Sarah Palin didn't know that Africa was a continent.


Aug 8, 2006
Okay, all the other stories about Palin I could handle, although she should've known more.. But this is just amazing. How the hell could a person almostbecome the most powerful person in the world for not knowing something I learned when I was six years old is beyond me. This is beyond amazing. What the hellwas McCain thinking?
" I wish I could of told you back at the time...but all of it was put off the record until after the election." if we would even be told about it, even after they could have won the election.
The loss of this election has to be blamed on someone...

but seriously, Africa? Wow.
and i thought we wont hear from her anymore..

Just a little while more - the reporters all agreed not to reveal the 'off the record' gaffes until the campaign was over - so now you will hear allthe juiciest gossip they didn't mention before.

I'm not bothered by this one too much though - a lot of people don't know that - if you ask them to name a country many people will say Africa. Shemade much worse mistakes over the last few months.
Originally Posted by Purple Face

Even Fox News bashing her

Fox News is just stating the facts - that she's stupid. They can spin a lot of stories to make the Republicans look good, but there's no way ofspinning a story like this into something pro-Palin... Other than just not mentioning it.
Originally Posted by kdwallace

I'm not bothered by this one too much though - a lot of people don't know that - if you ask them to name a country many people will say Africa. She made much worse mistakes over the last few months.
The difference is, those people are still working at Quizno's and Jiffy Lube for a living.
Originally Posted by kdwallace

and i thought we wont hear from her anymore..

Just a little while more - the reporters all agreed not to reveal the 'off the record' gaffes until the campaign was over - so now you will hear all the juiciest gossip they didn't mention before.

I'm not bothered by this one too much though - a lot of people don't know that - if you ask them to name a country many people will say Africa. She made much worse mistakes over the last few months.

I am saying, people bashing that probably cannot even name 10 countries off top in the continent. Relax
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by kdwallace

and i thought we wont hear from her anymore..

Just a little while more - the reporters all agreed not to reveal the 'off the record' gaffes until the campaign was over - so now you will hear all the juiciest gossip they didn't mention before.

I'm not bothered by this one too much though - a lot of people don't know that - if you ask them to name a country many people will say Africa. She made much worse mistakes over the last few months.

I am saying, people bashing that probably cannot even name 10 countries off top in the continent. Relax

Yeah.. Criticizing some moron on the street for not knowing that Africa is a contitent is TOTALLY the same as criticizing someone who could be the mostpowerful person in the world for not knowing this.


If she didn't know this, God knows what else she didn't know.
I mean if you don't know the Bush Doctrine, you shouldn't even be eligible for Vice Presidency.

Katie Kouric FTW
I am guessing you are upset by your size 14 font, and your illogical use of two question marks.

I am just saying that attacking ANYBODY for something when you yourself are ignorant to things is funny to me. This is a baseless rumor that is futile, and isbeing used by Fox News to establish merit in the loss by stating feuds in the camp, while it may be true, had no effect.

But go ahead, continue bashing her, and giving her attention.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

I am guessing you are upset by your size 14 font, and your illogical use of two question marks.

I am just saying that attacking ANYBODY for something when you yourself are ignorant to things is funny to me. This is a baseless rumor that is futile, and is being used by Fox News to establish merit in the loss by stating feuds in the camp, while it may be true, had no effect.

But go ahead, continue bashing her, and giving her attention.

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I am guessing you are upset by your size 14 font, and your illogical use of two question marks.

I am just saying that attacking ANYBODY for something when you yourself are ignorant to things is funny to me. This is a baseless rumor that is futile, and is being used by Fox News to establish merit in the loss by stating feuds in the camp, while it may be true, had no effect.

But go ahead, continue bashing her, and giving her attention.

And what makes you think that I can't name 10 countries in Africa?

And besides, that's not the point at all. How the hell is it "funny" for someone to criticize someone who is about to get a powerful position fornot knowing something you might not know as well??

I don't know all the chemical elements on the periodic table. Would it be "funny" if I criticized someone who is on the verge of being aprofessor of physics at Harvard for not knowing this?

Your pathetic attempt at defending Palin: FAIL!
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I am guessing you are upset by your size 14 font, and your illogical use of two question marks.

I am just saying that attacking ANYBODY for something when you yourself are ignorant to things is funny to me. This is a baseless rumor that is futile, and is being used by Fox News to establish merit in the loss by stating feuds in the camp, while it may be true, had no effect.

