San Francisco Niketalkers, is this really how you guys are living?

To each their own, but that's a hell no for me.

There's just way more going on in SF. Yes the city has "sold out" in alot of ways especially when it comes to local spots giving way to trendy businesses, but that still doesn't take away from the sheer amount of things to get into in the city.

Downtown San Jose has like 3 "happening" neighborhoods and SF has more than a dozen. I like the more relaxed pace of San Jose and the museum's and clubs but, it's just too bland too me overall.
Old downtown SF>>>New downtown SF>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>downtown Oakland>=downtown San Jose>>>>>downtown Sac

Downtown SF is cool if you like meth heads accompanying you on walks at all times. Market is THE WORST "main street" I've been to in all of the hundreds of cities I've been to. The filth ruins what used to be one of my favorite cities and completely negates the positive aspects for me.

I still spend most of my time in the city for my job, and I work right on Market Street. EVERY SINGLE DAY I see some disgusting @#$@ that completely ruins my mood. I'm debating leaving my job to get away from this place, but the perks and salary are too good :lol:

You're right, in the past, downtown wasn't that bad since most of the fiends were concentrated in one area. However, all the developers started building and expanding in the places where those people lived, and now they're literally everywhere.

Also, have you seen the crowd that's out there now? Diversity is non existent now. How is that even possible in the Bay Area??? None of these people are even from here.
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Downtown SF is cool if you like meth heads accompanying you on walks at all times. Market is THE WORST "main street" I've been to in all of the hundreds of cities I've been to.

That's only between 5th and 8th if you're on Market St. and it's always been like that. And let's not over exaggerate, SF has it's druggies and homeless, but they don't hound over you like your putting it. Most just kept to themselves or ask for change. I've been too a lot of cities too and the worst homeless I've dealt with is in Paris and Dertroit. NYC and Chicago is about the same as SF when it comes to homeless, you just acknowledge them and say no and they'll respond back respectfully, and if their crazy, you mean-mug them and they shut up until you pass.
I stepped in human **** on Mission St. It's bad.

you know what's worse? needles. i've known people that had to get tested for up to a year because they stepped on a needle and it pricked through their shoes. it takes months before they can detect certain diseases
I stepped in human **** on Mission St. It's bad.
It must have near 16 St. You know the spots where you'd expect that if you know the city. And it's the same neighborhoods as the ones in the 80s/90s that are messy, the TLs, 16 st./Mission, Powell Bart/Civic Center Bart, SoMa, Lower Nob Hill, and Potrero St. in Mission.
That's only between 5th and 8th if you're on Market St. and it's always been like that. And let's not over exaggerate, SF has it's druggies and homeless, but they don't hound over you like your putting it. Most just kept to themselves or ask for change. I've been too a lot of cities too and the worst homeless I've dealt with is in Paris and Dertroit. NYC and Chicago is about the same as SF when it comes to homeless, you just acknowledge them and say no and they'll respond back respectfully, and if their crazy, you mean-mug them and they shut up until you pass.

It's not just between 5th and 8th. How are you telling me this when I've spent 18 years total living here? :lol: Whatever, I get it, you're one of those many people that thinks it's just normal to have these issues in major cities, which is why SF has gotten so bad.

Why are we holding ourselves to 80s/90s crack era standards in 2018?

Edit: And your last post, you just described most of downtown :lol:
It must have near 16 St. You know the spots where you'd expect that if you know the city. And it's the same neighborhoods as the ones in the 80s/90s that are messy, the TLs, 16 st./Mission, Powell Bart/Civic Center Bart, SoMa, Lower Nob Hill, and Potrero St. in Mission.

they finally got rid of the burger king outside the 16th Bart Station. Still a **** show out there. Are they really about to build up condos outside that station?
Wasn't the play years ago, the cops push all the addicts, dealers, etc to the SOMA and Mission and they stay away from downtown/Union Square. I know right after the SB, they pretty much didn't let any homeless back to the downtown area. Obviously, there are still some, but they pretty much swept them to other areas
they finally got rid of the burger king outside the 16th Bart Station. Still a **** show out there. Are they really about to build up condos outside that station?

Hipsters will pay $4-5K a month to live in fiend central. Amazing.

The Mission was a dump when I lived there as a kid, and it's still a dump now, just 10x the price.
Yeah I mean New Yorkers should be the last people to talk about s****y living conditions and high rent though :roll eyes

word. i've seen articles where people were listing closets...or what would essentially be a large storage room, as a bedroom. 1500, kitchen. and people would snatch it! like you, manhattan ain't that serious, yall can't live in queens or the bronx?

then again, i don't want these white hipsters coming around and gentrifying up the place...with their $9 avocado toast and yoga studios.

