Can't say we didn't all see this coming but damn if it isn't still like a gut punch. I would rather have kept Russ and let Pete go also. As we've seen no first rd QB is a sure thing and who knows if they go after someone in free agency or another trade.
Going to miss Russ for real, mans really transcended the franchise. At least PC/JS are consistent as **** haha. Let LOB collapse, let Marshawn walk, and now traded Russ. Sheesh...

That's a haul but do we trust this regime like we used to? They got balls but they better not wiff with these picks...
Jodie and the estate needs to sell the team. This reeks of keep business as usual with personnel being dispensable. Is there a coincidence the Seahawks and Trailblazers were/are at a crossroad despite having franchise players?
Really is an end of an era with Bobby being released also. Last peice of those great defenses finally gone.

I'm sure more moves to come soon before the draft.
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