Runners Unite!

I run about 2-3 miles 4 days a week on a tredmill. I weigh (sp) abut 200 lbs. Would the Vomero's cut it for me?
Also is there a big difference between 3&4? dont wanna dish out the extra $30-40 if the main difference is asthetic
You may be a little heavy for the Vomero. They are pretty soft and may bottom out or not support you well. Could depend on the shoe size and how tall your andother things, so you could ask someone at a running store for a better answer. The max moto's or pegasus might be better for you as far as Nike's go.

I am 5'9", 160lbs with a size 8 shoe. They are perfect for my high arches. I also use custom orthotics. Most other shoes are to firm for my tastes andcause my feet to hurt.

One post said the 4's have a better fit, at least for his particular foot. Other than that, I don't think much has changed.
[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)](Edit) I had no idea I changed my background color for text, my apologies.


I would agree with this summation, but I'm not sure the firm fit is because of the GTX or because of the Structure Triax 11 (itself). I haven't triedon a Pegasus GTX to compare but that will be a priority for me once the newest versions are released. My understanding is that the GTX simply means Goretexmesh in place of regular mesh.

I remember the "Storm" Pegasus from 2002-2003 were great. Soft but with goretex upper in place of the mesh. A great cold/rainy weather shoe. To myknowledge the GTX = Storm whereas what you were describing follows the "Trail" or "ESC" designation that Nike gives to the Structure Triaxand Pegasus now. They even gave the Pegasus the "Clima" Treatment but that seemed to be the exact same thing as "Storm".

Pegasus Clima on Eastbay[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)] << I wish I had multiples ofthis shoe to last forever, one of my all time favorites.<< This was the next years model, I think.


I've also liked the Motos. I've ran in them for the past 4 years and like em. I've been wanting to get a pair of Vomero's but haven't gotaround to it. Maybe this weekend on the 50% off at FTL. Oh, and I got my girlfriend a pair of Vormero's for about $15 and she loves em.
Originally Posted by andfattoo

has anybody ran in/owed a pair of shox saya's??

I don't know anyone who bought those. I go to a lot of running events... some big ones. And being a shoe designer, I spy feet like a fiend. I have neverseen them on someone actually running. Serious runners rejected Shox not long after they came out. I know the Saya was supposed to be the one Shox shoedesigned for and embraced by the running community. But it wasn't.
Originally Posted by andfattoo

has anybody ran in/owed a pair of shox saya's??

I don't know anyone who bought those. I go to a lot of running events... some big ones. And being a shoe designer, I spy feet like a fiend. I have neverseen them on someone actually running. Serious runners rejected Shox not long after they came out. I know the Saya was supposed to be the one Shox shoedesigned for and embraced by the running community. But it wasn't.
I was asking because i have a pair and run in them, but i do mostly sprint workouts and jumps (former 400m runner and long jumper in college). I was justwondering how they come compare to the shoes that have been mentioned earlier.
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