Shoes Thrown at Bush

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Yall left out the best part.....

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Bush said: "Thanks for apologising on behalf of the Iraqi people. It doesn't bother me. If you want the facts, it was a size 10 shoe that he threw".[/color]


G DUB is comedy

What's even funnier is he represents YOUR party.


'this is what people do in a free society'


Gotta give George's reflexes props, dude got the hell out of the way
Props to Bush on the real! I cant stop laughing at the gif with the turtle koopa from Mario Bros!
Originally Posted by LilJRDN

Props to Bush on the real! I cant stop laughing at the gif with the turtle koopa from Mario Bros!
i was still laughing just thinking about it before i re-entered this the turtle koopa

The gifs are hilarious. I'm far from a Bush supporter, but you gotta give credit where credit is due, he handled this situation as cool as possible. Heeven said "for those that want to know, it was a size 10"
Originally Posted by iBlink

SMH... you people are disgusting. Like him or not, the man's still your President and deserves your respect.

Real talk, some of the Pres. Bush haters on NT only detest the man because it's the "thing" to do. Sheep for the fricking loss.
You're crazy man. It's perfectly fine to not respect the leader of your country. Hell, it's patriotic even. You should alwaysquestion authority unless you would rather give this man your respect simply because he's in charge. Now, that's kinda sheepish.
Originally Posted by knowledgebones72

Originally Posted by iBlink

SMH... you people are disgusting. Like him or not, the man's still your President and deserves your respect.

Real talk, some of the Pres. Bush haters on NT only detest the man because it's the "thing" to do. Sheep for the fricking loss.
You're crazy man. It's perfectly fine to not respect the leader of your country. Hell, it's patriotic even. You should always question authority unless you would rather give this man your respect simply because he's in charge. Now, that's kinda sheepish.
List of presidents I dont like:
Bill Clinton
Jimmy Carter
Barack Obama (soon enough)
List of presidents I have disagreed with recently:
George Bush
George Bush
List of Presidents I want to see hit in the face with a shoe:

It is not fine to disrespect the leader of your country. The President almost without exception deserves our respect. It is fine to have disagreements withhim. It is fine to dislike him. It is fine to protest against him. It is fine to question him. It is fine to try and impeach him. The only time when it is finenot to respect a President is when he has made an utter disgrace of himself, and dishonored and misled our country.
Originally Posted by tylerdub

The only time when it is fine not to respect a President is when he has made an utter disgrace of himself, and dishonored and misled our country.
Believe me when I say I'm the among the first to be turned off by the "Bush iz Dum LAWL" crowd, its arrested our political discoursefor the last five years but if you honestly don't think a very strong case can be made that Bush has done all these things, especially in his handling ofthe Iraq War, I have to ask what cave you've been in.
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