She's Only into you b/c you're NOT into her....

RAWse wrote:
Cliffnotes: Girls are simply dumb

Originally Posted by handullz

to all the fellas sayin they been knew that:...

i feel you... and alotta people do know....

but 3 reasons why cats dont follow this...

1. it doesnt get immediate results
-cats want to get the poon now... and when they get the attention, that's when they think thy are in the door. that's when ladies flip the script. they start danglin the poon in ya face... sayin stuff like "we need to be committed first" or "you gotta take me out" or "we gotta get to know each other"...

2. its always said that the EXACT OPPOSITE of this article is the way to go.
-we are always taught to treat chicks nice... the classic story of the nice guy comin out on top. that's cool in the media. it makes you feel good. and that feel good feeling is what alot of folks (simps) want to feel.

3. choosin' ya lover
-cats wanna go after a chick they attracted to. they want the big **** and !##... the first thing that will draw you to someone is you being attracted. cats most times wont show love to the chick coverin herself. they like how them !## and ******* look... so

Yup. We're pretty much taught how to get cheated on and mistreated by women from early on by everyone saying oh, be nice to women and that garbage.

The article was pretty much a straight forward explanation of things most of us have come to realize over the years. But it's always good to hear it, especially from a woman. Michelle Langley gets a thumbs up from me
Was a good article...

It further proves my point that your life should be your #1 priority, not women.
It's a hard concept to understand, but if your life is on point, women will come
Chasing after the women to "get something from them" is not how it works
Originally Posted by handullz

to all the fellas sayin they been knew that:...

i feel you... and alotta people do know....

but 3 reasons why cats dont follow this...

1. it doesnt get immediate results
-cats want to get the poon now... and when they get the attention, that's when they think thy are in the door. that's when ladies flip the script. they start danglin the poon in ya face... sayin stuff like "we need to be committed first" or "you gotta take me out" or "we gotta get to know each other"...

2. its always said that the EXACT OPPOSITE of this article is the way to go.
-we are always taught to treat chicks nice... the classic story of the nice guy comin out on top. that's cool in the media. it makes you feel good. and that feel good feeling is what alot of folks (simps) want to feel.

3. choosin' ya lover
-cats wanna go after a chick they attracted to. they want the big **** and !##... the first thing that will draw you to someone is you being attracted. cats most times wont show love to the chick coverin herself. they like how them !## and ******* look... so

Hit it on the nail.
Originally Posted by needsomejays

^ good stuff right there, i was about to say some of the same things
also,  kinda going along with what you said, if a dude never gets any poon, the instant he gets attention from a girl he wants, hes probably gonna give her all the attention she wants instead of following the original plan, since he's desperate for the P

i know...

smh... i used to be like that... smh...
I thought everyone knew this, but sometimes its just hard to follow when you are really feeling a chick

i dealt with a chick like this not to long ago, when i really liked her she blew me off hard body, so i peeped game starting talking to her friend she i wasn't feeling her and started texting and calling me wanting to hang out,

I hate it when females say that all men are dogs when in fact they are the same way, but more indirect. They always try to find an excuse to get out or make it seem like they are the victim
Old news

b's be crazy

I guess many dude forget women are humans too.... hey want sex as bad as men (sometimes even more). The only thing they have over men is self-control. They are masters at that. It's really sad how some girls treat the dude that is all up on her, they get treated like dirt and the same girl treats the guy that put some flare into her life (opposite of nice guy) like a king.

It all works backwards. So you don't want me (now I want you)
Originally Posted by ShoeHead117

They always try  make it seem like they are the victim

so so true
my ex always would try to find  a way to make it seem like it was my fault no matter what, no matter how irrelevant her argument was
So basically this is saying never get married (for men) and never sleep with a guy (for women)?

Believe it or not, some relationships actually do work.
Pay attention to the title..It says "Bad Girls" not "All Women"..I don't mess with "bad girls" because those are the ones that are on your nuts one day and slobbin on another dude the next...I'm not saying I date perfect angels but I'm not into that tatted up, going to clubs every night, blowin L's with the guys type chicks..They're great as friends but TERRIBLE as gf's..I know from experience
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