RIP Joe Paterno

Originally Posted by Caerus

I will always believe if this never occured, he would still be coaching and healthy. Just me though

I agree with this.

as a psu alum
For 30 yrs hes been makin a positive impact on,every1 he touches
Not EVERYone. There's that whole 'child sex ring' that took place right under his umbrella. I'm sure those little boys who are now men don't agree that EVERYone around Joe had a better life because of him.
joes contributions saved countlesssssss numbers of lives, whether it be thru mentoring, donations, or jus bein that father figure alotta kids didnt have...
"Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should have accomplished with your ability." -John Wooden
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

HELL of a coincidence that he passes away soon after all of that nonsense happens. I know yall like to think everything is coincidence but damn. Makes you think?

Anyone have any "conspiracies."

Not at all.
Stress and stuff like public humiliation leads to depression (with related physical markers like elevated cortisol levels etc.) and overall deterioration of the body, especially when dealing with disease.

Thats why people try to keep their spirits up. Placebos are powerful things because they allow us to not beat ourselves up and ruminate over things we think are hurting us. Theres tons of studies on this stuff.

Thats why with older couples, when a spouse dies, its very real that the other person might die soon after just because of the stress and feelings they have towards their lost companion.

The only conspiracy here is that hes an 85 year old man who was already sick with a fairly untreatable disease at his stage and was going to die sooner or later. I'm sure the behind-the-scenes nature of the controversy weighed heavily on him and he couldn't take it. 

Look at former presidential candidate john edwards. Shortly after his failed campaign run, he was found to have fathered a child out of wedlock and stolen a bunch of money. Now a few months ago they said the feds were going after him SUPER hard, and then what? He ends up having a rare heart condition. 

Stress kills. Literally. 

Lets also take this time to compare the losers at penn state doing futile things like "keeping snow off of statues" to the blinded, almost religious cult members that they are. 

Such a vapid ritual, devoid of meaning and purpose, especially in light of the allegations against him. 

Penn State students again show why they don't deserve the respect of national media. 
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

I will forever hate Penn State. I can't wait for them to come to UVa next season.

Easily the dumbest thing posted in this thread. Hate Joe Pa, hate everything he stands for, hate Sandusky and everyone involved in this horrible scandal. But hate the actual school for all this? Hate the students and faculty that had nothing to do with this? C'mon fam you're smarter than that. It's a very frustrating and angering situation for the entire country and all of humanity that something went down like this.  Don't let your emotions control your rationale.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

HELL of a coincidence that he passes away soon after all of that nonsense happens. I know yall like to think everything is coincidence but damn. Makes you think?

Anyone have any "conspiracies."

Not at all.
Stress and stuff like public humiliation leads to depression (with related physical markers like elevated cortisol levels etc.) and overall deterioration of the body, especially when dealing with disease.

Thats why people try to keep their spirits up. Placebos are powerful things because they allow us to not beat ourselves up and ruminate over things we think are helping us. Theres tons of studies on this stuff.

Thats why with older couples, when a spouse dies, its very real that the other person might die soon after just because of the stress and feelings they have towards their lost companion.

The only conspiracy here is that hes an 85 year old man who was already sick with a fairly untreatable disease at his stage and was going to die sooner or later. I'm sure the behind-the-scenes nature of the controversy weighed heavily on him and he couldn't take it. 

Lets also take this time to compare the losers at penn state doing futile things like "keeping snow off of statues" to the blinded, almost religious cult members that they are. 

Such a vapid ritual, devoid of meaning and purpose, especially in light of the allegations against him. 

Penn State students again show why they don't deserve the respect of national media. 

Agree with almost everything you said. 
Originally Posted by Proshares

This is that stupid %+*%%*+ 80 page thread all over again
That thread was an abomination.
So much nonsense with the focus away from what actually mattered...

The same characters in here too.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

HELL of a coincidence that he passes away soon after all of that nonsense happens. I know yall like to think everything is coincidence but damn. Makes you think?

