RIP George Floyd

***** painting over it reminded me of Kramer painting new lanes

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Hayes, a judge since 2000, admitted in court documents to violating 10 different parts of the state’s judicial conduct code. One of the counts was a breach of a judge’s most essential duty: failing to “respect and comply with the law.”

Despite the severity of the ruling, Hayes wasn’t barred from serving as a judge. Instead, the judicial commission and Hayes reached a deal. The former Eagle Scout would serve an 11-month unpaid suspension. Then he could return to the bench.

Until he was disciplined, Hayes said in an interview with Reuters, “I never thought I was doing something wrong.”

This week, Hayes is set to retire after 20 years as a judge. In a statement to Reuters, Hayes said he was “very remorseful” for his misdeeds.

Two observations:

1: She got a lot of cooperation from the police and dude even apologized as he took her phone before "arresting" her.

2: A lot of people commenting on the video saying she's crazy. A White person being so publicly hateful is always dismissed as being mentally unstable rather than just showing their true colors.
Watch for the hook...


When 27-year-old Samantha Shader was first arrested for allegedly throwing a Molotov cocktail at police, she told detectives that the supplies—including glass bottles—were given to her by a group of Black men and women, according to federal court records.

But weeks later, on Friday, police arrested a white man who admitted to providing the materials,
29-year-old Timothy Amerman. According to court records and a Facebook page that appears to belong to Amerman, he works as a painter in Saugerties, New York. Amerman faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted of civil disorder or civil disorder conspiracy, for which he was charged in a federal complaint this week.

Shader allegedly threw the explosive at a police vehicle with four New York Police Department officers inside at 11 p.m. on May 29 during the nationwide unrest following the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd, prosecutors have said. The vehicle was damaged but the officers—who were reportedly uninjured—were able to jump out of the van and chase Shader down.

EXCLUSIVE: Woman, 27, who allegedly tossed a Molotov cocktail into a police van during New York protest is a ukulele-playing street musician who grew up in a now-abandoned mansion and has had run-ins with the law in 13 STATES for drugs, theft and assault


imagine somebody committing all these crimes and getting all of these chances and still out just chilling living their life. being white is a sweet gig.
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