Rules you'd add/change in sports? vol. thou shalt not fumble

I would like to see a half-field rule in soccer - it irritates me when someone kicks the ball all the way back to their own end.
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

I think you guys are being too simplistic with this "no offsides in soccer" rule. Offsides allows the defense to push up, which creates offense.

exactly... people who thinks offsides limit offense don't realize teams would just park strikers in front of the goal and likewise opposing teams would be forced to sit back and mark them.  players liek sergio ramos wouldn't be free to push up from defense and the game would probably move even slower...
Cosign the defenseless players & roughing the passer penalties... Something needs to be done about those.

Obvious flopping needs to be addressed in the NBA as well.
All NFL/NCAA football celebration penalties gotta go unless you have physical contact with the opponent

Less TV timeouts in college basketball

I'd like the NBA to adopt a 1 in 1 rule like college basketball for the last 2 minutes of a game
Have non conference schedule makers for college sports and no longer can the school/coach/AD create their own patsy cake path to new contracts.
Baseball's All-Star game deciding home field in the WS rule has to be the worst rule out there. The alternating schedule before was imperfect to say the least but this is even worse.

All football celebration penalties are stupid. Let the players have fun
Agree with everyone.

The celebration rules in football are the ones that get me the most.  Ray Rice stands up says OOOooo after a good run....15yrds is it really that big of a deal?
The defenseless receiver thing is super dumb.  As you can tell by the Avy if Sean Taylor were still here he would be penalized for that every single week.  What ever  happened to real receivers go across the middle and are willing to take the hits.  Now-a-days anyone will do it.

I don't think getting rid of offsides in soccer would help that much.  It really won't create fast breaks ever because like stated you would just leave the defenders back to mark the forward that is cherry-picking.  But i will say that it would be interesting to see how a team would adapt tactically to this rule.  I don't think it would open the game up that much.  I think teams would still say compact...remain in zone defenses.  But would def be intersting to see if some one is willing to cherry pick an forward.
I think the offside suggestion is based on a nonsensical assumption. People see offsides as some great preventer of scoring because goals are constantly called off because of offsides. But it's usually not a coincidence that the forward was offsides, the defense sprung a trap meant to place the forward in an offsides position. If you abolished the rule defenses would play differently and you wouldn't have these breakaway opportunities nearly as much. Most teams would just put a defender at the top of their penalty box at all times, like a center-fielder almost.

As for the football defenseless receiver rules, they may not be true to the spirit of football as we know it, but they're necessary. If football can't shake the label that is halfway placed on it now, of the league that sacrifices the health of its own players for entertainment purposes, it'll become a much less coveted product. People don't want to see receivers laid out on the field twitching. Either athletes have gotten faster and stronger or the viewer's tastes have evolved away from gladiatorial competitions. Either way NFL had to change.
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

I'd also change the intentional walk rule in baseball to create some sort of penalty other than a walk. Posniaski wrote on this today and suggested that anytime 4 straight balls are thrown, the at-bat starts over, and if 4 more balls are thrown the batter takes two bases. You can't let pitchers avoid batters, it's bad for the game, and a one-base penalty isn't enough. 

I understand not liking the rule but this is a horrible alternative 
I also like the time stops after a first down rule in NCAA until the ball is placed. I wouldn't mind the NFL adopting that.
Jumping into a defensive player after pump faking should be called an offensive foul.

Only rule I can think of, really.
Originally Posted by amel223

Jumping into a defensive player after pump faking should be called an offensive foul.

Only rule I can think of, really.
that too. at least back in the day, Reggie was like the only one, and that was him kicking his foot out...times have changed man...smh

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

I'd also change the intentional walk rule in baseball to create some sort of penalty other than a walk. Posniaski wrote on this today and suggested that anytime 4 straight balls are thrown, the at-bat starts over, and if 4 more balls are thrown the batter takes two bases. You can't let pitchers avoid batters, it's bad for the game, and a one-base penalty isn't enough. 

I understand not liking the rule but this is a horrible alternative 
So if a pitcher intentionally walks someone then you punish the batter by making them stay in there?
Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

instead of having the pitcher throw the ball 4 times, just let the batter take the base.

I thought the same thing while watching Pujols get walked in game 6. Call me impatient but Im really not trying to watch the pitcher and catcher play catch, when the batter could just easily be given a pass without a pitch thrown at all. Although it would be dope if the batter got a hit off of an intentional walk ala Miguel Cabrera

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Baseball's All-Star game deciding home field in the WS rule has to be the worst rule out there. The alternating schedule before was imperfect to say the least but this is even worse.

All football celebration penalties are stupid. Let the players have fun

I think WS home-field advantage should go to the league who has more wins when after inter-legue play. For example, if the AL has more wins versus the NL after inter-league play is concluded, the AL should have home-field. This season the AL had 88 wins, while the NL had 80. So the AL shouldve had home-field in the WS.
I disagree with changing offsides in soccer. IMO it forces an offense to have to be creative in their passing and positioning and to me creativity is the most important element of the game.

In the nba if there is a charge called but the offensive player is able to flush in a dunk it shouldn't be called a charge. That offensive players strength and athleticism should be recognized and his relative restricted area should considered bigger. But to avoid having a gray area, it would be only for dunks not layups. It's not a big deal at all, but I think it makes sense and would create a few more highlights per season, and many more in nba 2k
I've always thought interceptions that squarely bounce off the receivers hands should go as a negative stat against the receiver and not the QB
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Less TV timeouts in college basketball

there aren't that many.
16 min. 12, 8, 4 min marks

seems like more because you have to factor in full timeouts that go to break
Yeah, there's definitely something wrong with the whole continuation thing in basketball - it's clearly a foul if you were going to score and get hit so don't - but nowadays there are way too many and-1s called - it really ruins the flow of the game and I'm sure it puts people (who aren't already fans) from watching.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

NBA needs to adopt FIBA rules on basket interference. Once it hits the rim and is still above the cylinder, the ball is fair game.

amount of rebounds D12 would have if this happened 
 i mean tipping the ball counts as rebound right? dwight would just tip everything out once the ball is above the cylinder 
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