Anyone have any "conspiracies."
...I'm outta here. *deuces*
Originally Posted by af1 1982

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

I will forever hate Penn State. I can't wait for them to come to UVa next season.

Easily the dumbest thing posted in this thread. Hate Joe Pa, hate everything he stands for, hate Sandusky and everyone involved in this horrible scandal. But hate the actual school for all this? Hate the students and faculty that had nothing to do with this? C'mon fam you're smarter than that. It's a very frustrating and angering situation for the entire country and all of humanity that something went down like this.  Don't let your emotions control your rationale.
I don't see idiots cheering and supporting a human being who allowed children to be raped under his watch on my Grounds.
Damn, the head of your school even helped to cover it up. I'm going to hate who I want to hate. Your school disgusts me. Especially the handling of the current investigation by your BOT. They have to approve and are allowed to edit a report that may directly implicate them? %*!#$$**. 
I was indifferent about Paterno in this situation because I wasnt sure what he actually knew.

Then Joe Pa comes out with his side of the story saying he was told vague information and he didnt understand what was really going on. And that McQuery never told him Sandusky was "raping" anyone. McQuery admitting that he didnt tell Paterno much details because he didnt think Paterno in his age would understand.

In hindsight its easy for you couch-saints to say he should have told the FBI to launch a full investigation based on something he didnt see and didnt understand

Should he have followed up? Yes. Should he have done more? Knowing what we conveniently know now Yes.

But you bums dancing on the grave of someone who had nothing to do with the monstrous actions that allegedly occurred need to look at the ugly reflection in the mirror
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by af1 1982

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

I will forever hate Penn State. I can't wait for them to come to UVa next season.

Easily the dumbest thing posted in this thread. Hate Joe Pa, hate everything he stands for, hate Sandusky and everyone involved in this horrible scandal. But hate the actual school for all this? Hate the students and faculty that had nothing to do with this? C'mon fam you're smarter than that. It's a very frustrating and angering situation for the entire country and all of humanity that something went down like this.  Don't let your emotions control your rationale.
I don't see idiots cheering and supporting a human being who allowed children to be raped under his watch on my Grounds.
Damn, the head of your school even helped to cover it up. I'm going to hate who I want to hate. Your school disgusts me. Especially the handling of the current investigation by your BOT. They have to approve and are allowed to edit a report that may directly implicate them? %*!#$$**. 
Yes, you correct on everything you said and I agree with you. But remember 2,500/45,000 people "rioted. Not all 45,000. 
Originally Posted by cartune

I was indifferent about Paterno in this situation because I wasnt sure what he actually knew.

Then Joe Pa comes out with his side of the story saying he was told vague information and he didnt understand what was really going on. And that McQuery never told him Sandusky was "raping" anyone. McQuery admitting that he didnt tell Paterno much details because he didnt think Paterno in his age would understand.

In hindsight its easy for you couch-saints to say he should have told the FBI to launch a full investigation based on something he didnt see and didnt understand

Should he have followed up? Yes. Should he have done more? Knowing what we conveniently know now Yes.

But you bums dancing on the grave of someone who had nothing to do with the monstrous actions that allegedly occurred need to look at the ugly reflection in the mirror
Look at post #120 in this thread...I'd be curious to know your (as well as anyone else's) viewpoint after reading through that article. 
Originally Posted by af1 1982

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by af1 1982

Easily the dumbest thing posted in this thread. Hate Joe Pa, hate everything he stands for, hate Sandusky and everyone involved in this horrible scandal. But hate the actual school for all this? Hate the students and faculty that had nothing to do with this? C'mon fam you're smarter than that. It's a very frustrating and angering situation for the entire country and all of humanity that something went down like this.  Don't let your emotions control your rationale.
I don't see idiots cheering and supporting a human being who allowed children to be raped under his watch on my Grounds.
Damn, the head of your school even helped to cover it up. I'm going to hate who I want to hate. Your school disgusts me. Especially the handling of the current investigation by your BOT. They have to approve and are allowed to edit a report that may directly implicate them? %*!#$$**. 
Yes, you correct on everything you said and I agree with you. But remember 2,500/45,000 people "rioted. Not all 45,000. 
I'm sure only the people who rioted were the ones who think Paterno is innocent. 
Former players... idiots.

