Running into a lot of girls that keep saying ....

Racial preference 
Originally Posted by wHo NicE as HiM

Originally Posted by tim teufel

Originally Posted by wHo NicE as HiM

i think everyone is entitled to preference, if it's your preference you can't FORCE someone to like you.

but sometimes it's social pressure which makes people not date a certain people, that's what gets me upset
because it just reminds me i'm good enough, but not good enough to out weigh the majority consensus as
it persuades your reason not to like someone.
i agree. i understand everyone has a certain prefference but why would prefference ever relate to a certain race? makes no sense to me.i can understand if u like em tall short skinny fat but race tho kinda stupid.

social pressure to "fit in"'s easier to conform than to "stick out"

i've dated and know people who've spent more time defending their relationship than enjoying it.

even though you may not have a bias, they may have friends or family who don't accept you...this makes it hard to be invited places, and just enjoy little things in life.
most people myself include have scarified relationships because the headache is just not worth it if you guys aren't serious enough to defend it.

every girl isn't gonna be your wife, it's just is suppose to be fun, not hard work
i feel you but i wouldnt even waste my time with someone like that from jump. i dated an italian chic whos family was beyond racist and it was a big deal for her that i meet her parents.we went to dinner and the first thing out of her dads mouth was "'wow ur actually very lightskin for a dominican"" and kinda laughed.i gave him the ice grill look. but after that day it broke the ice for them and we got along great till i cheated on her.
Originally Posted by pookieman

It's just plain ignorance, if you ask me. I always ask the question "why?" when I hear someone say "I don't like *insert race* guys/girls" And it's always the most dumb answer (i.e - I don't find any of them attractive). 

Or on the reverse...when I hear people say...he/she's attractive for a *insert race* person....I feel like straight up slapping them.  There is a difference between personal preference and being a moron, 

It's not always ignorance though; people are entitled to find whatever they want to be attractive. I've known some guys who were literally only attracted to girls that were straight up overweight, not even thick or a little bit extra. I'm talking a gut and everything.
That doesn't mean they are discriminating against thinner girls, it just means they don't find them attractive. It does sound presumptuous/unintelligent to completely eliminate a certain race though.
I would never say unequivocally "All black girls aren't attractive to me" because I've seen my fair share of black girls that I find attractive. However, I would say that I'm attracted to a much smaller percentage of the black girls I see compared to other races. I can say the same thing about Japanese girls; they almost never look attractive to me. That doesn't mean I automatically dismiss all of them off the bat; it means that in my experiences the traits of most girls in that race aren't attractive to me. It has more to do with their build, facial features, whether or not they have good skin (regardless of what color it is), etc. 

If I see a fit girl with long legs and a pretty face I don't give a F what her skin color is, but you can't help but notice that in general some races have more of the traits you like than others. In general, most white girls have less "mass." If that's something you really need in a girl, then you'll probably be attracted to fewer white girls than other races that tend to have more mass. 
I've heard that much more the for the opposite genders. Dudes saying they dont find black women attractive. I'm kinda one of those dudes. It's rare that I find a black woman I'm attracted to.

Don't even know what it is. I dont find the majority of black women I see outside to be attractive. On the internet/celebrities is a different story though.
My girl said this to me when I first met her and she tried to hook me up with her "black guy" loving friend.

Funny that now she will say black guys are hot 

When a girl says this it means she isnt feeling YOU.
Originally Posted by Wilroc

I dont find the majority of black women I see outside to be attractive. On the internet/celebrities is a different story though.

So much truth in this. When I go out I rarely see a black woman that would make me look twice, but some of the ones in the cute girl thread
Originally Posted by Supremacy

Originally Posted by Wilroc

I dont find the majority of black women I see outside to be attractive. On the internet/celebrities is a different story though.

