School me on different nike accounts

Originally Posted by Prolific Sole

Originally Posted by Supa2G

How difficult is it to obtain an account? I have heard that Nike is rather strict with their product allocation to start-ups.

I hear it's very difficult. I personally know a guy who owns a few urban clothing stores in Miami. The stores are very well known in the area and do very good business. Last summer he was trying to get a meeting with a nike rep to get an account in one of the stores and from what i understand you have to meet certain requirements of something.

Yea ur right u either have to have a connect to get an account or just have 2 grind to get proving yourself.
I'ma need a tier 0 account
Originally Posted by gourmetkickz

Originally Posted by r2jdm

i was talking to the guy at livestock and he told me that in order to get a tier 0 must have a good credit and must pay them on time. if not they take your tier 0 account good bye!

that goes with any account. credit terms are important to vendors because they need accounts to buy into their line enough to support giving accounts hot releases, while also making sure the account doesn't over-order resulting in a monthly bill they simply cannot pay.
what ideal for Nike is "net 30" credit terms. This means you pay your bill in full within 30 days. If you go past 30 days, there is an additional fee. If an account goes unpaid for too long or too far delinquent, they close or suspend your account until you are paid up, then they re-evaluate. But once again, whether you are tier 0 or urban best, you HAVE to pay your Nike bill on time. Everyone I know pays within 30 days. Tier0 is a very hard program to get accepted into. Like I said before it depends on location, track record, aesthetics, clientele, and other brands on the shelf, in addition to business plan, marketing and a whole bunch of other stuff only Nike understands. Basically Nike can give a tier0 to whomever they want. Look at Boedga, they hopped on the scene with a "cool idea" and immediately got a tier0.

Here is a quick little reference to some terms used in the industry:

Net 30, Net 60, Net 90 = these refer to payment terms / credit terms. a vendor will extend these terms depending on your D&B rating in additon to other factors. The better credit you have as a business, the better / longer credit terms you get. Net basically means "paid in full by" and the number refers to the # of days you have to pay said bill.
D&B = Dunns and Bradstreet, this is a rating system much like FICO scoring for determining credit worthyness. D&B numbers are given to businesses who subscribe to the D&B rating system, this number becomes alot like your own personal social security number, only it belongs to the business. Most vendors won't touch you without a D&B or "Dunns" number.
credit terms = the agreed upon payment terms a vendor extends. this is like a "line of credit" or a monthly "spending allowance" most vendors will not allow you to go past this monthly amount, some vendors calculate the limit by quarterly spending as well.
Nike account = the actual account held by a store owner or chain owner
Nike door = this refers to each individual location run by a chain owner, each door can have different account subscriptions / status meaning the buyer can only order from certain calendars per door.
allocation = this is the set amount of kicks you will receive when purchasing from certain calendars, usually allocations are a FSR or 2 x FSR, offerings are either allocation or open stock
open stock = this means you can order any quantity with specification as to what sizes you want to carry, sometimes there is an order minumum and almost always a maximum
order minimum = you have to order at least this # of pieces for your order to even be accepted
pieces = pairs (in the case of sneakers)
quickstrike (abbreviate QK and sometimes called non-futures) = an allocation release given only to certain accounts without prior notice on calendars or offer sheets
futures = this term refers to the offerings listed in order calendars and order sheets, these orders must be placed months in advance of actual release (no doubt to dictate production numbers)

-End thread right there. I was coming in to say what you just said. -Me and my boy had our own shop and all our vendors we worked with had us on Net 60 terms.We went to all shoe companies and off the top Nike wanted 10g's minimum a month from us + Net 30 terms...considering our inventory wasn't even over 7g's, we passed. -However, we went with smaller companies and Cre Rec gave us the best deal...essentially looking at their catlogue and handpickingquantities and styles. But that was only after speaking with a rep and telling him our situation. -Nike knows how to handle their business and won't throwyou anything unless you come correct. -For all of those wondering why local FA & FTL don't get "heat" like a streetwear shop, realize howmany FA & FTL's there are compared to the Huf's and DQM's. Nike would shoot itself in the foot, essentially it would be like opening up theNike flood gates and the swoosh would lose value. -That's why Nike breaks off FTL with HOH, so those big chains can get "heat" and also creates.FTL and $#@@'s sporting goods exclusives, just to keep it fresh. - My advice to those looking to start a shop: Have a great vision and plan and stick toit, be prepared to be the owner, the salesperson, the stock boy, and the marketing guy. Also know that you can make a profit without "major" shoebrands, but if you have the bread then go for it.
why is it that nike doesn't list all its dealers, like some local shops around my way have nike but they aren't listed in dealer locator at
I just finished reading through this post. I don't comment much but I have got to give props to all the peeps who added knowledge to community with these answers... I would also like to add on to it... in some areas (like Chicago) you will find franchised stores for the major players. While they may share the same name as the other guys (like a McDonald's or something) they are their own private account and may be known to get some of the rare tiers and releases... now what sucks is that Chicago does not have a TZ account... not one... and we deserve it!
Originally Posted by macgyver35

urban: forces, dunks, trainers, retros
indie: AM, dunks, hybrids

in a nutshell
not true at all

indie has dunks trainers AMs hybrids the materials and colorways are just more fashion inspired while urban is more sporting inspired.
Originally Posted by Scarborough416

Originally Posted by Mister Wiggy

Can someone explain to me how a sneaker account works? Do the companies just give the sneakers to stores and recieve some of the profit or does the store buy them from the company?

we buy sneakers wholesale from nike on a 30-90 day payment basis

it is very had to get an account i was open for 2 years before i got a call back from nike. To be honest unless you absolutely dont care about money or income i wouldnt try and open a sneaker store. You have to be very lucky to make it work with nike but after you get in its great, i love nike for the oprotunity and trusting me at such a young age i was only 22 when i got my account.
Originally Posted by titanium intellect

I just finished reading through this post. I don't comment much but I have got to give props to all the peeps who added knowledge to community with these answers... I would also like to add on to it... in some areas (like Chicago) you will find franchised stores for the major players. While they may share the same name as the other guys (like a McDonald's or something) they are their own private account and may be known to get some of the rare tiers and releases... now what sucks is that Chicago does not have a TZ account... not one... and we deserve it!

QFT!!! we do deserve one...
good info...i def wanna own a clothing/sneaker spot in the next few yrs...tryin to get my credit right in the meanwhile
Originally Posted by Bush Man 2002

good info...i def wanna own a clothing/sneaker spot in the next few yrs...tryin to get my credit right in the meanwhile
go light on clothing, nothing is selling clothing wise
Originally Posted by SmilezAndShoes

very informative thread/

1. Thank you for grave digging this thread. 2. I will own my own shop with the highest account eventually. I've always aspired to do this!Very informative and 'worth the read' thread.
great thread! a really "eye opening" one!

will continue to peep this thread from time to time for more valuable info!
Originally Posted by SmilezAndShoes

very informative thread/

1. Thank you for grave digging this thread. 2. I will own my own shop with the highest account eventually. I've always aspired to do this!Very informative and 'worth the read' thread.
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