Seattle SuperSonics Thread

I have been taking a deep look at the arena situation in Seattle, and indeed, there are significant issues causing Stern to say what he did.
— Aaron Bruski (@aaronbruski) February 14, 2013
The fact is that SEA does not have an arena deal, and challenges to their deal could keep the Sonics in Key for 4-5 years.
— Aaron Bruski (@aaronbruski) February 14, 2013
big time lie
Stern: "I haven't heard anything about expansion from our owners....I don't think expansion is an option."
— Aaron Bruski (@aaronbruski) February 14, 2013
Stern played both sides saying, "The idea of leaving Sacramento is not a good one.The idea of going back to Seattle is a good idea."
— Aaron Bruski (@aaronbruski) February 14, 2013
It bothers me that, when its all said and done; the general consensus will be that Sacramento deserved to lose the Kings and there will be no outcry  that Seattle got when they lost the Sonics.

When this ends, it will be more about Seattle getting back the Sonics, not Sacramento losing the Kings.

In 08, literally everybody was up in arms with OKC getting a team. 

I dunno, its just something that will definitely bother me.
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I don't even know why people put much stock in what Stern ever says (until he actually makes a decision on something). You can't even read between the lines with that guy.
this is true, bugs me how many people keep claiming the Kings are good as gone.

In regards to an arena deal, well, there is an arena deal. The mayor and both councils have signed off on it. In Seattle, that is a deal. The EIS will get rubber stamped. They're building on industrial land. It's not like they're clear cutting a forests, or wiping out a rare fish species, to build this thing.

The lawsuits also don't carry any weight. They're using the provisions of I-91, when the guy who wrote the law even said the arena deal is compliant with all aspects. The Port is only suing because they want a piece of the pie. They're not actually against the arena being built. They're against not getting some new roads built for them as part of the deal (which is what they got out Safeco Field). They fight everything when there's an incentive for them to get something they don't have to pay for.

Now, I agree, the whole "Kings to Seattle" thing is not a done deal, but saying there's no arena deal is grasping at straws, really.
Does the arena-deal hinge on whether the BOG approve of the sales/move? 

Yes and no. Even after all the lawsuits and the EIS are in the rear view, Hansen won't break ground on an arena unless he has a team signed, sealed and on its way to Seattle.

Ultimately, I don't know much the precise timing of everything matters to the BoG, or if all the pieces need to be in place. I say that because now I hear that one (or both, not sure...rck2 can clear that up) of the Sacramento locations needs an EIS, for example. However, it seems clear the league isn't too keen on the idea of another season of uncertainty. The league appears ready to solve this Kings mess this season, so really, what time line are we talking about? And what really needs to be in place in order to move forward? The league appears to be fine with KeyArena being used for a couple seasons (Hansen is paying for upgrades, as part of the MOU), so the BoG may be more willing under those circumstances to approve a relocation, even if the EIS is yet to conclude.

The thing working in Seattle's favor is that Hansen has been working meticulously on this entire thing for at least two years. The final hurdle was the city council. Initially they were against him 8-1. He turned it into 6-2 in his favor (one person abstained). That doesn't happen in Seattle. Ever. All of his work and attention to detail will not be overlooked by the BoG or David Stern. That is for sure.
Since there isn't a Sonics-thread, guess I'll post this here...

 I just remember seeing that one pic of him in the Times after his "transformation"... tats, goatee, benchpressing with chains... 
I guess that's what happens when you got money to burn, but now look at him...A bum.

An acquaintance of mine, who I really wouldn't call a good friend, was "buddies" with Swift and he made Swift come off as an immature punk. That's why I could careless.

Talk of parties all the time, beer cans all over the floor, holes in the walls from bodies running into them, no real work ethic...A kid with millions, I suppose.
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I think he has family out here in Sac, I've seen him at a gym I go to out here a few times with his entire family :lol:
I just don't understand how pro athletes, at the very least, don't have a home. If I signed a multimillion dollar contract the top priority on my list would be to payoff a mortgage ASAP.

No sympathy here either.
what is this lawsuit going on today???

I'm guessing its not a big deal since I only saw a tiny blurb about it 
I'm reading that their main defense against this suit is that they do not currently have an arena plan. Didn't they have everything in place already??
what is this lawsuit going on today???

I'm guessing its not a big deal since I only saw a tiny blurb about it 

I don’t think it's a big deal. As I’ve said before, it’s the port basically throwing a hissy fit over somebody building in their area (an area zoned for stadiums, by the way). I-91 is the only legal leg they have to stand on to support their “awareness” campaign. What they really want is for Hansen to allocate part of the project money to build them a shiny new road or two that would connect them to the interstate a little easier. They don’t care whether a stadium is built or not. They just want a piece of the action at no cost to them.

While there are definitely some things that need to be done to alleviate traffic in that area (regardless of stadiums or construction), they never actually do anything about it until something like this comes along, and then they start stomping their feet like children. They basically forced the construction of a new interchange and overpass to I-90 when Safeco was built.

They are opportunists, who are trying to stay relevant after having lost quite a bit of business to the Port of Tacoma. Which is a much more efficient, convenient and better managed port around here (which says a lot, considering it’s in the South Sound).

Having said all that, it is Seattle, and it it the Port. Get the right (or wrong, depending on whose side you're on) judge and who knows.
^most of Sac media is already saying it is expected to get dismissed

I just don't understand how pro athletes, at the very least, don't have a home. If I signed a multimillion dollar contract the top priority on my list would be to payoff a mortgage ASAP.

No sympathy here either.
Most advisers tell them to keep a mortgage for the tax deduction. Since most athletes are young kids without much financial knowledge, they keep the mortgage and lose the home once the funds go away. Look at all the homes Iverson lost after making a couple hundred million during his career.
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