Ronnie Fieg Collabs - Tracking order link

yes we have, months ago
Ummmmmmmm you understand that we've seen photos of the salmon toes that are releasing way before that. B&W pic right?
You talking bout pictures.

I'm talking actual release product.

Just because you haven't seen it in person or photo doesn't mean I haven't

So sit down bruh bruh
Regardless .......... you gentlemen are reacting brand new to something you "seen" already . Post the pic of the salmon toes 2.0 pic that dropped a month ago please . This should shut someone up lol
Ahhh the things I do to not go through nike talks crap gallery layout to find a pic a month ago 

Thanks man !
I'm on my period lol

Still if you look back a page i'm clearly not the only one who didn't know a salmon toe 2.0 pic dropped ... like 4 of us are guilty

Now I shut the fudge up ! 
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