People act like they wouldn't gladly accept a hook up from a store

Any body would gladly except hookups...Well if you waited in line all day for a shoe u really wanted to get, and you see a couple dudes pull up from a cab, cut thru you and walk in like they work thier and get there pairs and walk out thru the back, how would you feel...

#kotd my SF Giants Roshe !
this is like a telenovela 

if you're from NY you know how mercer works. So does who are asking for a pair, let me tell you something. you are NOT getting one!!
And if you are getting there a hour early, you're already late haha

I was thinking the exact same thing.....& I don't even live in NY. :rofl:
FSR of Sails, Iguanas, Sport Reds Roshes.. on urban outfitters..

This link has been posted numerous times over the past few days, and everytime, I rush to try and get a 9.5 in the reds, and I get to the last step of checking out, only to be met with the "Roshe out of stock, please remove from cart" message. If someone reposts this link again in a few hours, I will still try to cop, just in case. :lol:

So yeah, no 9.5s in the red.
People act like they wouldn't gladly accept a hook up from a store

I honestly don't understand why people are paying $150+ for this "Mint" FB. It's easily one of my least favorite Roshes in my collection. Toe swoosh is going to get hella wrinkled after a few wears, the mesh is restrictive, the sole is stiff, and it fits more narrow than a pair of Florals. Don't buy into the hype, guys. Roshe iD will be here soon enough, and you can make any colorway you'd like.
People act like they wouldn't gladly accept a hook up from a store

True. Doesn't defeat the fact that people who actually took time out to get something they want while it's still affordable for them still got jerked.

I just feel bad for people who really try to get exclusives have to deal with 21M. With that said, I'm not even gonna try even though I live 2 blocks away. I'm willing to bank on the fact that more places will get these and if that's not gonna happen then F it. It's a pair of Roshes that aren't even as comfortable as the OGs. I refuse to wait or pay over retail for a shoe that is literally made of the same material (and just as comfortable) as my slippers from Chinatown that I paid $3 for, lol.

had time to take a pic of the collection today. just posted on instagram but thought I'd post here too.

IG: imsomajestic

easter egg hunt: find the two pairs my lady has in the pic!

*not pictured - doubles of og7 (except calypsos) and a few others
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Zappos seems to only have 9.5s and 10s in stock for the Gammas and Tarps. Should I just pull the trigger on those Gammas and forget about the Mint FBs? All this 21Mercer talk sounds like heading there 2 hours before release isn't even worth it.
Zappos seems to only have 9.5s and 10s in stock for the Gammas and Tarps. Should I just pull the trigger on those Gammas and forget about the Mint FBs? All this 21Mercer talk sounds like heading there 2 hours before release isn't even worth it.
It's up to you bro.  Do you have a black pair?  I prefer the OG Black Sail's over the Gamma's.  Rumor summer re-release of all 3 OG's.  I hope it's true!
Zappos seems to only have 9.5s and 10s in stock for the Gammas and Tarps. Should I just pull the trigger on those Gammas and forget about the Mint FBs? All this 21Mercer talk sounds like heading there 2 hours before release isn't even worth it.
just grab the Gammas, if you really want the Mint FB's then don't get the Gammas, but there won't be a guarantee of you copping the Mint FB's
Any body would gladly except hookups...Well if you waited in line all day for a shoe u really wanted to get, and you see a couple dudes pull up from a cab, cut thru you and walk in like they work thier and get there pairs and walk out thru the back, how would you feel...

I would have to reevaluate my reasoning for waiting in a line all day for a pair of sneakers

The hook up isn't the problem

The problem is the other 1,000+ people waiting on ebay willing to shell out double the price to those 100 people in line with you who are going to flip them that same day
just made this quickly on illustrator, gonna copy Illy and make some of my own colorways
Do you mind sending over the .AI file of your version? I did my own but yours came out much cleaner. I'd love to create some custom colorways with your credit.
It's up to you bro.  Do you have a black pair?  I prefer the OG Black Sail's over the Gamma's.  Rumor summer re-release of all 3 OG's.  I hope it's true!
This would be my first pair to own for myself. I really want something that brings out the looks but the Gammas are pretty basic. I'll probably wait for the OG re-release.
just grab the Gammas, if you really want the Mint FB's then don't get the Gammas, but there won't be a guarantee of you copping the Mint FB's
I really want the Mints haha. The talk about less comfortability doesn't phase me much I really enjoy the look of them and I'm sure they're more comfortable than my Foamposites for sure. I'm gonna have to try to cop the Mints.

had time to take a pic of the collection today. just posted on instagram but thought I'd post here too.

IG: imsomajestic

easter egg hunt: find the two pairs my lady has in the pic!

*not pictured - doubles of og7 (except calypsos) and a few others

BEAST. Nice Collection bro. Holy SHIII
True. Doesn't defeat the fact that people who actually took time out to get something they want while it's still affordable for them still got jerked.

I just feel bad for people who really try to get exclusives have to deal with 21M. With that said, I'm not even gonna try even though I live 2 blocks away. I'm willing to bank on the fact that more places will get these and if that's not gonna happen then F it. It's a pair of Roshes that aren't even as comfortable as the OGs. I refuse to wait or pay over retail for a shoe that is literally made of the same material (and just as comfortable) as my slippers from Chinatown that I paid $3 for, lol.

no hate but i dont see the logic of the last part... what sneaker actually cost anywhere close to what they sell for... wait... does anything on this planet cost anywhere near what they are sold for?

I guess I'm just getting old. It's all trivial to me now. It just made a lot more sense to pay a lot of money for sneakers (mostly Jordans) when I first joined NT when I was 14 and was still really into Basketball. I just can't see myself getting my Jimmies rustled over a running shoe that I wont even run in.
why not cop both?

they arent less comfortable, they just have less give than the mesh... if thats ur gripe get .5 size bigger?

if ur selling out foam money i dont see why copping all the cw's is a problem lol
Because the Gammas look plain and the Mints are damn near impossible to pick up without paying nearly 2x the price. I wouldn't know about the comfortability as I haven't rocked more than one pair to compare it. My foamposites have much more longevity in them and I don't pay over retail. I've picked up a few pairs for $100 and a couple free. Can't really fight that.
hey what do you guys clean the upper mesh with?

my black/white upper is dirty and want to clean it
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