Russian Gangstas

Originally Posted by beezylocks

half them dudes dress like N___ in the south

I still see them dudes wearing Jersey's casually
we have a pretty big community of Russians where I live. I use have a class with this dude vitali from RPG(Russian Pride Gangsta). They would always rolldeep all wearing leather jackets wreaking of gio cologne.
sleep on russian G status if you want too

them kids might look lame..........

dont judge a book by its cover
This could be really said about any race.
Asian, Black, White, Russian, Mexican.

They dont look the part, but they for sure will break some necks.

****ery aside, it's kind of amazing that trash has made it across the globe. If only it could be something more positive.

Oh hell nah. Little goon in the front got a silencer on his piece and has the nerve to look away for the effect.
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