But go ahead, continue bashing her, and giving her attention.

And what makes you think that I can't name 10 countries in Africa?

And besides, that's not the point at all. How the hell is it "funny" for someone to criticize someone who is about to get a powerful position for not knowing something you might not know as well??

I don't know all the chemical elements on the periodic table. Would it be "funny" if I criticized someone who is on the verge of being a professor of physics at Harvard for not knowing this?

Your pathetic attempt at defending Palin: FAIL!

Yes I am so pathetic, but I can spell though

I am sorry if I lead you on, Its not that I don't think you can name 10 countries. I know that you can't (without the help of wiki)

It would only be funny if it were baseless, and you heard the rumor from someone else, as we have here.

Maybe I hold myself to higher standards but I NEVER ridicule someone for something on a subject that I myself do not know that well. I am just saying that mostwho will find this funny cannot name 10 countries in Africa.
Originally Posted by kdwallace

and i thought we wont hear from her anymore..

Just a little while more - the reporters all agreed not to reveal the 'off the record' gaffes until the campaign was over - so now you will hear all
the juiciest gossip they didn't mention before.

I'm not bothered by this one too much though - a lot of people don't know that - if you ask them to name a country many people will say Africa. She
made much worse mistakes over the last few months.

im sorry but i cant agree, i dont know where you're from but even if i included base heads and zombies, i could probably count the number of people i knowwho think Africa is a country on one hand
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I am guessing you are upset by your size 14 font, and your illogical use of two question marks.

I am just saying that attacking ANYBODY for something when you yourself are ignorant to things is funny to me. This is a baseless rumor that is futile, and is being used by Fox News to establish merit in the loss by stating feuds in the camp, while it may be true, had no effect.

But go ahead, continue bashing her, and giving her attention.

And what makes you think that I can't name 10 countries in Africa?

And besides, that's not the point at all. How the hell is it "funny" for someone to criticize someone who is about to get a powerful position for not knowing something you might not know as well??

I don't know all the chemical elements on the periodic table. Would it be "funny" if I criticized someone who is on the verge of being a professor of physics at Harvard for not knowing this?

Your pathetic attempt at defending Palin: FAIL!

Yes I am so pathetic, but I can spell though

I am sorry if I lead you on, Its not that I don't think you can name 10 countries. I know that you can't (without the help of wiki)

It would only be funny if it were baseless, and you heard the rumor from someone else, as we have here.

Maybe I hold myself to higher standards but I NEVER ridicule someone for something on a subject that I myself do not know that well. I am just saying that most who will find this funny cannot name 10 countries in Africa.

"Its", huh? Better get your apostrophes right before you come in here playing some grammar wiz.

I can assure you that I could name WELL over 10 African countries, but of course I can't prove this since we're on the Internet. In the end, Idon't care if you believe me or not.

And I truly feel sorry for you if you don't think that criticizing someone for something that you don't know as well. I guess next time you havesomething break down in your house and you call a professional to fix it, you're out of excuses if he messes it up even more, since you couldn't fix ityourself.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I am guessing you are upset by your size 14 font, and your illogical use of two question marks.

I am just saying that attacking ANYBODY for something when you yourself are ignorant to things is funny to me. This is a baseless rumor that is futile, and is being used by Fox News to establish merit in the loss by stating feuds in the camp, while it may be true, had no effect.

But go ahead, continue bashing her, and giving her attention.

And what makes you think that I can't name 10 countries in Africa?

And besides, that's not the point at all. How the hell is it "funny" for someone to criticize someone who is about to get a powerful position for not knowing something you might not know as well??

I don't know all the chemical elements on the periodic table. Would it be "funny" if I criticized someone who is on the verge of being a professor of physics at Harvard for not knowing this?

Your pathetic attempt at defending Palin: FAIL!

Yes I am so pathetic, but I can spell though

I am sorry if I lead you on, Its not that I don't think you can name 10 countries. I know that you can't (without the help of wiki)

It would only be funny if it were baseless, and you heard the rumor from someone else, as we have here.

Maybe I hold myself to higher standards but I NEVER ridicule someone for something on a subject that I myself do not know that well. I am just saying that most who will find this funny cannot name 10 countries in Africa.

"Its", huh? Better get your apostrophes right before you come in here playing some grammar wiz.

