Road Rage gone tragically wrong....

Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack9

Originally Posted by georgehimself

I don't understand how people get behind the wheel and turn into animals. If someone walks in front of you while you are walking, most people will say, "oh go ahead." But if someone creeps into your lane while driving, all hell breaks loose. I am guilty of this myself sometimes, but I just try to think how I would react if we were both walking.

That money factor. If you cut me off while walking no big deal. If you cut me off while driving, I have to slam on my brakes and hope the cat behind me doesnt rear end me. Your life is on the line at 65 mph as opposed to you scuffing my kicks at 1/2 mph. 

This is it.
Something about Northern VA....Richmond and Norfolk are a completely different vibe.  Once you pass Fredericksburg and keep going North everything hits the fan.  Rediculous....truly rediculous.  RIP. 
Driving in NoVa can def make you go insane.
Luckily 85% of the time I'am in absolutely no rush getting to where I need to go. This results in a lot more peaceful drives.
Originally Posted by jehims

Originally Posted by Mcflyy

I ran out of my house and over to the scene with the intentions of beating the $%%@ out of whoever it was but cool heads prevailed and now the two women are doing 10-15 years.

reminds me of the chicks who tried to beat up the dude from Mcdonalds cuz they thought they were about that life. Well payed sir.
Originally Posted by thaSOLEful1

Originally Posted by TheGoldenChild

i understand why some people have road rage, but it is not worth losing your life over. i'll be honest, i have road rage, but that is because people dont know how to drive. don't signal when they make turns, dont have their lights on when it is darker, or raining, and just stupid people out there. if you dont know how to drive, then get a cab or a bike.. cause your stupidity causes problems and accidents. 
i feel the same. some people are just looking to get into accidents just drive like u give a damn
Word. I need to chill with my road rage. I'm slowly learning. I usually cut people right back off when they cut me off and I usually honk like crazy when someone almost hits me. I sometimes even start tailgating them. There's so many dumb drivers, especially in Houston. I carry a metal pole next to me, too.

Last week I was waiting to turn left at the light and so was another lady. The lights were out in a four way intersection, so we had to take turns going. She was trying to turn left too, but a car went the same time as she did and she kept going only to almost run straight into me. I honked and she threw her hands up and cussed at me.
Today I was in a mad rush to get home and started flippin' out at people..Until I remembered this thread.

NT. It runs deep.
Reminds me of a girl I knew. She was always chill but when she get behind the wheel..yikes.
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