RoboCop (Movie Thread) FEB 7, 2014 - Trailer pg 5

lol at that video. I had that ed 209 toy that would make gun shot sounds and smoke with that strip of paper in the back. It was cool :pimp:
I have a horrible memory, so I couldn't remember any of them (despite the fact that I seen all of them as a kid). God were these movies bad. 1 was bad, 2 was really bad, and 3 was god awful. Despite all that, I want to see this.
I have a horrible memory, so I couldn't remember any of them (despite the fact that I seen all of them as a kid). God were these movies bad. 1 was bad, 2 was really bad, and 3 was god awful. Despite all that, I want to see this.


1 and 2 are certified crack
Robocop 3... 

I liked 1. 2 was worse, obviously, but 3...
The girl controlling everything with her little computer :x.
I know they're movies, but 3 was pretty bad. At least 2 was comedy.
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I can't wait to see it. I remember watching the OG joints as an elementary school kid in the mid 90s on bootleg Betamax that my uncle made from the tapes he borrowed.
I liked 1. 2 was worse, obviously, but 3...
The girl controlling everything with her little computer :x.
I know they're movies, but 3 was pretty bad. At least 2 was comedy.

Controlling the ED-209 with that primitive laptop...I'm done! :x :smh:
I can't wait to see it. I remember watching the OG joints as an elementary school kid in the mid 90s on bootleg Betamax that my uncle made from the tapes he borrowed.

Considering the orginal came out in 89 abd the sequel in 91. Why were you watching them in the mid 90s on bootleg? Some of yall lie so much.... I was born in june of 84 this guy was my childhood hero
Considering the orginal came out in 89 abd the sequel in 91. Why were you watching them in the mid 90s on bootleg? Some of yall lie so much.... I was born in june of 84 this guy was my childhood hero
I was born in 1985. I came to the USA in 1994. My uncle, who was already here used to rent lots of movies from the local store and copied them onto Betamax. I spent the first few years watching movies by myself as a kid because I had no friends and spoke very little English.

Is it against the law to watch movies made in the 1980s a decade later, bro? Smile,'s Saturday :smile:
I was born in 1985. I came to the USA in 1994. My uncle, who was already here used to rent lots of movies from the local store and copied them onto Betamax. I spent the first few years watching movies by myself as a kid because I had no friends and spoke very little English.

Is it against the law to watch movies made in the 1980s a decade later, bro? Smile,'s Saturday :smile:

Lol my bad man. Im at work. Forgive me.
Gonna watch this tonight at midnight PST.  I'm actually also pretty excited to see this, no lie.  Born in '86, RoboCop (2) was that dude
Considering the orginal came out in 89 abd the sequel in 91. Why were you watching them in the mid 90s on bootleg? Some of yall lie so much.... I was born in june of 84 this guy was my childhood hero

The original came out in 87, 2 in 1990, 3 in 93. Being born in 84 you've probably forgotten or never were aware just how expensive videos were back in the day, VHS tapes of movies would be introduced with a super high price tag, something like 89.95 for most releases so basically video stores were the only place that could afford to get them. It'd take years for the videos to show up in stores at a lower price. That's how it was with most movies (although Disney figured out how to get money from parents early) Up until about the late 80s or so when the expensive version would get a 6 month lead before the $25 version came out.

I just recently tossed out about 250 betamax tapes of movies we'd duped from VHS rentals back in the 80s. It was the easiest way to get a lot of movies without spending an obscene amount.
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