San Antonio NT's Come in...

^Until then, we'll let the true All-American shine...
^^^^So no info on the league Fred???? AntDog said he was putting a roster together and was going to get it to you..
Originally Posted by air in822

^Until then, we'll let the true All-American shine...

^^ Didnt see that last post but looks like we got another all american on the squad...
Here's the deal guy's .... It's going to be 40 dollars make ya holla each .... that will secure your spot on the Sneaks Up Team ... We have about12 committed pep's and 3 more potentials ..... FYI the season starts June 11 and runs about 10 weeks ... Will be playing on Wed's nights at Alva Josports complex of Nacogdoches ..... We please need everyone to get with me or Fred to turn in your entry fee by Thursday .. If you have any questions pleasecontact either of us .... If you don't have my number someone does so get it if you want to be involved ..... I've already talked to most of you guysso lets get it going ...... The places were you can drop off your money ...... Select Footwear ( Manny's Place )............. The Clinic ( Fred's place on the Southside ) .......... or at Ant's House ( Casa de D O double Gizzle ) ........... once the team is completed this ...... I will inform ya'll ofpractice's and team meeting's ...... Let's get on it ...... The sooner the better ......
Hey guys its me Mikey......I'm going to hit at the cages tomorrow if anybody would like to join me.....I ws thinking some time in the afternoon around 5 or6 $*#. Well hit me up on my cell. i just got a new number so if you dont have it. call joesuf he does or email me at [email protected]
tony paker pe af 25 and mike fin pe jordan XV are up for silent auction at the spurs/hornets game tomorrow night. they're VVVVVVVVVNDS and autographed.

visit the curandero's tonight, say some prayers and light some virgen de guadalupe candles for the spurs tomorrow night. we're gonna need all the helpwe can get!!!

vaya con dios...
Originally Posted by crushgruve

tony paker pe af 25 and mike fin pe jordan XV are up for silent auction at the spurs/hornets game tomorrow night. they're VVVVVVVVVNDS and autographed.

visit the curandero's tonight, say some prayers and light some virgen de guadalupe candles for the spurs tomorrow night. we're gonna need all the help we can get!!!

vaya con dios...

Do they do phone auctions too? Just wondering. Still recovering.
sorry dave i have no pics to send. the TPs are like the ones you have but with his logo on the outside ankle strap and the mike fins XV are his road shoes.

jay - no phone auctions will be available, sorry homie.

Yo Fam.... Norm and I are hitting up Goodtimes super early tomorrow for the SB releases (Get up there b4 all the beasts) If anyone else is down, we'll bethere. Norm's talkin about 7am, camped out! Let us know....
That mondrian dunk looks good... Haven't seen a dunk I like in recent days. Just wondering, do you guys have overnight campers during SB releases? Justwondering.

Shoots cuzzos...
Dude that meet up at goodtimes this morning was sweet. Everyone who could have been there was......."EXCEPT CASPER"

I liked the "Thrashin" so much I went back and jump on another one!.
seriously those bodega pumas are crazy they have like stash pockets in the tongue that have like manila folders with morse code and *$# in it...i couldn'tget a pic of it cause its so small but seriously one of my fav sneakers of all time.
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