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Seaglow Foams?

Originally Posted by BoutMyMoney333

How do you store them AFTER you seaglow them? I seaglowed my 09 eggplants then took them out the box a month later and they were even more yellowed than before.
I store my kicks in jumbo zip lock bags inside the box.  To your point of yellowing after you've completed a sea glow session - the sea glow instructions mention that you should expose the soles to sunlight periodically to continue the effects of sea glow. 
  Just a pain in the ---!  I've pulled them out a few times and placed them on the patio but I really don't bother with all that.  Mines were a tad yellow a month later on the bottom only and still no where near where they were prior to being sea glowed.  The mid soles which is what shows still looks brand newish, straight icy. 
Originally Posted by shoeking2345

im guessing you are using ultraviolet lights, correct?
I used two daylight bulbs and one bright white bulb.  Ultimately, I stopped using the bright white and just used the two daylight bulbs.  I don't remember the exact details but if you go to youtube and search on jordan XI space jam sea glow, you'll find some videos posted by optimusp517.  He gives more details around the specs for the bulbs.  You might be able to use any daylight bulbs but I went to Lowes and picked up what he suggested.  Shout outs to optimusp517!!!  Dude made a believer out of me. 
I'm definitely going to check out the daylight bulbs. It's always been a pain in the butt to wait for the weather to be decent enough to SeaGlow, and if I can get the same (if not better!) results this way, I'm gonna go for it. I plan on doing my Coppers, '07 Royals, and '02 Pearls to see what I can accomplish.

Of course, first I have to get rid of this damn flu...
Just wondering thru,

How much time did you put into your Coppers and how many reapplications of Seaglow did you use? When I did a pair of my '02 Pearls in the sun last year, I did one application and let them sit for a good 8 hours and they came out pretty good. They were a screwed up pair though that I mainly used for experimental purposes, and I'm wondering if I might have just gotten lucky. Needless to say I don't want to mess up on my good kicks, especially considering my Foams are my grails. Looks like the process you've got works perfectly!
^I put some time in. I'd say at least 10 - 12 hours. I did my coppers first and I think 10 - 12 hours is about right. I also did my eggs and a couple of J's. After I got comfortable with the process, I let some of them sit overnight under the lights while I slept. That's what I like about the lights. You can sleep on'em and wake up in the morning and call it a wrap.
Do you have pics of the eggplants. Thanks again for providing the first pictures ive seen of sea glowd foams
Originally Posted by MerkurPosite

how many reapplications of Seaglow did you use?
I'm not sure about how much sea glow I used but it wasn't much.  I used it sparingly.  The level of sea glow in the bottle barely looked like it had decreased.  I used cotton balls to apply the sea glow but I didn't totally soak the cotton balls each time.  I didn't change cotton balls a lot.  I'd use the same cotton ball and the sea glow already in it for several applications.  Eventually, I'd change a cotton ball and add a little more sea glow but I'd only use maybe 3-4 cotton balls at most.
Has anybody done the seaglow mixed with rit dye solution on foams? I really want to see how a sole looks with a blue tint.
Originally Posted by CuteUglyhaha

Originally Posted by dizzledyl

Has anybody done the seaglow mixed with rit dye solution on foams? I really want to see how a sole looks with a blue tint.

actually yes. some dude was on youtube doing custom foams.
did black bottom royals, blue bottom eggs, and yellow bottom coppers i think

Originally Posted by bigj505

Originally Posted by CuteUglyhaha

Originally Posted by dizzledyl

Has anybody done the seaglow mixed with rit dye solution on foams? I really want to see how a sole looks with a blue tint.

actually yes. some dude was on youtube doing custom foams.
did black bottom royals, blue bottom eggs, and yellow bottom coppers i think

Yea ive actually seen those videos. The black bottom roayals look great but i wouldnt do that to my royals ever. I want to see the royals with a blue tint sole. Also wondering if this is a good idea or not. I want to get some second opinions before i start this project. So i have a pair of pearl pros that I have worn a lot and they are full of scuffs and glue stains on the pearl material and the soles are getting pretty yellow. So I was wondering if I could paint them red and the bottoms black to make them look like the red pros but i dont know where to start. Has anybody painted over the foam material? I have red angelus paint but im not sure if that would work over the material. 
If anybody doesnt understand what im trying to do here I basically want to turn these:

Into these:
^^yea goodluck with that....all the paint jobs I've seen done on foams have never held up...the paint starts to chip/crack when they are worn. the best thing i can think of right now is dye....someone over on the other site dyed his pearl soles red but messed up and got dye on the upper and it's remained there since.
Originally Posted by Mayhemgatz

^^yea goodluck with that....all the paint jobs I've seen done on foams have never held up...the paint starts to chip/crack when they are worn. the best thing i can think of right now is dye....someone over on the other site dyed his pearl soles red but messed up and got dye on the upper and it's remained there since.

^Yea thats what i thought would happen if i painted them. Im not trying to ruin this shoe because i really like them and there a classic. I probably wont go through with it until i find a solution that is for sure going to work.
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