the same time the sound of gunfire is heard.
Agreed. ^ looks suspect to me. But if there was an accomplice, why would he risk being in the actual line of Fire himself?

Then again it could also be a cop trying to look for the shooter.
anyone post this yet?

Looks like a confused cop who probably believes the gunfire is coming from the ground within the crowd, is seeing people drop, hearing rounds whizz by, and then draws his weapon and crouches. Maybe that's not "sexy" enough for the conspiracy folks though.

Why don't we wait until ballistic results come through? Won't that pretty much tell us how many shooters there were?
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