San Antonio NT's Come in...

pass the popcorn.......this is gonna get good....can we get the transcripts to that phone conversation?
take it easssy!!! guy
Alright, Alright, I called Jedi Mater Yoda to air this %$! out. It was just a case of misunderstanding. David the banner looks dope, no disrespect. T21D gladwe cleared the air waves. To everyone who donated money to the wall fund thanks once again. As for the beef, ya'll don't know what beef is.
werd ^^ not even passed the 1st round. lol On another note, icreated a new blog on myspace from this past Saturday (SXSW), so check it out if ya bored. Talib, Pete Rock, Ice Cube, the GZA ... hoLLeR!~ -gAbriel.
much respect are on of my brown brothers and I love you.yea I said it...I aint scared!!!have a good birthday!!!
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