Former students/current students... idiots.

Former administration/current administration... idiots.

I go to school with quite a few PSU alumni. Here's an email from one of them. 

[h6][font=verdana,sans-serif]I know I sometimes joke about how Penn State sucks and I didn't really like it, but recent events really have uncovered my true admiration and emotional connection to the institution. I feel personally attacked, up to and including the firing of Joe Paterno. I understand the Boards of Trustees had a very difficult decision on their hands, and I'm glad I wasn't one of them in that room debating on whether to end an icon's legacy in shame. And if feel this way, I can't even imagine how more devoted fans and alumni feel.
[/font][/h6]Anyways, my friend wrote the following on her facebook page and it's words were pretty powerful and I thought I'd share it:

"We know you don't understand. Generally, we don't try to explain. Unless you are a Buckeye or Fighting Irish, you probably don't get how an institution embeds itself in a student's life. And that is fine.
[h6]But right now, we want you to know this:

We are distraught and truly sickened by this horror perpetrated on young victims by one who represented the Blue and White, and perpetuated by others at the University. We aren't blind followers who drink Blue Kool-Aid. We grieve for and with the victims and their families. We pray for them to find healing and peace and a way to live a good life.

We know that while many people had responsibility, the most visible one almost always goes down first. We are not disputing the need for this to happen.
We are not "defending" anything. We are simply crushed and heartbroken. This is not the Penn State we love, the Penn State that is part of our being.

What you know of Joe Paterno probably comes from television or magazine articles.
We know the man who has lived in the same McKee St house for decades. We have chatted with him as he walked to practice. We have eaten ice cream with him at the Creamery. We have studied in the new library wing his money helped build. We have visited the sports museum and spiritual center he also helped build. We have seen him cheering on other Penn State athletes. We know he loves Penn State as much as we do.

Some of our friends, brothers, husbands, sons have been privileged to put on the Blue and White uniform and listen to 100,000 fans in Beaver Stadium. We know how hard they have worked, how much time they have devoted, how many of them have been part of an excellent scholar/athlete legacy...and how much they love this man and this program.
We aren't stupid or naive. We know Joe Paterno has culpability. We know he could have made different choices - he admitted that. We don't think he is God or always perfect or saintly. But he is the greatest college football coach ever, and he is PSU family, and we don't want his exit to be like this.

WE ARE...not closing our eyes, ignoring reports, pretending this isn't a wretched occurrence.
WE ARE...angry that innocents would be violated under our care.
WE support of appropriate punishment for every person involved.
WE ARE...demanding change to a system that would allow this.
WE ARE...not concerned if you do not understand our love and devotion.
WE ARE...PENN STATE proud and we will rise again"[/h6]
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by af1 1982

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

I don't see idiots cheering and supporting a human being who allowed children to be raped under his watch on my Grounds.
Damn, the head of your school even helped to cover it up. I'm going to hate who I want to hate. Your school disgusts me. Especially the handling of the current investigation by your BOT. They have to approve and are allowed to edit a report that may directly implicate them? %*!#$$**. 
Yes, you correct on everything you said and I agree with you. But remember 2,500/45,000 people "rioted. Not all 45,000. 
I'm sure only the people who rioted were the ones who think Paterno is innocent. 
Former players... idiots.

Former students/current students... idiots.

Former administration/current administration... idiots.

I go to school with quite a few PSU alumni. Here's an email from one of them. 

