RUN with US on INSTAGRAM #NTrunning (NikeTalkRunning)


Team Volt! We need new members! 8)
Just ran my first marathon Today. Not sure how much I enjoyed it. 5 hours 40 min. Walked prob 5-6 miles total. My knees and quads were gone around mile 21. But I finished and it the weather couldn’t have been better and the course was nice as it was through the Hampton’s .

Good job!

Was 21 miles your max in preparation?
Thanks fellas. There was some times where I wanted to throw in the towel and also thought about dipping off onto the half mile course around mile 11 and just doing the half but I stuck through.

smedroc smedroc

I only got up to 16 miles due to my work skids schedule. My goal was 20
Just ran my first marathon Today. Not sure how much I enjoyed it. 5 hours 40 min. Walked prob 5-6 miles total. My knees and quads were gone around mile 21. But I finished and it the weather couldn’t have been better and the course was nice as it was through the Hampton’s .
A finish is a finish. Good job
Posting for accountability. Have always hated running. Late 30s now though and decided I need to a) get back in shape in a safe way and b) transition to tennis as a sport to play from basketball (as seems safer to play for 35-50 year olds).

Going to spend the next 6 months trying to get into some sort of jogging. Put in 1.5 miles on the treadmill yesterday. Setting the bar low and going for 2x a week. My goal is mainly to keep improving how fast I’m able to run for 20 mins over the next 6 months.

Anyone have any Spotify recommendations of mixes or something that are good to hear while running?

Tangent question for any of you 35+ runners do you do any kneesovertoes guy work to stay healthy for running? I did 5 mins of backward walking on the treadmill…too lazy to do more than that currently.
Posting for accountability. Have always hated running. Late 30s now though and decided I need to a) get back in shape in a safe way and b) transition to tennis as a sport to play from basketball (as seems safer to play for 35-50 year olds).

Going to spend the next 6 months trying to get into some sort of jogging. Put in 1.5 miles on the treadmill yesterday. Setting the bar low and going for 2x a week. My goal is mainly to keep improving how fast I’m able to run for 20 mins over the next 6 months.

Anyone have any Spotify recommendations of mixes or something that are good to hear while running?

Tangent question for any of you 35+ runners do you do any kneesovertoes guy work to stay healthy for running? I did 5 mins of backward walking on the treadmill…too lazy to do more than that currently.
I don't when I started a few years ago I was consistently doing yoga to help with flexibility and breathing, I am 43 btw and started in my 40's
Tangent question for any of you 35+ runners do you do any kneesovertoes guy work to stay healthy for running? I did 5 mins of backward walking on the treadmill…too lazy to do more than that currently.
I do a routine of stretches, hip flexors workouts, lunges/squats etc before runs. I usually spend more time on the pre-run workout than the run itself. Helped a lot with my knees.
I do a routine of stretches, hip flexors workouts, lunges/squats etc before runs. I usually spend more time on the pre-run workout than the run itself. Helped a lot with my knees.

this is probably where I struggle most which didn’t help me at all doing this marathon. I minimal stretch: and when I do it’s for like 15 seconds pre run.
this is probably where I struggle most which didn’t help me at all doing this marathon. I minimal stretch: and when I do it’s for like 15 seconds pre run.
I feel you. Getting into the routine is a drag at first but once you build a routine and see the results it becomes 2nd nature. I don't feel comfortable running without doing my routine at this point.
Thats it for another year of #NTrunning.

More running in 2020 than in 2019. Not sure what 2021 looks like in terms of distance and totals.

I did get a Garmin Fenix 6x in December. I’m enjoying the suggested workouts, but struggle on slow runs cause I’m not use to running slow!

Another year done. Improvement in terms of distance covered and number of runs for the year. Increase from 722km in 2020.

Not sure what next year has installed.

Happy New Year #NTRunning

How do you guys work on speed.? I'm slow AF... Lol...

If I do push my self to run a 7min mile, I get absolutely winded and can't run much longer....

I can run a 10k but I'm soooooo slow....

How do I work on speed AND distance.?
How do you guys work on speed.? I'm slow AF... Lol...

If I do push my self to run a 7min mile, I get absolutely winded and can't run much longer....

I can run a 10k but I'm soooooo slow....

How do I work on speed AND distance.?
Damn 7 min mile!? I can only dream about those numbers 🤣 my best life time is 9 min. I’ve cut it down from 15 to 9min I added strength training to my routine. I felt like that helped a lot.
How do you guys work on speed.? I'm slow AF... Lol...

If I do push my self to run a 7min mile, I get absolutely winded and can't run much longer....

I can run a 10k but I'm soooooo slow....

How do I work on speed AND distance.?

Running hills or runs with a lot of elevation helped me cut from 9 mins to around 7:30 per mile
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