shouts out to @akosaka for helping me get my girlfriend her first pair! if you guys looking for some asia exclusives like the primos and mangos or you want to get your girlfriend some tropicals hit him up:  dude is legit as they come. glad I did business with him.
Agree'd! Quick ship from over seas! One day I'll get in contact with him again to make future purchases (again just need that job!). LEGIT AS THEY COME!!
Any time bro! I'm always trying to help some folks get their pairs!
Ehh that's pretty steep considering you can get those sizes on tmall for like $30-$50 less.
Welcome homie!
No problems here ;-) just placed and paid for my order earlier today. You might wanna do more research before you use them. Just saying...
thanks for the shout out guys! i don't come here as often anymore but i'm glad i caught the positive comments about me. They are much appreciated!

@njavier i don't mind your opinion if you think they are expensive and i don't think you have any bad intentions at all, but you have no idea what i have to go through to get shoes here and i feel like when you make a comment like that u leave it open to interpretation and some people may misunderstand and see it differently, as if my price is unrealistic and i am ripping them off.

to give you or anyone else just an idea.......i do not have a car here as the majority of people who live in a major city in Japan do not. i have to do everything by bicycle, train, subway or  rent a car and spend ridiculous amounts of money for tolls, gas, and fees.

i have had access to mangos and have been selling them here and there when i was able to, for almost a year. i even lowered my prices when the Japanese yen weakened against the US Dollar, to be fair and help people out when i didn't have to. the fair market price for mangos was much higher previously. i pretty much set the market price for mangos, and then people started ordering them from China and selling them for the same price as i did and i never complained about it. i have to eat international shipping and i never complained about it. when people low balled me telling me about fruboys/frugirls prices i never complained about it. thats just what it was and i accepted it.

i don't sit at home on a pc with a credit card and take a chance and buy online from another country. i don't buy without knowing 100% of what i'm getting. i spend the time and money to go out physically, and make sure i KNOW what i am getting and that they are in my hand and 100% legit. if anyone is in Japan and wants to buy them cheaper i have no problem selling them cheaper even though the market price within the US is much higher cause i wouldn't see that extra money in my pocket anyway, while selling them from here and paying for shipping.  u may just see the monetary difference between frugirls/tmall and I, but many others do not and appreciate the work i put in to get them shoes, and the fact that i am a sneaker head like they are, and the peace of mind from buying them from someone like me.

 I am not a business who is a middle man in a foreign country, who is only out to make money and get paid for a service to get people items. I am just like you, and everyone else on  Niketalk.  just a fan of the Roshe Run, and a sneaker head/collector/hobbyist. whether it was your intent or not, i feel by you saying what you said and talking about me in the same sentence and context as tmall, when someone was trying to support me and compliment me:  "Ehh thats pretty steep considering you can get those sizes on tmall for $30-$50 less."  you are comparing myself and tmall, as if I, just one person who lives in Japan who has a separate career and personal life, are one and the same which is completely FALSE. don't get me wrong im not mad or anything. i just wanted to make a statement to defend myself, against a comment about me,  that imo, could have been left open to misinterpretation and lead to a misunderstanding about what kind of person I am, and what i'm really about.
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So I picked up a pair of the Tie Dyes today, really jumped out at me and was a colour I hadn't seen before.

Think they would look real nice in the summer, they look much better in person than the pics, really nice colours.

They are also a strange material, like a Goretex style fabric.





Instagram - Nedoz9
where did you pick up the tye dye roshes from? i wanna pick em up for my girl..pls help
Tie dyes are euro only release as of now i believe. And dont forget if youre getting these for your girl these are mens shoes so dont forget to do the size conversion.
Really late to the Roshe game. The 2 I really want is the Bright Crimsons and the Mint FB. I just missed the UO mint release last weekend. Anybody have any leads on those?
Really late to the Roshe game. The 2 I really want is the Bright Crimsons and the Mint FB. I just missed the UO mint release last weekend. Anybody have any leads on those?
Call the store and ask them they probably have some left. Ask them for a stock locate too
Missed this post for a few days and had to play catch-up.

Tye-dye's look terrible IMO.

These Roshe Mids though?! Easily the best Mids to be released IMO. Prefer them over the City Pack 100%!

Loving my Navy Florals I scooped last week. Not quite "OG Mesh" material, but absolutely love the look and feel of whatever they call them. Wouldn't mind some more colorways with that material. Anybody know anywhere or anybody with the yellow Florals for grabs? Would love to add those to the collection.

Can't believe my Roshe collection is at almost 17 pairs now. Roshe's + these $10 tiger-camo pants from UO have been the go-to the past couple of weeks. Perfect combo IMO.
Akosaka: idk how you got that much from such a small sentence, but I guess if you were upset, I apologize? I can't help, but feel you're being a little over sensitive about the subject, but there was no harm intended. I just purely stated a fact, without any slander of bias towards you. Unfortunately, most people will not care about your troubles, and only look to save money. It's harsh, but true. It's unfortunate you have to go through all that, but it doesn't seem like this is your only income, so maybe this selling of mangos is more trouble than its worth. Just my 2 cents. Again, not trying to rustle any jimmies.
I tried yesterday. They said they sold out over the weekend.
if I remember correctly only 2 stores had them the san antonio and san francisco store. I highly doubt after my original post they are any left. Some people mentioned as soon as they saw my post they called and ordered pairs...
if I remember correctly only 2 stores had them the san antonio and san francisco store. I highly doubt after my original post they are any left. Some people mentioned as soon as they saw my post they called and ordered pairs...
SF is sold out i called last night they said they r out
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