I can assure you that I could name WELL over 10 African countries, but of course I can't prove this since we're on the Internet. In the end, I don't care if you believe me or not.

And I truly feel sorry for you if you don't think that criticizing someone for something that you don't know as well. I guess next time you have something break down in your house and you call a professional to fix it, you're out of excuses if he messes it up even more, since you couldn't fix it yourself.

dude scoured my entire post on some
status looking for errors
I still spelled it right which makes me no hypocrite.

At the end of the day you are taking this way too seriously, and are obviously mad at me for no reason.

Yes lets continue to focus on the inadequacies of Palin and McCain instead of Obama's strenghts. Dude fall back. I am done with you, and your ignorantbashing of someone off baseless accusations. Did you believe Obama was "Un-American" or lobbied with "Domestic Terrorists" -of course not,because there was no proof, and were ridiculous.

All this attack on Palin is sickening Democrats won. Leave her alone

Give her what she deserves, no attention.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I am guessing you are upset by your size 14 font, and your illogical use of two question marks.

I am just saying that attacking ANYBODY for something when you yourself are ignorant to things is funny to me. This is a baseless rumor that is futile, and is being used by Fox News to establish merit in the loss by stating feuds in the camp, while it may be true, had no effect.

But go ahead, continue bashing her, and giving her attention.

And what makes you think that I can't name 10 countries in Africa?

And besides, that's not the point at all. How the hell is it "funny" for someone to criticize someone who is about to get a powerful position for not knowing something you might not know as well??

I don't know all the chemical elements on the periodic table. Would it be "funny" if I criticized someone who is on the verge of being a professor of physics at Harvard for not knowing this?

Your pathetic attempt at defending Palin: FAIL!

Yes I am so pathetic, but I can spell though

I am sorry if I lead you on, Its not that I don't think you can name 10 countries. I know that you can't (without the help of wiki)

It would only be funny if it were baseless, and you heard the rumor from someone else, as we have here.

Maybe I hold myself to higher standards but I NEVER ridicule someone for something on a subject that I myself do not know that well. I am just saying that most who will find this funny cannot name 10 countries in Africa.

"Its", huh? Better get your apostrophes right before you come in here playing some grammar wiz.

I can assure you that I could name WELL over 10 African countries, but of course I can't prove this since we're on the Internet. In the end, I don't care if you believe me or not.

And I truly feel sorry for you if you don't think that criticizing someone for something that you don't know as well. I guess next time you have something break down in your house and you call a professional to fix it, you're out of excuses if he messes it up even more, since you couldn't fix it yourself.

dude scoured my entire post on some
status looking for errors
I still spelled it right which makes me no hypocrite.

At the end of the day you are taking this way too seriously, and are obviously mad at me for no reason.

Yes lets continue to focus on the inadequacies of Palin and McCain instead of Obama's strenghts. Dude fall back. I am done with you, and your ignorant bashing of someone off baseless accusations. Did you believe Obama was "Un-American" or lobbied with "Domestic Terrorists" -of course not, because there was no proof, and were ridiculous.

All this attack on Palin is sickening Democrats won. Leave her alone

Give her what she deserves, no attention.


Who is the one who scanned whose post? You're the one who brought grammar into this argument in the first place. I find it kinda ironic, since our argumentis whether you can criticize someone for not knowing something you don't know as well. You criticize my grammar, but then you go ahead and make a grammarblunder yourself. Take an advice from yourself and don't criticize someone for something that you don't know either.

And no, you did NOT spell it right, Mr. Grammar Wiz. "its" has a completely different meaning from "it's". Read up on it, oh great Mr.Grammar Wiz:'s's

How are these baseless accusations? This isn't some "liberal media" story, it's FOX NEWS reporting. And watching her make a fool of herselfin the interviews don't exactly make these "baseless accusations" hard to believe. Yes, I know she lost, but this post is about comforting thosewho were undecided, but who have voted for Obama that they made the right choice for not putting Palin in a position where she could be the most powerfulperson on earth. Hopefully, it also convinces some of the Republican voters not to feel bad that Palin didn't become V.P. She was flat out NOT qualified tobe vice-president, and she shouldn't have been running in the first place. Also, hopefully some will remember this in 2012 if she decides to run forPresident.

And I have a feeling that you're not quite "done with me". My experience is that when someone says that to me, they always come back.
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