Shoes Thrown at Bush

Originally Posted by Da Doc03

I think this might be my new AVY.
The last gif of Bush... someone needs to show him playing the drums before the dance!! G Wub is back in his college days..... he is having the time of hislife.....
Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

As much as I dislike George Bush as President, I don't rock with this. Until January 20th he's still the symbol of America. That's mad disrespectful in my eyes.
So everytime someone of importance does something foolish or has an "gaf" moment captured and people laugh it is disrespectful????
Jay Leno, Letterman and SNL should be punished to the highest extent of the law!
anybody catch conan last night, he had his staff throwing shoes at him just to see if he could do what bush did, pretty funny
So everytime someone of importance does something foolish or has an "gaf" moment captured and people laugh it is disrespectful????
Jay Leno, Letterman and SNL should be punished to the highest extent of the law!

So Bush did something foolish by getting a shoe thrown at him? Ain't no one talking about gaffes(spell check yourself next time). I'm talking aboutsomeone throwing a shoe at our President, that's disrespectful.
when the first shoe was thrown, i thought, must be an accident....but when the second shoe was thrown, i was like.... this dude's serious.....
Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

So everytime someone of importance does something foolish or has an "gaf" moment captured and people laugh it is disrespectful????
Jay Leno, Letterman and SNL should be punished to the highest extent of the law!

So Bush did something foolish by getting a shoe thrown at him? Ain't no one talking about gaffes(spell check yourself next time). I'm talking about someone throwing a shoe at our President, that's disrespectful.

No need for a spell check homie.... this is an online BLOG... not school or work... lol..... And I am SURE he is NOT THE FIRST world leader to have somethingthrown at him.. lol And as far as Bush doing something FOOLISH??? LMAO!!! Check his term for the past 8 years..... run it back to his Texas governor days ifyou need more proof....
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by tylerdub

. I feel that Pres. Bush's legacy will be similar.


He is leaving office as a disgrace to America due to...

Economy in a recession
400 Billion deficit
2 wars he started but couldn't finish
Failed to capture Osama?

Bush is going down as one of the worst Presidents in American History. He was such a disgrace that the Republicans didn't even want him to campaign for McCain so yah what a grand legacy Bush will have.
Yeah you hate Bush & you hate Republicans.
Get over yourself.



The TRUTH hurts doesn't it Tbone?

Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

So everytime someone of importance does something foolish or has an "gaf" moment captured and people laugh it is disrespectful????
Jay Leno, Letterman and SNL should be punished to the highest extent of the law!

So Bush did something foolish by getting a shoe thrown at him? Ain't no one talking about gaffes(spell check yourself next time). I'm talking about someone throwing a shoe at our President, that's disrespectful.
I do not think it is disrespect. He is a warmonger that was part of a war theatre where Iraqi civilians were killed and endured many atrocities.This man should be put on war crime trials along with the other cronies part of this orchestration of this war. Him having a shoe thrown at him isnothing compared to what Iraqis have been through in this war. Just my humble opinion. I do not respect him and the other warmongers one bit.
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