So much truth in this. When I go out I rarely see a black woman that would make me look twice, but some of the ones in the cute girl thread

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Never had this, at least not to my face-they prolly just don't find you attractive

Or it just gets said to guys who need their egos stroked...
Never heard this once,most of the white girls I've met/know love black men. It's like they've been put under a spell. Can't say I'm mad 
. I also always see a black dude with a white girl. It's so common now that I don't even think twice about it. The same thing goes for latinas. Only races that I've seen that don't really mess with us are asian girls(excluding filipinas) and some hating @!* black females 
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

^ What they said, if you are getting bread you can literally pull ANYTHING! Pull up to a white girl from Alabama in a Rarri, Lambo, Bent or whatever and she will atleast be cooperative. I was driving a Rarri around Hollywood one time solo and I was getting so much love from white and Asian women it was funny. White dudes were sooooo pissed to see a young black dude past by them in a $260,000 car. They would just look t me with so much malice. Racism is so damn silly and such a joke. I honestly am one of the only people I know that is completely blind to stereotypes and some form of prejudice. I seriously don't care about peoples ethnicity, we are all seriously the same, we just say things differently. Everyone wants the same things.

I know what you're saying but then these women aren't after you cause of you, they're after you cause of your money and your car.

I'm sure if I drove around the city in a fire red Ferrari 458 alone I could get a lot of looks and numbers. And I'm just an average guy, nothing special, just someone you'd see everyday without a thought from the outside. But I'd still get alot of looks and chances just cause of my car.

Then, watch me get out of my car, walk over a block and try the same game. You think anyone is going to take a second look at me when I don't have that ride?

A ton of people change the moment they see that you have money. I want to be the guy with the nice cars, but I also want to be the guy who doesn't need the nice cars to charm people.

And to address your second part... older people, especially white people seem to HATE when minorities are doing it. Grown men hating on young Hispanics, Asians, Blacks in Aston Martins and Maseratis just to get back into their '03 Camry
Not to be off topic but some Dominican chicks do NOT wanna deal with black men at alllll. Im not sure why but i hate it.
never had an issue with white chicks, i do think my skin tone plays a part in that also.

kinda messed up but ive witnessed it first hand
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

^ What they said, if you are getting bread you can literally pull ANYTHING! Pull up to a white girl from Alabama in a Rarri, Lambo, Bent or whatever and she will atleast be cooperative. I was driving a Rarri around Hollywood one time solo and I was getting so much love from white and Asian women it was funny. White dudes were sooooo pissed to see a young black dude past by them in a $260,000 car. They would just look t me with so much malice. Racism is so damn silly and such a joke. I honestly am one of the only people I know that is completely blind to stereotypes and some form of prejudice. I seriously don't care about peoples ethnicity, we are all seriously the same, we just say things differently. Everyone wants the same things.

I know what you're saying but then these women aren't after you cause of you, they're after you cause of your money and your car.

I'm sure if I drove around the city in a fire red Ferrari 458 alone I could get a lot of looks and numbers. And I'm just an average guy, nothing special, just someone you'd see everyday without a thought from the outside. But I'd still get alot of looks and chances just cause of my car.

Then, watch me get out of my car, walk over a block and try the same game. You think anyone is going to take a second look at me when I don't have that ride?

A ton of people change the moment they see that you have money. I want to be the guy with the nice cars, but I also want to be the guy who doesn't need the nice cars to charm people.

And to address your second part... older people, especially white people seem to HATE when minorities are doing it. Grown men hating on young Hispanics, Asians, Blacks in Aston Martins and Maseratis just to get back into their '03 Camry

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

^ What they said, if you are getting bread you can literally pull ANYTHING! Pull up to a white girl from Alabama in a Rarri, Lambo, Bent or whatever and she will atleast be cooperative. I was driving a Rarri around Hollywood one time solo and I was getting so much love from white and Asian women it was funny. White dudes were sooooo pissed to see a young black dude past by them in a $260,000 car. They would just look t me with so much malice. Racism is so damn silly and such a joke. I honestly am one of the only people I know that is completely blind to stereotypes and some form of prejudice. I seriously don't care about peoples ethnicity, we are all seriously the same, we just say things differently. Everyone wants the same things.