[h6][font=verdana,sans-serif]I know I sometimes joke about how Penn State sucks and I didn't really like it, but recent events really have uncovered my true admiration and emotional connection to the institution. I feel personally attacked, up to and including the firing of Joe Paterno. I understand the Boards of Trustees had a very difficult decision on their hands, and I'm glad I wasn't one of them in that room debating on whether to end an icon's legacy in shame. And if feel this way, I can't even imagine how more devoted fans and alumni feel.
[/font][/h6]Anyways, my friend wrote the following on her facebook page and it's words were pretty powerful and I thought I'd share it:

"We know you don't understand. Generally, we don't try to explain. Unless you are a Buckeye or Fighting Irish, you probably don't get how an institution embeds itself in a student's life. And that is fine.
[h6]But right now, we want you to know this:

We are distraught and truly sickened by this horror perpetrated on young victims by one who represented the Blue and White, and perpetuated by others at the University. We aren't blind followers who drink Blue Kool-Aid. We grieve for and with the victims and their families. We pray for them to find healing and peace and a way to live a good life.

We know that while many people had responsibility, the most visible one almost always goes down first. We are not disputing the need for this to happen.
We are not "defending" anything. We are simply crushed and heartbroken. This is not the Penn State we love, the Penn State that is part of our being.

What you know of Joe Paterno probably comes from television or magazine articles.
We know the man who has lived in the same McKee St house for decades. We have chatted with him as he walked to practice. We have eaten ice cream with him at the Creamery. We have studied in the new library wing his money helped build. We have visited the sports museum and spiritual center he also helped build. We have seen him cheering on other Penn State athletes. We know he loves Penn State as much as we do.

Some of our friends, brothers, husbands, sons have been privileged to put on the Blue and White uniform and listen to 100,000 fans in Beaver Stadium. We know how hard they have worked, how much time they have devoted, how many of them have been part of an excellent scholar/athlete legacy...and how much they love this man and this program.
We aren't stupid or naive. We know Joe Paterno has culpability. We know he could have made different choices - he admitted that. We don't think he is God or always perfect or saintly. But he is the greatest college football coach ever, and he is PSU family, and we don't want his exit to be like this.

WE ARE...not closing our eyes, ignoring reports, pretending this isn't a wretched occurrence.
WE ARE...angry that innocents would be violated under our care.
WE support of appropriate punishment for every person involved.
WE ARE...demanding change to a system that would allow this.
WE ARE...not concerned if you do not understand our love and devotion.
WE ARE...PENN STATE proud and we will rise again"[/h6]
And that's the problem here my man, who cares how many wins he had or what he did on the field. This is real life $+*%. And that is what disgusts me about the idiots who support him for this reason. Because he was a football coach? %+#%. Football is what caused this problem in the first place. 
This is my viewpoint. Agree with it or not. This man did some great things in his life through philanthropy and charity. He dedicated his life to serving others whether they were students, alumni, his players, or his family, this dude lived to serve others. When I attended mass on campus this morning, the priest opened talking about Joe Paterno and his recent conversations with him. He said they joked about his accomplishments, the records and the titles. The priest also said Joe told him, "A husband. A father. And a grandfather. That is what I'm proud of". But this man also did some horrible things in his life. Not through his actions, but through his inaction. He harbored an environment for a child molestor. He was without a doubt the most powerful man at the university throughout his tenure and he should've, could've done more. Period. And that's the harsh reality that a lot of people choose to turn a blind eye to.

You can't dwell on the bad things he did without looking back at the good things he did. But you also can't dwell on the good things he did without looking back the the bad things he did. 

/rant . I'm done with this discussion in this thread even though I am going against my word when I used lets keep the discussion out of here. PM me if you would like to discuss this further. I appreciate your insight and your thoughts on this topic fam. 
I'll leave it with this...
One bad deed can undo any amount of good you've done in your life. That's how I will view Joe Pa. I am not alone. His inaction disgusts me. His naive claims disgust me. He disgusts me. 

Of course, Sandusky disgusts me more. But that doesn't need to be discussed because it is a given. 
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by af1 1982

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

I will forever hate Penn State. I can't wait for them to come to UVa next season.