This isn't an issue limited to SF or NYC. Pretty much every major city in the world that has a major industry is only becoming livable only for the rich. Hong Kong, London, Tokyo, etc. If you think the small apartments here are bad, you don't want to see what "affordable" spots in Hong Kong look like :lol: My walk in closet would take up half of those apartments.

even philly is slowly creeping up. live in boston now...housing is trash. rent is like 2k around the area. and a lotta areas are trying to charge around 2 for dumps...dusty *** apts with those crusty coil ovens in some corner...but the apt is near the train, bars, some people are about it.

nah man, i got standards lol.
It's not just between 5th and 8th. How are you telling me this when I've spent 18 years total living here? :lol: Whatever, I get it, you're one of those many people that thinks it's just normal to have these issues in major cities, which is why SF has gotten so bad.
It's been like this man, TLs has always been dirty. SF was never a clean city since I've been around and I was born here in '91 and lived in Eddie and Jones as a kid. There was always needles, roaches, and ****. Now you actually see less of it. There was restaurants getting shut down left and right near the 2000s because of infestattion. I wouldn't say the city has cleaned up, but it certainly hasn't gotten any worse. The only difference is everything feels more upscale in areas that we're rundown in the 90s/2000s so it may seem as if those neighborhoods are dealing poor people problems, but in reality, those buildings are built in poor neighborhoods and the city has to play catch up to this influx of techies.
It's been like this man, TLs has always been dirty. SF was never a clean city since I've been around and I was born here in '91 and lived in Eddie and Jones as a kid. There was always needles, roaches, and ****. Now you actually see less of it. There was restaurants getting shut down left and right near the 2000s because of infestattion. I wouldn't say the city has cleaned up, but it certainly hasn't gotten any worse. The only difference is everything feels more upscale in areas that we're rundown in the 90s/2000s so it may seem as if those neighborhoods are dealing poor people problems, but in reality, those buildings are built in poor neighborhoods and the city has to play catch up to this influx of techies.

When I say "getting worse" and talk about how terrible it is, here's what I mean. In the 80s/90s, SF was a slum; I agree, which is why my parents moved us out of there as soon as they could afford to, but it made sense since there wasn't the same tech industry that was booming in the South Bay at the time.

In the late 2000s/early 2010s, the economy started to recover, and jobs were popping up all over the Bay, including SF. I worked with/for many of those startups. Neighborhoods started improving and getting cleaner, and there was a good balance.

You know why it's so frustrating? As an accountant for those companies, I saw how much property tax, payroll tax, gross receipts tax, etc. all of these companies had to provide to the city. These startups often paid an extra 30-50K A YEAR compared to if they worked right outside of SF. Where the hell is that money going? Streets are still covered in fiends, homeless, potholes, and human feces.

It's getting worse NOW because the rich people here are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer. It's reverting to the old days with people all over the streets pissing and @#$@%@ everywhere with needles all over the place.

You keep mentioning the TLs. I work near Castro, which is nowhere near the TLs. Walk around 18th and Market past 9 PM and tell me what you see there. There's literally 4-5 fiends/homeless on every block, no exaggeration. I can't imagine owning a business here, cause every night/morning I see people camped up in doorways.
I work with these hipsters and process payroll for them. Trust me, they can afford it :lol:

Idk, I rent my place to a 44 yr old Director at FB who just likes being in the city.

Maybe your term of a hipster is different than mine, but all my friends who are there are mostly MBA kids who just love SF and won’t leave. I would say a quarter of them could even get paid more somewhere else.
I lived in the TL and refuse to even work through there at night when I’m back in SF. It’s awful.
Idk, I rent my place to a 44 yr old Director at FB who just likes being in the city.

Maybe your term of a hipster is different than mine, but all my friends who are there are mostly MBA kids who just love SF and won’t leave. I would say a quarter of them could even get paid more somewhere else.

Oh, I agree, they're definitely highly educated and deserve the pay they get. I just mean that they're the rolled up jeans, man bun, $20 for avocado toast types as well. As someone who lived in the Mission as a kid and got the hell out of there ASAP, I just can't imagine paying to live near 16th and Mission station. I can afford luxury condos now but I still wouldn't live anywhere near there; it's a tremendous waste of money when I can rent MUCH nicer places 20 mins outside of SF.
Oh, I agree, they're definitely highly educated and deserve the pay they get. I just mean that they're the rolled up jeans, man bun, $20 for avocado toast types as well.

