School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

Why would anyone take your posts seriously/think you are posting in good faith when you post this?
“It is clear from numerous declassified US government and CIA documents that the United States has had a long-term strategic interest in Ukraine, reaching back to the early 1950s. Ukraine is essential to Russian strategic and geopolitical interests in eastern Europe, the Black Sea, and the Mediterranean. Thus, the US has correctly identified it as the soft underbelly of Russia. NATO eastward expansion, US encirclement, and CIA covert operations both in Ukraine and in the United States have been directed towards provoking Russia to act and so trap Moscow in a long and bloody insurgency. To this end, the US’ most important weapon has been propaganda; with Russia’s leader monsterised even before the conflict began, with the explosion of anti-Russian articles and opinion pieces, and with the liberal use of ‘black propaganda’ in the use of such CIA instruments as Radio Free Europe, the US has prepared the group for mass public support for an ‘intervention’ against Russia. This calibre of propaganda has been evident on the ground in Ukraine with one example being that of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry using the Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk as evidence of Russia attacking civilian targets.

Russia and Ukraine have lived side by side for over three decades without Russia invading. Ukrainian neutrality has, since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, guaranteed peace between these two states. Yet, US government involvement — including clandestine involvement — in the Orange Revolution and the 2014 Maidan coup have revealed Washington’s intention to push for a war with Russia over a wholly manufactured and unnecessary conflict in Ukraine. With the US pressing for this war — as was shown in 2008 when, against French and German advice, the US invited Ukraine and Georgia to join the NATO alliance in breach of the 1991 NATO-Soviet agreement — it is hard to see how exactly it can be stopped without the US ending its interference in the region.”
Quote with No source?
“It is clear from numerous declassified US government and CIA documents that the United States has had a long-term strategic interest in Ukraine, reaching back to the early 1950s. Ukraine is essential to Russian strategic and geopolitical interests in eastern Europe, the Black Sea, and the Mediterranean. Thus, the US has correctly identified it as the soft underbelly of Russia. NATO eastward expansion, US encirclement, and CIA covert operations both in Ukraine and in the United States have been directed towards provoking Russia to act and so trap Moscow in a long and bloody insurgency. To this end, the US’ most important weapon has been propaganda; with Russia’s leader monsterised even before the conflict began, with the explosion of anti-Russian articles and opinion pieces, and with the liberal use of ‘black propaganda’ in the use of such CIA instruments as Radio Free Europe, the US has prepared the group for mass public support for an ‘intervention’ against Russia. This calibre of propaganda has been evident on the ground in Ukraine with one example being that of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry using the Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk as evidence of Russia attacking civilian targets.

Russia and Ukraine have lived side by side for over three decades without Russia invading. Ukrainian neutrality has, since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, guaranteed peace between these two states. Yet, US government involvement — including clandestine involvement — in the Orange Revolution and the 2014 Maidan coup have revealed Washington’s intention to push for a war with Russia over a wholly manufactured and unnecessary conflict in Ukraine. With the US pressing for this war — as was shown in 2008 when, against French and German advice, the US invited Ukraine and Georgia to join the NATO alliance in breach of the 1991 NATO-Soviet agreement — it is hard to see how exactly it can be stopped without the US ending its interference in the region.”

Not buying this at all. I’m too hung over to go hunt sources. But I’ve watched no less than 3 interviews in the last week of ex-Russian officials that know and worked directly for Putin in his early presidency years and have stated that Putin never personally recognized Ukraine as a sovereign nation and its been his desire to “reclaim” Ukraine since he took office. As to why now, multiple reasons and none of them are what he’s telling the Russian people. I’ll leave at that.
IMO demilitarizing Ukrain is never gonna happen. Not now. Russia already violated a non-aggression agreement. Distrust of Russia will be at all time high. And if anything, Ukraine will be seeking avenues and partners to increase defensive militarization after this is over, if they survive. Russia simply wants a puppet regime in Ukraine like they had before. The “actor” messed the whole strategy up by not running away like the Afghan president. It’s not coincidence that Zelensky is putting his life in danger by showing videos of him on the streets of Kyiv. These people want to live in a free democracy. That goes against all things Russia. Therefore there will never be peace. Provided Ukraine wins, we’ll be back here again in a few decades if Putin’s replacement is just as psychotic and after the war coffer has been re-filled.
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(Disclaimer : I do not have a dog in this fight and I am not interested in defending any views that may clash with someone else’s political views or beliefs.)
The least you can do is post verifiable, accurate info. Even biased info can be accurate.

Interview with former Polish president (in Polish)

Translation of interview below (in multiple parts):

This think tank has been providing a daily assessment of the war since day one. These are the most recent ones:

May 19

Key Takeaways:

We now assess that the initial Russian campaign to seize Ukraine’s capital and major cities and force regime change has failed;
Russian forces continue efforts to restore momentum to this culminated campaign, but those efforts will likely also fail;
Russian troops will continue trying to advance to within effective artillery range of the center of Kyiv, but prospects for their success are unclear;
The war will likely descend into a phase of bloody stalemate that could last for weeks or months;
Russia will expand efforts to bombard Ukrainian civilians in order to break Ukrainians’ will to continue fighting (at which the Russians will likely fail);
The most dangerous current Russian advance is from Kherson north toward Kryvyi Rih in an effort to isolate Zaporizhiya and Dnipro from the west. Russian forces are unlikely to be able to surround or take Kryvyi Rih in the coming days, and may not be able to do so at all without massing much larger forces for the effort than they now have available on that axis;
The Russians appear to have abandoned plans to attack Odesa at least in the near term.

May 20

Key Takeaways

The Ukrainian General Staff reported for the first time that the Kremlin is preparing its population for a “long war” in Ukraine and implementing increasingly draconian mobilization measures, including deploying youth military organization members aged 17-18.
Ukrainian forces reportedly killed three Russian regimental commanders in the last 24 hours.
Russia’s Wagner Group will likely facilitate the deployment of Libyan fighters to Ukraine.

Russian forces are digging in to positions around Kyiv, including the first reports of the war of Russian forces deploying minefields.
Ukrainian forces repelled a Russian assault on Izyum, southeast of Kharkiv, and inflicted heavy casualties.
Russian forces continued their slow advance into Mariupol but did not achieve any major territorial gains.
Ukrainian forces launched further localized counterattacks around Mykolayiv.

Close to 15% KIA and WIA, not to talk of those who are MIA. I'm no expert but all of this in 4 weeks plus the equipment that has been destroyed is unsustainable.
I thought Ukraine was inflating their numbers but it might not be far off if you include mercenaries and solders from the separatist areas.

Russia still has a boat load of ammunition so they can continue fire day and night into cities to try and get Ukraine to crack since everything else seems to have stalled.

Close to 15% KIA and WIA, not to talk of those who are MIA. I'm no expert but all of this in 4 weeks plus the equipment that has been destroyed is unsustainable.
I thought Ukraine was inflating their numbers but it might not be far off if you include mercenaries and solders from the separatist areas.

Russia still has a boat load of ammunition so they can continue fire day and night into cities to try and get Ukraine to crack since everything else seems to have stalled.

Their generals are getting killed left and right, because of their FUBAR broke down command structure and morale. We've seen armies of Russian POWs and how many of them are just lost rotting in fields and ditches?
Hard to give many ****s about this war since I stopped driving & this is happening up and down the block.

Still a mad mad world. Bad guys at every turn.
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