I know what you're saying but then these women aren't after you cause of you, they're after you cause of your money and your car.

I'm sure if I drove around the city in a fire red Ferrari 458 alone I could get a lot of looks and numbers. And I'm just an average guy, nothing special, just someone you'd see everyday without a thought from the outside. But I'd still get alot of looks and chances just cause of my car.

Then, watch me get out of my car, walk over a block and try the same game. You think anyone is going to take a second look at me when I don't have that ride?

A ton of people change the moment they see that you have money. I want to be the guy with the nice cars, but I also want to be the guy who doesn't need the nice cars to charm people.

And to address your second part... older people, especially white people seem to HATE when minorities are doing it. Grown men hating on young Hispanics, Asians, Blacks in Aston Martins and Maseratis just to get back into their '03 Camry

I don't agree 
You can say the same thing about attractive people in general 

An attractive girl will get a a lot of attention just because she's good looking but if she didn't have the looks no one would look her way 

The human mind works like this "the more you have to offer the more your liked/desirable " and this is true for the  "don't date/find black guys attractive" discussion the main reason why most girls feel this way is really because society tells them black guys don't have much to offer them 
I hate yo black skin, I hate yo black pants, I hate black pepper! I hate black keys on a piano! I hate my gums cause they black, I hate Whoopi Goldberg's lips!, I hate the back of Forrest Whittaker'ss neck (ahhh!)And most of all, I hate that black @@@ Wesley Snipes!

I'm black btw.
Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

Originally Posted by scshift

I know what you're saying but then these women aren't after you cause of you, they're after you cause of your money and your car.

I'm sure if I drove around the city in a fire red Ferrari 458 alone I could get a lot of looks and numbers. And I'm just an average guy, nothing special, just someone you'd see everyday without a thought from the outside. But I'd still get alot of looks and chances just cause of my car.

Then, watch me get out of my car, walk over a block and try the same game. You think anyone is going to take a second look at me when I don't have that ride?

A ton of people change the moment they see that you have money. I want to be the guy with the nice cars, but I also want to be the guy who doesn't need the nice cars to charm people.

And to address your second part... older people, especially white people seem to HATE when minorities are doing it. Grown men hating on young Hispanics, Asians, Blacks in Aston Martins and Maseratis just to get back into their '03 Camry

I don't agree 
You can say the same thing about attractive people in general 

An attractive girl will get a a lot of attention just because she's good looking but if she didn't have the looks no one would look her way 

The human mind works like this "the more you have to offer the more your liked/desirable " and this is true for the  "don't date/find black guys attractive" discussion the main reason why most girls feel this way is really because society tells them black guys don't have much to offer them 

Well I get what you're saying, but at the same time I disagree.

For one, looks are subjective. So what an attractive girl is to some might not be the same to others. Yes, I do agree that if an attractive girl didn't have her looks, no one would look her way. But at the same time, appearance is part of who a person is. It's just like personality. If you take away the attractiveness of an attractive girl, she isn't attractive anymore. If you take away the polite part of a considerate man, he isn't courteous anymore.

And good looking people will have their looks with them without a question. They were born with it, and they will grow old with it until it starts to fade. No one is born with money (I'm not including old-money passed down). People work for money, they strive to get it. You can't compare money and looks because one is natural, subjective and permanent (not forever, but for a good while), while the other is earned, tangible, definite and very easily lost.

If I drove around the city in a Lambo and got a bunch of attention from women, I wouldn't be the one getting the attention, my car would. They wouldn't look at me if I was on a skateboard. Now, a good looking girl will get looks everywhere she goes. People are looking at HER, whereas with me, they're looking at my CAR.
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