Russian Gangstas

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Originally Posted by smoke ya later

wow sad thing is these kids don't even know.

oh, these kids now alright.
dope $## avy; stanky leg + Charlie Davies=
theyre young and confused. some of those kids havent even hit puberty
makes me feel disappointed, but the truth is that 90% of those dudes will grow up to be in a real gang,
the other 10% will probably die trying to get there
Originally Posted by What up

Yo Sputnik, "cyka" means "female dog," right?
correct, thats how its actually written in russian, it would be pronounced su-ka
went to school with these russians
they were the quiet type, but dudes were ruthless when $+%* went down
the one op posted are lil boppers messing around
Hip hop is.. hmm.. Hip hop can be taken and embraced either the right or the wrong way. There is no in between. This is a perfect example. It's kinda sad.
To the OP, thank you for delivering the dump truck full of lulz, it is seriously appreciated.

While all of them look hilariously out of place and I am sure some of them are butter soft kids and wannabe bangers, I am sure, as another poster in thisthread put it, that at least some of them are "over qualified to be in the Bloods, Crips and Latin kings." Despite all of their bluster, swagger,ability to take pain and even the occasional banger who has no regard for his own life nor the lives of others, most of them would lose a shoot out to mostRussian young adults because far more Russian young adults were in the Russian Army and have training and in gun fights, even a modicum of training canovercome disadvantages of number, fire power and even levels of recklessness. Five guys with five pistols and a rifle could win an urban fire fight against tenguys with ten rifles and a even a couple of AK's.

Timing, teamwork, calm under pressure and attributes like that win. People with good military training know how to use suppression fire to take a calculatedrisk and allow some of their teammates a great chance to safely maneuver to positions which become increasingly favorable and closer and most importantly allowthe team to put down cross fire, which is for all intents and purposes and exercise in flanking and enemy.

When people have cover, it is easy to deal with lots of bullets coming from one direction but even a little firepower shot in manner that creates cross fire isexponentially more lethal and unnerving and causes the enemy to be stupid and leave his cover. If cover is not involved and for some reason it becomes shotout, I like the military guy's chances at any range. Long range the training lets you aim and hit the target and at short range it can really help becauseuntrained guys will miss, especially with pistols, at even a few yards and at the same time the trained shooter will be able to make his first shot a killshot.

Because of all this, the American gang I would consider most likely to be able to beat Russian gangsters would be The MS13. Their founders fought in theSalvadorean Civil War and they learned military tactics and they teach it to new members. This is why the Salvadoreans, despite being outnumbered by Mexicansso heavily, still are able to carve out a pretty hefty niche in Los Angeles.
even though they look really stupid russian gangs go a lot harder than american
Originally Posted by Sputnik

Originally Posted by What up

Yo Sputnik, "cyka" means "female dog," right?
correct, thats how its actually written in russian, it would be pronounced su-ka
yob tvoyu mat
ne gaveri nashi secret language JP
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

To the OP, thank you for delivering the dump truck full of lulz, it is seriously appreciated.

While all of them look hilariously out of place and I am sure some of them are butter soft kids and wannabe bangers, I am sure, as another poster in this thread put it, that at least some of them are "over qualified to be in the Bloods, Crips and Latin kings." Despite all of their bluster, swagger, ability to take pain and even the occasional banger who has no regard for his own life nor the lives of others, most of them would lose a shoot out to most Russian young adults because far more Russian young adults were in the Russian Army and have training and in gun fights, even a modicum of training can overcome disadvantages of number, fire power and even levels of recklessness. Five guys with five pistols and a rifle could win an urban fire fight against ten guys with ten rifles and a even a couple of AK's.

Timing, teamwork, calm under pressure and attributes like that win. People with good military training know how to use suppression fire to take a calculated risk and allow some of their teammates a great chance to safely maneuver to positions which become increasingly favorable and closer and most importantly allow the team to put down cross fire, which is for all intents and purposes and exercise in flanking and enemy.

When people have cover, it is easy to deal with lots of bullets coming from one direction but even a little firepower shot in manner that creates cross fire is exponentially more lethal and unnerving and causes the enemy to be stupid and leave his cover. If cover is not involved and for some reason it becomes shot out, I like the military guy's chances at any range. Long range the training lets you aim and hit the target and at short range it can really help because untrained guys will miss, especially with pistols, at even a few yards and at the same time the trained shooter will be able to make his first shot a kill shot.

Because of all this, the American gang I would consider most likely to be able to beat Russian gangsters would be The MS13. Their founders fought in the Salvadorean Civil War and they learned military tactics and they teach it to new members. This is why the Salvadoreans, despite being outnumbered by Mexicans so heavily, still are able to carve out a pretty hefty niche in Los Angeles.

what about los zetas? most of them come from the mexican army or some type of authority.. they might not be as big.
Reminder to all you soon to be parents: too much vodka consumption could lead to birth defects.....aka those pictures.
Those clowns may look goofy as all hell but they're probably a million times more hardcore than your average American poser.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Hip hop is.. hmm.. Hip hop can be taken and embraced either the right or the wrong way. There is no in between. This is a perfect example. It's kinda sad.
this. hip hop isnt about gangs and guns. its all about lyrics and beats.
Originally Posted by NomadicSole21

This could be really said about any race.
Asian, Black, White, Russian, Mexican.

They dont look the part, but they for sure will break some necks.

pretty much

this thread is funny and sad at the same time
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