RoboCop (Movie Thread) FEB 7, 2014 - Trailer pg 5

Grew up with the OG, obsessed with the unrated version...there was a point in my life where Robocop was the source of every inside joke between me and my friends.

:smh: I can't support this movie

You should give it a chance, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. No, it's not as violent, satirical or as quotable as the '87 version but it definitely has merit and they took it seriously. They didn't just take a dump all over it a la Transformers, and they didn't mock it either, like Starsky and Hutch or Dukes of Hazzard. The trailers actually make this movie look much worse than it is.
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IMO, there is only one aspect of Padilha's film that you could actually say is "superior" than Verhoeven's. There is actually more emphasis on Murphy's humanity in this, and it really wears it on its' sleeve. It's not revolutionary or anything, but it's refreshing that they focused so much on it. The rest of the film is actually very formulaic and just solid at best. Unfortunate, because it seemed like they had tunnel vision. Like I mentioned before, it's not the abomination that a lot fanboys expected. There are really some good performances, especially by Gary Oldman, and as a standalone film it does have its' flaws, but it is an interesting interpretation of the Robocop mythos.

Other than that, there is no real comparison you can make between this and the original. One of the biggest pluses that I give Verhoeven's original is that it juggled several themes AND it was a genre bending film. It was a hodgepodge of sci-fi, drama, action, gore and comedy. It's rare that you get that kind of combination in a movie. Another big plus, and something that Peter Weller always mentions in his interviews, is that Robocop is one of the few sci-fi films that really stands the test of time. It's almost 30 years since its' initial release, and a lot of the themes explored are still prevalent today.
If you're going into this and you're expecting things to be exactly like the OG movie then you''ll be disappointed. The movie aimed to capture the spirit of the first film while separating itself in certain aspects pretty successfully. They actually take a more in-depth look into Murphy's transformation which was awesome. Samuel Jackson's role IS the satire of the movie and was done very well. I'd give it a 7/10....solid where close to the OG though.
The OG is timeless and was one of my favorite movies as a kid. This new one is a different movie with the same title character. It's Robocop in a different universe. That said, I enjoyed it. My biggest complaint is that it felt like an origin movie.
Reason why a lot of the movies from the 80s and 90s are timeless and to some hard to match is simply because of the originality behind producers/directors/writers really brainstormed and made something from scratch....we never experienced it, so we loved it and appreciated it....hell even The Fly to me is timeless...80s/90s had soooo many gems, nowadays studios take shortcuts with remakes instead of giving us more original material.

Who remembers F/X?...joint was one of my all time fave movies growing up...dope movie.
Grew up with the OG, obsessed with the unrated version...there was a point in my life where Robocop was the source of every inside joke between me and my friends.

I can't support this movie
You should give it a chance, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. No, it's not as violent, satirical or as quotable as the '87 version but it definitely has merit and they took it seriously. They didn't just take a dump all over it a la Transformers, and they didn't mock it either, like Starsky and Hutch or Dukes of Hazzard. The trailers actually make this movie look much worse than it is.
That's good to know.  I haven't seen the '14 yet, but I guess a problem is that too many people are trying to compare it, which I guess we shouldn't do.  Hopefully, when I watch it, I'll be able to judge it by itself. 
Robocop fans.....seriously, please Google "Our Robocop Remake- Scene 27."
Can I still do this if I haven't seen the '14?
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Reason why a lot of the movies from the 80s and 90s are timeless and to some hard to match is simply because of the originality behind producers/directors/writers really brainstormed and made something from scratch....we never experienced it, so we loved it and appreciated it....hell even The Fly to me is timeless...80s/90s had soooo many gems, nowadays studios take shortcuts with remakes instead of giving us more original material.

Who remembers F/X?...joint was one of my all time fave movies growing up...dope movie.





Also, stop motion and natural stunts/special effects >>>>>>>>> CGI

Got movies looking like video games these days. :smh:
F/X... damn! I haven't seen that in a long time. Gonna look it up on Netflix now. That was a dope movie.

jbone2308 jbone2308 It's a great start honestly, if they can continue to build layers to the story and not just make the sequel an action movie.
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I love the og Robocop, but it was stupid cheesy, ya'll need to chill acting like it was a masterpiece. Classic, but cheesy. I didn't know this new one was out yet though, might check it out.
I love the og Robocop, but it was stupid cheesy, ya'll need to chill acting like it was a masterpiece. Classic, but cheesy. I didn't know this new one was out yet though, might check it out.

That's what made the movie so great in hindsight. How can a movie that tongue in cheek and OD corny be so VIOLENT?!

I will go see the '14 movie today but the PG-13 rating ruined the movie before it even can out :smh:
For those that have seen the movie, does he at least say his imfamous "Murphy" line at the end??? All I ask is they at least end the movie as hard as the OG one ended...but I already know in asking for too much :smh:
Thumbs down.
They should've just renamed it something else. But then it woulda been a rip off.

Kinda like "Lockdown" with Guy Pearce is supposed to be loosely based off John Carpenter's "Escape From LA"
The OG is timeless and was one of my favorite movies as a kid. This new one is a different movie with the same title character. It's Robocop in a different universe. That said, I enjoyed it. My biggest complaint is that it felt like an origin movie.

This is actually good IMO
Thumbs down.
They should've just renamed it something else. But then it woulda been a rip off.

Kinda like "Lockdown" with Guy Pearce is supposed to be loosely based off John Carpenter's "Escape From LA"

Same with Karate Kid. If you're gonna do a movie with a very similar theme, I can't really blame a studio for just re-using a name/going reboot. A police robot movie is automatically gonna be thought of as Robocop anyway, so you may as well just run with the title.
Like it was said this is basically robocop in another univers. Overal movie was great. I feel like this is how the OG should of started focused more on Murphy as being human and dealing wit that happened to him and including the fam more.
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