Easily the dumbest thing posted in this thread. Hate Joe Pa, hate everything he stands for, hate Sandusky and everyone involved in this horrible scandal. But hate the actual school for all this? Hate the students and faculty that had nothing to do with this? C'mon fam you're smarter than that. It's a very frustrating and angering situation for the entire country and all of humanity that something went down like this.  Don't let your emotions control your rationale.
I don't see idiots cheering and supporting a human being who allowed children to be raped under his watch on my Grounds.
Damn, the head of your school even helped to cover it up. I'm going to hate who I want to hate. Your school disgusts me. Especially the handling of the current investigation by your BOT. They have to approve and are allowed to edit a report that may directly implicate them? %*!#$$**. 
I'm with DaJoka on this one
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by cartune

I was indifferent about Paterno in this situation because I wasnt sure what he actually knew.

Then Joe Pa comes out with his side of the story saying he was told vague information and he didnt understand what was really going on. And that McQuery never told him Sandusky was "raping" anyone. McQuery admitting that he didnt tell Paterno much details because he didnt think Paterno in his age would understand.

In hindsight its easy for you couch-saints to say he should have told the FBI to launch a full investigation based on something he didnt see and didnt understand

Should he have followed up? Yes. Should he have done more? Knowing what we conveniently know now Yes.

But you bums dancing on the grave of someone who had nothing to do with the monstrous actions that allegedly occurred need to look at the ugly reflection in the mirror
Look at post #120 in this thread...I'd be curious to know your (as well as anyone else's) viewpoint after reading through that article. 

Where does it say in that article that Joe Pa had access to the police report or any knowledge of it?That article makes me disgusted with Sandyskys wife more than anything. If anyone HAD to have known of his vicious acts it was her
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by cartune

I was indifferent about Paterno in this situation because I wasnt sure what he actually knew.

Then Joe Pa comes out with his side of the story saying he was told vague information and he didnt understand what was really going on. And that McQuery never told him Sandusky was "raping" anyone. McQuery admitting that he didnt tell Paterno much details because he didnt think Paterno in his age would understand.

In hindsight its easy for you couch-saints to say he should have told the FBI to launch a full investigation based on something he didnt see and didnt understand

Should he have followed up? Yes. Should he have done more? Knowing what we conveniently know now Yes.

But you bums dancing on the grave of someone who had nothing to do with the monstrous actions that allegedly occurred need to look at the ugly reflection in the mirror
Look at post #120 in this thread...I'd be curious to know your (as well as anyone else's) viewpoint after reading through that article. 

Please, that article was all theoretics and speculation. Sandusky was already on his way out. The span of time and the proposed new coaching opportunity for Sandusky all seemed to have happened simultaneously. That's what I gather from the article. You should be asking yourself that, after an "exhaustive" 130 page police report, and after Sandusky admitted "was wrong/wished I were dead" how was this man allowed to get away, scott free back in 1998?  Why did it take 10+ years for authorities to finally nab Sandusky and form a case? 
All of this is nonobjective. The fact remains, human beings have that uncanny ability to form a thought or opinion, conclude on hypothetical grounds, and act on that false presumption and run away with it. It baffles me how people can truthfully and honestly blame Joe Paterno solely for another adults actions, when others were privy to the situation and did nothing as well.  Like, HOW does your mind allow you to think in such a way? And, here's an article about the non-action that ensued after the '98 police report:

Aftermath of 1998 Sandusky Investigation Raises Additional ...

In 1998, the Penn State campus police and local law enforcement authorities investigated an allegation that Jerry Sandusky, then a prominent coach with the university’s football team, had engaged in inappropriate and perhaps sexual conduct with a boy in the football facility’s showers.

A lengthy police report was generated, state prosecutors said. The boy was interviewed. A second potential victim was identified. Child welfare authorities were brought in. Sandusky confessed to showering with one or both of the children. The local district attorney was given material to consider prosecution.

In the end, no prosecution was undertaken. The child welfare agency did not take action. And, according to prosecutors, the commander of the university’s campus police force told his detective, Ronald Schreffler, to close the case.

“Sandusky admitted showering naked with Victim 6, admitted to hugging Victim 6 while in the shower and admitted that it was wrong,
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