Rules you'd add/change in sports? vol. thou shalt not fumble

Originally Posted by amel223

Jumping into a defensive player after pump faking should be called an offensive foul.

Only rule I can think of, really.

QFT, I really hate this.
Pass Interference in the NFL should adopt college rules. It should be a 15 yard penalty. No need to have these ridiculous 50+ yard penalties

Move the kickoff in the NFL back to where it was

And flopping in soccer/basketball needs to be addressed. I really cant stand watching players play for the foul instead of to score. 
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

I think the offside suggestion is based on a nonsensical assumption. People see offsides as some great preventer of scoring because goals are constantly called off because of offsides. But it's usually not a coincidence that the forward was offsides, the defense sprung a trap meant to place the forward in an offsides position. If you abolished the rule defenses would play differently and you wouldn't have these breakaway opportunities nearly as much. Most teams would just put a defender at the top of their penalty box at all times, like a center-fielder almost.
I disagree. Teams would not universally all act one way. Tactics would vary by team and by game situation. It would be a constant chess match of weighing how much to push forward vs. staying back to defend. If you look at basketball for example, you don't have players constantly camping out away from play (offensive guy waiting to cherry pick, defender staying back to prevent it from happening).

I love the sport (grew up playing it in Europe) and am not advocating removing offisides b/c it will necessarily increase scoring, I just think it's an imperfect part of the game (that often doesn't get called correctly, even with 2 extra refs
) that prevents a free flowing game.
OT rules in NFL... maybe this is too obvious and stupid?. but why can't the NFL just have like a 8 Min OT period.. play the whole thing out and whoever is winning at the end wins... If it's still tied then do sudden death 
Originally Posted by amel223

Jumping into a defensive player after pump faking should be called an offensive foul.

This was the first thing to come to mind. I HATE this rule. Completely agree.
Originally Posted by amel223

Jumping into a defensive player after pump faking should be called an offensive foul.

Only rule I can think of, really.
i agree only to a certain extent .. if the defensive player is vertical and then the offensive player jumps into him .. charge..
but if the defensive player jumps on the offensive player then its a hack..

soccer - no off sides, unlimited subs like basketball, no ties

all sports = bring back the celebration!

REPLAYS i need an explanation for every replay call

their are some replays where i think the ref is wrong

and not really a rule but interview the refs after the game..

i want to know what was going through their head at the time of the play

i've seen some messed up calls that i would like a explanation for..

i.e. joey crawford and dee kanter 
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Pass Interference in the NFL should adopt college rules. It should be a 15 yard penalty. No need to have these ridiculous 50+ yard penalties
Disagree here. I don't want to see defensive players commit PI's when they're about to be burned by a touchdown then get rewarded by only a 15-yard penalty.
Originally Posted by K Town Trash

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

NBA needs to adopt FIBA rules on basket interference. Once it hits the rim and is still above the cylinder, the ball is fair game.

amount of rebounds D12 would have if this happened 
 i mean tipping the ball counts as rebound right? dwight would just tip everything out once the ball is above the cylinder 
The number of times it's utilized effectively is actually less than you think. It adds an interesting wrinkle to the game. Also, if the ball is anywhere near being in the cylinder it's still goal tending, and same if it's on a downward trajectory or off the glass (before it hits the rim). It takes great timing to execute it properly. You won't have guys just flying in touching every ball above the rim. If you've watched Team USA in the most recent Olympics and WCs, they didn't take advantage of the rule very much. I'd be curious to see how it translates to the NBA game.
there aren't that many.
16 min. 12, 8, 4 min marks

seems like more because you have to factor in full timeouts that go to break

I actually agree with less TV timeouts. They aren't needed. And right now there are 8 per game. And one 20 minute half time. And 5 timeouts for each team. And referee timeouts. Forty minute games in college basketball and kids can barely get into a rhythm because every 2 minutes they are stopping and going back to the bench for more overcoaching. Sitting at games live as a fan is even worse.
i forgot nfl pro-bowl..

should be a skills challenge..
i feel like there could be some pretty cool games..
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by K Town Trash

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

NBA needs to adopt FIBA rules on basket interference. Once it hits the rim and is still above the cylinder, the ball is fair game.

amount of rebounds D12 would have if this happened 
 i mean tipping the ball counts as rebound right? dwight would just tip everything out once the ball is above the cylinder 
The number of times it's utilized effectively is actually less than you think. It adds an interesting wrinkle to the game. Also, if the ball is anywhere near being in the cylinder it's still goal tending, and same if it's on a downward trajectory or off the glass (before it hits the rim). It takes great timing to execute it properly. You won't have guys just flying in touching every ball above the rim. If you've watched Team USA in the most recent Olympics and WCs, they didn't take advantage of the rule very much. I'd be curious to see how it translates to the NBA game.
Though what you say is probably true (it really doesn't come into play that often), for the Team USA thing I remember reading multiple players (on separate occasions) saying they didn't take advantage of that much because it's been so bred into them to not touch the ball while it's up there. Took a lot for them to overcome something that has been taught to them for so many years.
I'd do away with the 10 count in boxing and adopt a more MMA style approach to assessing KOs. If a guy goes limp in boxing you'll see guys that are just so used to getting back on their feet. These guys have a gameness about them that is dangerous to them. If a guy goes limp even for a second that's it, fight should be over. No need for a 10 count because in that 10 seconds a guy could go limp and regain consciousness and continue fighting. THIS is why fighters end up punch drunk later on in their careers, you don't see that in MMA (Randy Couture, Chuck Liddell, Sakuraba are all still relatively healthy).

I mean there are times a guy just gets hit on the button or gets clipped while off balance, that's a good knock down. But when a guy gets blatantly KO'd but is so game he doesn't know to stay down that's when people can get killed.
I liked when the NBA had  a 5 game series in the 1st round. I understand why they did it, more money + less upsets. But it was def more exciting.
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