I feel like that’s faded out. I honestly don’t see it when I’m there, BUT, I’m usually with large groups of 15+. Will peep when I’m back next month.

The gf is from Palo Alto and has made it clear we will end up back in SF. I’m mehhhh/ ok on it.
I lived in the TL and refuse to even work through there at night when I’m back in SF. It’s awful.

They tried to rebrand it as "Mid Market" when Twitter opened up :lol: Go to Twitter's website and see how they're trying to hype it up as "We are in the heart of the city". Nah, you're in the worst neighborhood in California :lol:
They tried to rebrand it as "Mid Market" when Twitter opened up :lol: Go to Twitter's website and see how they're trying to hype it up as "We are in the heart of the city". Nah, you're in the worst neighborhood in California :lol:

I was just there a few wks back actually working out of that office. Girl I was with is from Singapore and couldn’t believe it lmao
what's crazy are the one that try to squeeze 6 to a 2 br just cause they want to be in the city. even if you are making decent money, i'd hate to have it spent all on rent :lol:
what's crazy are the one that try to squeeze 6 to a 2 br just cause they want to be in the city. even if you are making decent money, i'd hate to have it spent all on rent :lol:

I know a dude spending close to 50% of his salary on rent... can’t travel or go out all the time, but always wants everyone to come over. Such jokes.
When I say "getting worse" and talk about how terrible it is, here's what I mean. In the 80s/90s, SF was a slum; I agree, which is why my parents moved us out of there as soon as they could afford to, but it made sense since there wasn't the same tech industry that was booming in the South Bay at the time.

In the late 2000s/early 2010s, the economy started to recover, and jobs were popping up all over the Bay, including SF. I worked with/for many of those startups. Neighborhoods started improving and getting cleaner, and there was a good balance.

You know why it's so frustrating? As an accountant for those companies, I saw how much property tax, payroll tax, gross receipts tax, etc. all of these companies had to provide to the city. These startups often paid an extra 30-50K A YEAR compared to if they worked right outside of SF. Where the hell is that money going? Streets are still covered in fiends, homeless, potholes, and human feces.

It's getting worse NOW because the rich people here are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer. It's reverting to the old days with people all over the streets pissing and @#$@%@ everywhere with needles all over the place.

You keep mentioning the TLs. I work near Castro, which is nowhere near the TLs. Walk around 18th and Market past 9 PM and tell me what you see there. There's literally 4-5 fiends/homeless on every block, no exaggeration. I can't imagine owning a business here, cause every night/morning I see people camped up in doorways.
I agree for the most part, but literally every city starts getting those types after a certain hour. But, I agree, the growth is inbalanced and as a growing city, it hasn't cleaned up nearly enough. But, trust me, it was a hell of alot worst in the past up until the 2000s. There were roaches closing down Chinese and Vietnamese restaurants all the time and in the entrance of Powell near Gap, you would have the past by groups of homeless. Now all of those ecampments are pretty much sectioned off the division st. and SoMa. I believe the city has been "dirty" ever since the 70s and it hasn't really fixed that problem as a whole. Go cities like St. Loius and Detroit and they make SF look like a clean room. In fact, the only "clean" cities in this country are those mid-size ones are Loiusville, Charlotte, Boise, etc. The only clean major cities I've been to were Tokyo, San Diego, and Frankfurt.
what's crazy are the one that try to squeeze 6 to a 2 br just cause they want to be in the city. even if you are making decent money, i'd hate to have it spent all on rent :lol:

I know a dude spending close to 50% of his salary on rent... can’t travel or go out all the time, but always wants everyone to come over. Such jokes.

I never feel bad for these people when they talk about how expensive it is to live in the city and how they have zero savings. They'd have savings if they moved down to San Leandro/Hayward and took a 30 minute BART trip for work/nightlife, but they'd rather stay in someone's living room with shower curtain partitions just to say "I live in the city". For them, somehow it's shameful to not live in SF, when SF is a city meant for 600K people. The remaining 6-7 million people that live in the Bay Area are all just losers I guess :lol:
^yeah, i think i've mentioned it before in this thread but when you are willing to pay 1k for a closet as a bedroom :lol:
at some point, you got to stop living like you are in the dorms just so you can say you live in the city
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